Bonus Chapter: One.
The house was loud with the sound of children's laughter, and the far off yells of a reprimanding parent. Baekhyun finished putting the last touches on his twins birthday cake before washing his hands and going to search for his children. They were turning three the next day and had woken up bursting with energy too overwhelming to tame, and Baekhyun had tasked Chanyeol with the job of subduing their little birds. But by the yells and shouts coming from the living room, Baekhyun knew his husband was severely outmatched.
Baekhyun made his way into the living room and laughed at the chaos that greeted him. Chanyeol was being overpowered by their children, who had him buried beneath a mountain of pillows and blankets and little bodies.
Baekhyun covered his mouth to stop a laugh as he quietly pulled out his phone to snap a picture, forgetting he had his flash on. His children's heads snapped around to look at him, big and bright smiles lighting up their faces as they collectively cried, "Mommy!"
Baekhyun pocketed his phone just in time for his children to run into his arms, nearly knocked him backwards onto the floor. As the kids were distracted, Chanyeol bursted out of his blanket and pillow prison with a loud cry.
Eun-jae looked at him before crying, "Princess Ae-jeong, the monster has escaped!"
Ae-jeong glanced at her brother before looking at Chanyeol, then she raised her fists as she yelled, "Get the monster!"
She charged at Chanyeol as Eun-jae tugged on Baekhyun's shirt as he asked, "Mommy, please, help us catch the monster?"
Baekhyun smiled down at his baby before meeting Chanyeol's betrayed gaze as he said, "Sorry, hon, but this is for our children," as he grabbed a pillow and brought it down over Chanyeol.
Chanyeol cried and tried swatting it away, but failed as the twins took their opportunity to jump on Chanyeol and rebury him beneath the blankets. Chanyeol's cries were muffled as Baekhyun laughed and Ae-jeong cheered, "The monster has been captured!"
Baekhyun giggled and grabbed Ae-jeong waist, pulling her close to softly say, "Would the brave Princess Ae-jeong want a sandwich and cookie for capturing the monster?"
Ae-jeong's eyes lit up at the mention of a cookie, and she jumped forward, grabbing her brother's hand as she exclaimed, "Eun-jae, race you to the kitchen!"
Eun-jae jumped to his feet too and shoved his sister over to get a head start as he cried, "I'll beat you!"
Ae-jeong huffed as she stood back up and chased after her brother as she yelled, "Cheater, cheater!"
Baekhyun chuckled and yelled after them, telling them to be careful, then with a grin he turned to his husband as he began to pull away the blankets and pillows to reveal his face. Baekhyun laughed at his messy hair and lifted his hand to thread through it, putting it more or less back into place, then he smiled as he asked, "Did they wear you out?"
Baekhyun giggled and leaned forward to kiss his cheek, but at the last second Chanyeol turned his head and their lips met instead. Baekhyun grinned against his mouth as he kissed him, scooting closer as he thread his fingers through his hair, further messing it up. Chanyeol's arms came up and wound around his waist as he pulled him closer, until Baekhyun was nearly straddling his lap. Their kiss deepened and Chanyeol's hands slide down along Baekhyun's waist to cup his butt, their need to kiss and feel each others skin intensified as their kiss deepened, and without even realizing it Chanyeol had flipped Baekhyun over onto his back as his hands inched beneath his shirt and slide up to touch his nip—-
"Daddy, why are you tickling Mommy?" Eun-jae's sweet voice asked from behind them.
Chanyeol instantly rolled off Baekhyun, who gasped and began to tug his shirt back down as Chanyeol played off their 'tickling' with a laugh. He smiled and ushered to his kids, who both happily ran into his arms with giggles. Chanyeol smiled as he hugged them close and kissed both of their foreheads before softly murmuring, "Let's go make you guys some sandwiches."
The twins smiled before jumping to their feet, waiting this time for their parents to come with them. Chanyeol stood up first before reaching down to grab Baekhyun's hand and helping him to his feet. Baekhyun smiled as he stood up, and kept ahold of Chanyeol's hand as they walked to the kitchen.
"Do you want PB and J sandwiches or ham and cheese?" Baekhyun asked as he pulled out the bread.
"Ham and cheese!" Eun-jae cheered.
"No, PB and J!" Ae-jeong cried.
Baekhyun playfully rolled his eyes before saying, "Okay, Eun-jae you get ham and cheese, Ae-jeong you get PB and J. How does that sound, good?" Both of them smiled and nodded in reply.
Chanyeol smiled at them too and kissed each of their foreheads before pulling out all the needed ingredients to help Baekhyun make the twin's sandwiches, then once they had both eaten Baekhyun pulled out the cookie jar and gave them each one cookie. They happily eat them before running to play somewhere in the house.
Baekhyun sighed and cleaned up the mess as Chanyeol washed the few dishes left in the sink from earlier. "It's movie night," Chanyeol muttered as he rinsed off a clean plate before placing it in the dish rake to dry.
Baekhyun nodded as he wiped the excess water off the dishes before putting them away in the cabinets and drawers. "I know," he replied with a small smile. "I also know Eun-jae will start a fight with Ae-jeong because he'll want to watch something different than her."
Chanyeol nodded and laughed as he muttered, "Of course, he will."
Baekhyun laughed too, and then they were moving on to find their children and herding them to the living room couch for movie night. It took a good ten minutes for the twins to finally agree on something they both wanted to watch, and then the opening credits began to play and Chanyeol and Baekhyun both sat in the middle of the couch with a twin laying on their other sides. A blanket was thrown over them all, and then they were comfortably settled in to watch the hour and a half movie.
Nearly an hour into the movie both of the twins had began to nod off, and even the cute dragons of DreamWorks was unable to hold their attention. Chanyeol stopped the movie and carefully picked them both up, juggling them both in his arms to take them up to bed.
When he came back downstairs into the living room, Baekhyun was folding the blanket and laying it over the back of the couch. Chanyeol smiled softly as he quietly crept up behind him and wound his arms around Baekhyun's waist, causing him to gasp in surprise.
Chanyeol sighed and nuzzled his nose into Baekhyun's neck, and softly kissed him before murmuring, "Are you ready for bed?"
Baekhyun smiled and twisted around in Chanyeol's arms, his hands going up around his neck as he softly replied, "Yes, but I wish we could freeze time.... Our babies are going to be three years old tomorrow, Chanyeol. They're growing up too fast."
Chanyeol softly smiled and kissed Baekhyun's forehead before quietly replying, "I know, and before we know it Ae-jeong will be dating and we'll have to teach Eun-jae how to sweet talk the ladies."
Baekhyun quietly laughed at that and playfully hit Chanyeol's shoulder as he hushedly said, "I'll leave that one to you, I have no experience in that department."
Chanyeol chuckled too and teasedly replied, "I am the better sweet talker, aren't I?"
Baekhyun giggled. "You sure are, you have no idea how many times you woo me in a single day," Baekhyun said with a smile.
Chanyeol smiled too and kissed the hollow below Baekhyun's ear, and his lips brushed over the crest of his ear as he whispered, "Do I really woo you every day?"
Baekhyun playfully rolled his eyes before replying, "See, you do it so much you don't even realize anymore!"
Chanyeol threw his head back with a soft laugh and tightened his arms around Baekhyun's petite frame as he kissed the crown of his head. "I love you, baby," he whispered.
Baekhyun sighed and laid his head on Chanyeol's shoulder as he softly replied, "I love you too."
Word count: 1,433
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