A/N: There is a song to listen to for later in the chapter by 5 Seconds of Summer called "Wherever You Are". There's another note later on that tells you when to play it, do it then so you don't ruin the mood. Please and thank you. 😊
* * *
The next morning when Chanyeol woke up it wasn't because of the sound of his alarm, but Taemin yelling in his ear.
" . . . Chanyeol! You'll be late if you don't wake the fu—-"
"I'm awake!" Chanyeol gasped as he sprung upright.
Taemin rolled his eyes. "About time. Did you forget to set your alarm last night, Mr. Never Sleeps in Late? I mean, gosh, I had to make my own breakfast."
"Did you burn anything?" Chanyeol asked as he instinctively sniffed the air.
Taemin rolled his eyes and replied, "I don't think even I, who is cooking impaired, could mess up when pouring a bowl of cereal."
"Did you spill the milk?" Chanyeol asked.
"That's beside the point!" Taemin yelled. "The point is, since when do you sleep in pass eight?"
"It's pass eight!?" Chanyeol exclaimed.
"It's nearly nine!" Taemin called.
Chanyeol gasped and cursed as he sprung out of bed. "How could you let me sleep in so late!? I have a class in fifteen minutes! Damn it, Taemin!" Chanyeol yelled.
"Hey! It's not my fault you forgot to set your alarm!" Taemin yelled back.
"I never forgot!" Chanyeol yelled back. "You must have screwed it up!"
"Don't blame me for your shitty alarm clock, Chanyeol! And calm down, being tardy for the first time after always being early won't kill you!" Taemin cried.
"But it's unlike me!" Chanyeol called back.
He sighed. "What's happening . . .?" he whispered to himself. "First that man? The dream? Now this...? What's next?"
* * *
When Baekhyun woke up the next morning he was groggy and the space beside him was empty. He sat up slowly and pulled the blankets back before standing up. He began the slow shuffle to the bathroom to begin his—-
"Ow!" Baekhyun cried as he fell to the floor. He quietly cursed as he sat up and unwound the blanket from his ankle. He glared at it before continuing his way to the bathroom for his pre-school morning ritual.
Once he finished in the bathroom, he moved on to get a quick bowl of cereal. He was quietly eating it at the table when he happened to glance up at his clock. He frowned and blinked his eyes before staring once more at the clock.
"It's . . . How can it be . . ." Baekhyun trailed off as he cursed. "Damn it! I'm fucking late!" he yelled as he shoved away from the table —- leaving his unfinished food —- as he quickly grabbed his backpack before running out the door. He cursed his stupid alarm clock for being so stupid as he ran to the bus station.
* * *
"Sorry, Chanyeol, you're an excellent student but I can't show favoritism when you come late to my class," Mr. Blake said.
Chanyeol sighed. "Thanks, anyway," he muttered as he turned away. He sighed again as he trudged with heavy steps to the court yard, settling beside a tree and closing his eyes.
He couldn't believe his luck.
* * *
"I'm sorry, Mr. Byun, but school policy states that after the classroom doors have closed I need to turn away any late students. I'm sorry, but I can't let you into my classroom," Ms. Kim said.
Baekhyun sighed. "Alright. Thanks, anyway . . ." he mumbled as he turned away. He sighed again as he wondered down the hallway.
"Where do I go now?" he whispered.
The temperature was fickle and couldn't decide if it wanted to be warm or cold, luckily for two unfortunate students mother nature had decided to give them a break as a warm and gentle breeze blew through the count yard. The fallen leaves danced inches above the ground as one of them slept and the other softly sang, thinking he was alone.
He had just woken from a dream, the images where bright as day in his mind and the song as clear as a bell. So he sang. (A/N: The song is up top for you to listen as you read. Warning: Will cause tears.)
For a while we pretended
That we never had to end it
But we knew we'd have to say goodbye
You were crying at the airport
When they finally closed the plane door
I could barely hold it all inside
Torn in two and I know shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of
You, wherever you are
You, wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are
I could fly a thousand oceans
But there's nothing that compares to what we had
And so I'll walk alone
I wish I didn't have to be gone
Maybe you've already moved on
But the truth is I don't want to know
As Chanyeol's voice rang loud and clear in the count yard, the familiar baritone of his voice pulled Baekhyun from his sleep. He was groggy and confused as he silently sat beneath a tree, wondering what had woken him when he heard a familiar voice singing a familiar song. His breath caught as he hurriedly got to his feet, his eyes flying around the vast space until he saw him.
Baekhyun's heart stopped and he slowly sunk back to his knees as his beautiful voice filled the air. Baekhyun dreamed of this nearly every night now; seeing him; hearing him; touching him;....loving him. He felt tears run down his cheeks as his strong voice filled the air. Even the birds had grown quiet, as if knowing how special the moment was to Baekhyun and not wanting to dare disturb it.
Torn in two and I know shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of
You, wherever you are
You, wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are
You can say we'll be together some day
Nothing lasts forever
Nothing stays the same
So why can't I stop feeling this way?
Torn in two and I know shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of
You, wherever you are
You, wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are
Chanyeol felt tears running down his cheeks as the song came to an end. His new dream had been too real; it cut too deeply. He quietly sobbed, hiccuping as his tears came faster.
He felt so weak. How could a mere dream leave him feeling so broken and ripped apart? How—-
"Chanyeol?" whispered a soft voice Chanyeol's only ever heard in his dreams.
His eyes slowly opened, and it was like he was seeing the sun for the first time as he softly whispered, "It's you . . ."
Word count: 1,163
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: 😱😱
Is it finally happening!? *dies*
Quick question, did anyone notice a similarity? Foreshadowing, perhaps? Remember how in book one in the first chapter, Baekhyun got tangled in his blanket? Hehe. It signifies the beginning . . .
So that in mind, what do you guys think will happen next? 😊 Leave your ideas, and please, don't forget to vote. Thank you!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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