Six Months Later
Baekhyun sighed and squeezed his eyes shut against the constant little kicking in his womb, and rubbed his swollen belly as he softly murmured, "Hush, babies. Please, sleep for Mommy, I'm very tired."
Baekhyun's voice seemed to soothe them, since moments after he spoke, they began to settle down and the kicking stopped. Baekhyun sighed with relief as he continued to rub his belly. He was very exhausted and uncomfortable, and knew any day now he could go into labor, he just hoped his husband would be home from work when it happened.
Later that same night, he was sleeping on his side, cuddled as close as he could get into Chanyeol's arms. He had been sleeping soundly when he felt a violent kick to his bladder, and he moaned as he rolled over onto his back. He laid absolutely still for a moment, waiting to see if they would start up again, when it seemed like they had fallen back to sleep he scooted closer to Chanyeol again.
He had nearly fallen back to sleep when there was another, more painful kick that had him gasping and bolting up with a whimper. He jostled Chanyeol from his sleep with his sudden movement, and he peeked one eye open as he sleepily mumbled, "You okay? How are the babies, are they awake?"
Baekhyun nodded and rolled into Chanyeol's arms as he whispered, "They're kicking and it
Baekhyun was cut off by another kick that had him crying out from the pain, Chanyeol gasped and quickly sat up as he cried, "Shit! I felt that one!"
Baekhyun gasped and took steady breaths between his words as he said, "Chanyeol, we need to go . . . go to the . . . hospital, they're....they're coming." Baekhyun gasped when they kicked again.
Chanyeol gasped too and jumped out of bed as he rushed to turn on the light. He grab his phone and checked the time before asking, "Did your water break yet?"
Baekhyun grimaced and gasped, "I–-I don't know, just . . . help me up, please?"
Chanyeol nodded as he carefully helped Baekhyun off the bed, and the moment he was on his feet and gravity had the opportunity to touch his upright body, a wetness pulled between his thighs before trickling down his leg. He touched the liquid, making sure it was what he believed it to be, and sighing when it was.
"My water just bro—- Ahhh!" Baekhyun cried as yet another sharp pain seized him, except this time it wasn't his babies. "That was a....contraction!" Baekhyun gasped.
"Starting the clock!" Chanyeol said as he rushed to the closet to grab Baekhyun's coat and the already packed baby bag. He pulled his own coat on before helping Baekhyun with his, and then he shouldered the baby bag and grabbed Baekhyun's hand to help him walk. When his next contraction hit though, Baekhyun doubled over and couldn't walk, so Chanyeol decided it would be better and easier to carry him to the car. After getting their shoes and safely placing Baekhyun in the passenger seat and buckling him up, they were on their way to the hospital.
Chanyeol called the family when they arrived, and watched with an ache in his chest as the nurse wheeled Baekhyun away and insisted he stay in the waiting room.
It didn't take too long for Baekhyun's parents to arrive, and then Daehyun and Youngjae showed up, then Sehun and Luhan arrived who were followed soon after by Yoora, Taemin, and Chanyeol's father. Mrs. Byun rushed towards Chanyeol when she saw him, and in an excited tone she asked, "How long ago did he go into labor?"
"About half an hour ago," Chanyeol said.
Mrs. Byun nodded and muttered, "I wonder how much longer it'll take . . .?"
Chanyeol smiled and gestured to a chair as he said, "Will you sit with me while we wait?"
Mrs. Byun smiled and nodded as she said, "Of course, Chanyeol."
Time didn't seem to exist as Chanyeol waited for news from the doctor or a nurse, and after what felt like countless hours of waiting, Chanyeol spotted the doctor as he walked out of a set of double doors. Chanyeol's spine straightened and he was instantly alert.
"Which of you is Mr. Park Chanyeol?" the doctor asked once he had approached.
Chanyeol rose unsteady to his feet, his legs numb from sitting for so long. "I'm Park Chanyeol," he said.
The doctor smiled. "Your husband's surgery went well, there were no complications and the twins are health. They have been set up in your husband's room, but his anesthetic hasn't worn off yet."
"Can I see them?" Chanyeol asked.
The doctor nodded with another small smile as he gently replied, "Of course, you can, Mr. Park. I'll have a nurse show you to your husband's room."
"Thank you so much," Chanyeol said with a wide smile and a bow; the doctor smiled once more and bowed too before leaving to attend to his other patients. Chanyeol exhaled a breath of relief he had been holding since the moment Baekhyun had been wheeled off to surgery, and he turned to his family as he said, "If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone with Baekhyun and the babies, just until he wakes up . . ."
Mrs. Byun smiled through her tears as she said, "Of course, sweetheart, we'll wait here."
Chanyeol smiled thinly. "Thank you," he muttered before leaving with a nurse who'd show him to Baekhyun's room.
When they reached Baekhyun's room, Chanyeol thanked her and she bowed with a thin smile before walking away. Chanyeol inhaled a deep breath, his stomach fluttery with nerves as he turned the door handle and walked into the room. Baekhyun was sleeping peacefully in his bed, the blanket wrapped around his waist.
Chanyeol's eyes caught on Baekhyun's flat stomach, and he felt almost sad seeing it that way, knowing his husband no longer carried his babies. But then a much bigger part of him was excited because finally he'd get to hold them for the first time.
He was quiet as he walked to the hospital bassinet that had been placed beside Baekhyun's bed, and gently sat down so not to wake Baekhyun as he reached inside the bassinet to pick up one of the twins. Chanyeol smiled lovingly and carefully fixed her pink hat, and kissed her forehead before he softly muttered, "Hey, my sweet baby girl. Welcome to the family, Ae-jeong." Chanyeol kissed her again before placing her down to pick up her brother. Chanyeol grinned and gently squeezed his son's foot as he lightly joked, "Wow, Eun-jae, you feel heavier than your sister...."
"Stop teasing our son, Chanyeol," came Baekhyun's sudden weak and hoarse voice.
Chanyeol's eyes snapped up to Baekhyun, and his face softened as he whispered, "Hey, Baekkie, we made some very beautiful children."
Baekhyun smiled and tried sitting up, only to grimace at the dull ache in his abdomen. He sighed as he patted the spot beside him, and whispered, "Bring them here, I want to see them."
Chanyeol nodded, and held Eun-jae out to Baekhyun before reaching into the bassinet for Ae-jeong. Baekhyun held his son close and cooed at him, his face alight with joy. "They're beautiful," Baekhyun whispered as he gently stroked Ae-jeong's cheek before nuzzling his nose in Eun-jae neck, and getting a whiff of new baby smell. Baekhyun giggled to himself and leaned his head on Chanyeol's shoulder with a sigh. "They're perfect . . ." he whispered.
Chanyeol smiled. "They're so perfect . . ."
Baekhyun smiled too and whispered, "I love you."
"I love you more," Chanyeol replied before tenderly kissing Baekhyun's forehead.
They stayed that way for hours, both of them holding their babies and switching them back and forth between them. They were so incredibly happy and a calm peace had settled over them, it was warm and light and soft, and they just knew their lives were going to be full of happiness and peace and love. They had gone through so much heartache in the past, and now finally, they were getting their peace; and they couldn't imagine their lives any other way.
The End.
Word count: 1,368
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