-_Tubbo & Ranboo_-
"Ranboo?!" Tubbo shouted as he rushed around his room nearly in a panic, throwing things into his now empty ender chest. Health pots, regen, old fashioned bandages and medicines. Even his weapons and anything else that might be useful for a possible rescue mission.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm right here!" Ranboo answered, walking around the corner with Micheal on his hip. He carefully ducked through the doorway and rushed to his husband's side, he passed Tubbo a couple golden apples from his own inventory. Tubbo wrapped them in a cloth before adding them to his ender chest. Tubbo hurried over to his armor stand and began to suit up, one of the straps on his chest plate got stuck and he almost screamed in frustration as he tugged at it angrily. Ranboo hurried and put Micheal down in his playpen. The young piglin was gnawing on a chunk of magma rock (he was teething) and watching his Dads curiously with one bright eye. The other was bandaged as his zombism healed. Ranboo quickly went over to Tubbo and shooed away his shaking hands. Tubbo huffed and let Ranboo fix his chest plate in heavy silence.
"Hey. Breathe. I'm sure he's fine." Ranboo said as Tubbo whirled back to the stand grabbing his forearm guards.
"He died, Ranboo! He was killed by someone or something. I knew I shouldn't have just let him walk away like that. I should have gone with him, or followed him or something. And now-"
"Tubbo. Calm down." Ranboo said, putting his hands on Tubbo's shoulders. The smaller boy looked close to tears, and was shaking. "Just wait okay? I'm sure Techno and Phil are on their way, they're gonna want to come with you. And just give me some time to find Quackity, I'm sure he'd love to watch his grandson for a while so I can come with you too. We need a day or two, at most, to get everyone together and make a plan. Then we can go find him."
Tubbo sighed and leaned forward, thumping his forehead against Ranboo's chest. Ranboo slouched over so he could hug his friend.
"You're right, yeah. We gotta wait. But I don't want to!" Tubbo whined, voice muffled. "I haven't been there for him like I should, and I want to do better. He's still my Tommy ya know?"
"I do. And you're still his Tubbo. We'll find him, and we'll bring him home too."
-_Techno & Philza_-
"Techno calm down." Phil said evenly from the doorway. The piglin was a whirl of red and pink as he hurried back and forth from his beakers to his chests to his crafting table. He was brewing enough potions to fight an army, crafting Gapples, and repairing his weapons.
"No time to be calm Philza! I still need to go to the spider spawner to repair my armor."
"No, what we need to do is meet the others at the community house. We need a plan and a search party. We don't even know where Tommy is." Philza pleaded, stepping into the room. Techno just easily stepped around him. Philza was just as worried about To my as Techno was, but rushing around like headless chickens wouldn't get them very far.
"Okay you do that, Philza. I'm going to the spawner, then I'm going to Snowchester and Tubbo is going to tell me where Tommy went. While you guys come up with a plan, I'm going after Tommy."
Philza sighed, this was not a fight he could win. He went over to the far wall and pulled down Techno's elytra. The warrior wasn't all that graceful is the sky so he didn't use them often. He mostly just had them for show.
"Fine, but Tommy fell from somewhere. So you should take these. And you should see if Tubbo has Tommy's."
Techno hesitated but took the gliders, storing them in his inventory.
"He got pushed, Phil. And I'm gonna kill the person who did it."
-_Sapnap & Karl & Quackity_-
"Are you gonna go?" Karl asked. Sapnap didn't answer right away. He was sitting in their room on their bed, with his axe across his lap. His armor was freshly shined and repaired, displayed and at the ready.
"Thinkin' about it." Sapnap answered, his eyes were guilty when he glanced up at Karl. "I know we promised to not leave anymore-"
"Alex and I promised to not leave you anymore. Besides, this is different. I know you care about Tommy. And I know Quackity is gonna beg you to go and look after Tubbo." Karl chuckled, he leaned his stomach against Sap's shoulder so he could try and detangle some of his hair. Sap melted into him, wrapping an arm around his waist and tugging him closer.
"What if something happens with you while I'm gone? What if they wake up and I'm not here?"
Karl still wasn't in complete control of his powers. It was less often, but he still was still dragged through time against his will on occasion. And of course Sap was worried about his parents. Bad, Skeppy, and Ant hadn't woken up yet. They were all still recovering from the Egg.
"I'll stay here, keep you updated on them and on me. I know you really want to be there when they wake up. I'm sure you won't be gone long. Tommy can't be far."
"He's been gone for like a week, Karl. He could be anywhere!"
"And you'll find him." Karl said with a smile, he took the axe from Sap and tossed it onto the bed. He moved to crouch in front of Sap and reached up to cup his face. "Get George to come! Try to have fun with it. I know it won't be the same without Bad, Ant and- well, I- I know it won't be the same. But you guys are good hunters. So is Tubbo. And you know that boy will do anything for his best friend."
Sapnap nodded, he sighed and closed his eyes. He let himself slump forward until his forehead was pressed against Karl's.
"I love you." Sapnap whispered, making Karl grin and giggle.
"I know. I am pretty great." Karl's smugness was gone in an instant as Sapnap tackled him to the ground and attacked his sides. Karl's shrieking and laughing had Quackity rushing in. Karl begged for rescue, but Quackity just sat on the bed and laughed at them. At least until Karl whispered something in Sapnap's ear.
With matching grins the two were dragging Quackity onto the floor with them and covering him in kisses. Quackity protested loudly, all while sinking into their arms without an ounce of fight. It was nice to stay home sometimes.
Hullo! I hope you all are doing well. This chapter took forever because I was struggling to plan the rescue party, and trying to pull a entire plot out of my ass. I hope I'm doing okay (TvT)
Before y'all ask about Sam, or Puffy or anybody else, I split this chapter into two parts. These are the people who want to help Tommy/ fight whatever killed him.
Part two of this is going to be about all the people who may have ulterior motives, to just helping Tommy. That or their reactions or suspicious in some way. I'll try to update soon. I may have to plan the breaking of an engagement, idk yet. We'll see 👀
(Oh Clay, honey! I'm just checking in to make sure you ate today, I know you reading this. Now go drink some water, and remember that I love you, my precious son! 💙🤍💜🤍🖤)
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