What the heck have I gotten myself into?
Water spirits, mostly in the form of human women, most known in Greek mythology. They live in bodies of fresh water, including lakes, springs, brooks, fountains, and the like. The unparalleled beauty of these beings has many a time proven fatal. If you should come across one, avoid them.
"Of course!" My father cries, after I inform him of the invitation. "Charlie's an amazing boy...very kind, but smart. I think you'll get on well together." I pause, ever so slightly, then carry on with my very important, life-or-death task of making simple sandwiches(I don't have cooking skills past boiling Kraft Dinner and making toast, nor do I want to) and putting them in individual Ziploc baggies. "I'll be gone at like, 6:00." I say, finishing. "That's fine. Just, be back by, hmm...let's say 12:00. I don't want to set a strict boundary, but I would like you back by then. My parents never set a curfew with me, and that led to some...unwise choices." He instructs. "I lock the door at 10:30, but there's a spare key under the second step's floorboard." "Second step's floorboard, lock at 10:30, back by 12:00 at the latest." I recite, showing I payed attention. "Good. Most important, have fun."
Fast forward to about 45 minutes later, where I'm headed off with my little plate of bagged sandwiches, approaching the little path leading to the beach. It's in between two ledges, making it feel like a miniature canyon to walk through. I find Charlie waiting for me at the end, holding an unused box of soda(It's Orange Crush, one of the most GODLY flavors of soda ever to exist, heck anyone who says otherwise) and a plate of what smells to be macaroni salad. "Glad to see you came...you didn't bring any chaperones, right?" He asks, grinning slyly. "No, he's at home." I assure him. "Great! Now, you ready to meet the gang?" I take a deep breath. "Sure."
We walk for a few minutes, the wind whistling through our ears and blowing my hair into my face. Charlie seems to completely and utterly enjoy it, breathing deeply and turning his face to the wind every so often. We start to hear voices ahead, and once we pass a boulder, I see them.
There's three of them, all in a group, engaged in some strange game of tag.
I'm surprised to see that one of them is clearly no older than 14, a little girl with dark skin and fluffy, curly hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her shirt is a dark purple, she wears flip-flops, and the brightest grin I've ever seen on a child splits across her face. She is also the first to spot me; her dark eyes dart everywhere, full of restless, untamed energy. "Charlie! Who's this?" She asks, drawing the other two's attention. "This is-HOPEFULLY-(he glances at me) a new friend. Everyone, meet Bella Grace. She's starting school with us this year. Bella, this is Enkai Fells. She moved here about 5 months ago." He explains. I nod in greeting. The only other girl here, with tanned dark skin, cobalt eyes, and shoulder-length, curled-slightly-at-the-tips dark brown hair, with little dark blonde hints in a few places, nods back at me. "Marion Alba." She says, uncrossing her arms. "She's a little stoic at first, but she'll warm up to you." Charlie assures me, and the girl turns to the boy beside her. The first thing I think of when I see him, is that he looks like he belongs in one of those 'Big, strong guy but with a nervous, shy and kind heart' roles in a movie. He's taller than everyone, even Charlie, with short blonde hair fashioned into a mullet(weren't those NOT popular?? I dunno, but he had one either way) and quiet grey eyes. He wears a plaid, collared shirt, and jeans, then simple black shoes. "Jason Sullick." He says, offering a hand to me. When I take it, I notice he struggles to squeeze it, and his hand shakes a little when he tries. "What happened to your hand?" I inquire, turning it so I can see his palm. There's a scar on it, a big one. "I uh, I was swimming, and something bit me. I don't know for sure. Anyway, it was irreparably damaged, meaning I can't open or close my hand fully, I struggle to use a pencil or a computer, and it hurts every now and then." He sighs. "Oh." I feel a little bad for him, that really sucks. "But you're one hell of a runner." Charlie lightly punches his shoulder, and they share a smile. "All right! Now that we're all introduced, should we get this started?" The others give cheers of agreement, and thus it begins. A blanket is laid out, the food (My sandwiches, Charlie's pop and macaroni salad, Jason's chicken wings, and Marion and Enkai's cookies) are laid out, a pop given to each. "So, Bella," Jason starts, turning to me. "Where'd you come from?" I set down my wing. "I came from Oxford. I was living there with my mother, until she...died." When I finish, Enkai makes a mournful sound. "Oh no! What happened to her?" She wonders. "A car accident...somehow the truck in front of her lost the car it was carrying, and it killed her." I explain. Charlie pats my shoulder sympathetically. "I lost my brother about four years ago...fishing accident." Marion says. "I'm so sorry." I tell her, but she shrugs. "Can't keep 'em all, I guess." A sad silence falls over the group, and we remain that way for a few minutes. "Um...why don't we-why don't we talk about our interests?" Jason offers, breaking the silence. "Well since you suggested it, why don'tcha go first, Slick?" Charlie agrees. I blink. "'Slick'?" I echo, amused. "His last name sounds like the word slick, so we kept it." Enkai replies with a giggle. Interesting. "Well, let's get it over with...I like swimming, I like reading books, I USED to play football, but I can't anymore, and I'm good at math." Jason tells me, and nods at Marion as he takes a sip of his Crush. "If I must." She sighs. "I like the water, and everything that inhabits them. I especially enjoy history, and I am good with a paintbrush." I nod. "I like to draw, too." I admit. "And?" Charlie presses, clearly enjoying his time here. "...I like science. And old folk's tales and legends, mythical creatures, stuff like that. I love the movie Interstellar, and I think the soundtrack was amazing." Enkai claps. "Yay, Bella!" She cheers, although why, I don't exactly know. "Well, I love the sea, I love art, I love animals, but I love dogs most!" She declares. I decide then and there that I think she's ADHD. I'm not quite sure, but she gives the vibe. "And then there was one." Charlie announces. "I like the wind, I'm a fan of fishing, as well as rock-climbing and being with my friends." Enkai promptly tackles him in a hug. "Me too!" She agrees. "I know. Now, who want to do a rock-skipping competition?" Jason and Marion raise their hands, and Enkai jumps up, suddenly enveloped in the task of finding a good skipping stone. "Jase, you and me up first, yeah?" The boy nods, and the two of them get ready, Enkai cheering them on so loud she could probably drown out the wind.
I take a moment to observe the four as a group. They're a group of individuals so different, yet so similar that I can't help but feel drawn to them.
Ah, screw it.
Who needs to be alone, anyway?
What's the worst that could happen with making a few friends?
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