Dangerous Experience
It is currently 8:30 am and Wellington is lying awake in bed. Slowly getting out of bed and putting on his jet black boots. He then calmly walks over to the door and gently opens it.
He exits the room and notices that Clementine is not in the kitchen or the lounge area.
*Wellington in thought*
Where is she?
Please don't tell me that I'm alone...
I have barely survived a day in this war torn world...
I don't know what to do.
Everything is weird.
Calm down, Arthur...Everything is alright.
Wellington awkwardly looks around the room trying to figure out what to do. Suddenly he notices a violin in the corner of the room.
Calmly walking over to the violin he gently picks it up and silently stares at it for a couple of minutes. Then he starts playing a soft and peaceful tune.
A few minutes later, Clementine enters the room and cheerfully smiles at him. She then starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Clementine: I didn't know that you could play the violin Arthur.
Wellington stops playing and awkwardly stares at Clementine. Then he starts speaking in a calm and slightly awkward voice.
Wellington: I haven't really played the violin in over 100 years...
Clementine: I see.
Wellington: War and other duties got in the way. I was seen as the awkward child in my family. Basically, I didn't want to talk to anyone but family. My mother wanted me to get a job and have a good life. I thought that having a talent would please her.
Clementine: I see. Well, I won't judge you for it. My sister is learning to play the guitar and well all I can say is that there is room for improvement. But I don't judge her for it.
Wellington: I didn't wake you up did I?
Clementine: No I was already awake Arthur.
Wellington: I'm glad that I didn't wake you. I just know that some people don't like being disturbed.
Clementine: I'm use to dealing with a lot of noise. Especially when I have to go do my job in London and well you sometimes have to deal with air raids.
Wellington stares at Clementine with a look of confusion on his face. Clementine starts speaking in a calm voice.
Clementine: Why are you giving me that look?
Wellington: What do you do exactly?
Clementine: I'm training to be a nurse.
Wellington: What does a nurse do?
Clementine: We do similar things to a doctor.
Wellington: So a nurse is basically a doctor who is a woman?
Clementine: Yes.
Wellington: Interesting I thought that a woman wouldn't want to do that kind of job. I have seen what happens in war and the things that doctors have had to do it's difficult to describe I don't know what to say.
Clementine: Well, I know what you mean. It can be unpleasant at times but it's better to deal with the unpleasantness than let someone die.
Clementine cheerfully walks into the kitchen area and starts preparing some more porridge. Wellington starts playing a different tune that is calming.
Suddenly he feels some tears gently streaming down his face. Due to how beautiful the music is. A few minutes later, Clementine walks over with a bowl of warm porridge.
Then she notices that Wellington is crying a little bit. Clementine starts speaking in a calm yet slightly concerned voice.
Clementine: Arthur are you alright?
Wellington: I'm fine. Just remembering the good things I did before the war. I'm not upset these are tears of joy.
Clementine: I see.
Wellington: This is odd I've never cried out of joy before. I've normally cried out of anger or sadness.
Clementine: Well I'm glad that you are happy.
Wellington stops playing and he gently puts the violin down. Then he gently wipes his tears away. He gently grabs the warm bowl of porridge and awkwardly stares at it.
Clementine sighs noticing his awkwardness. She then starts speaking in a calm voice.
Clementine: Stop being so fussy Arthur.
Wellington: Is this all you eat for breakfast?
Clementine: Yes. The food isn't cheap Arthur. We also have to ration the food. I'm assuming that you were use to buying all the expensive things? Is that why you are so fussy?
Wellington: I'm not being fussy at all. I'm just not use to this. Maybe this country shouldn't have joined in with this global conflict then there wouldn't be any problems!
Clementine: Arthur calm down.
Wellington's eyes change to a fiery crimson due to his frustration and stress. Clementine gently puts her hand on his shoulder and she starts speaking in a calm and soothing voice.
Clementine: Arthur listen to me. I understand that you somehow ending up in the future with these powers is probably stressful and scary. But Im here for you alright.
Wellington: I know that I don't seem scared but I am. I'm afraid that someone other than you might find out what I am.
Clementine: I won't tell anyone about your powers Arthur I promise you that.
Wellington: I'm worried that they will think Im some sort of monster.
Clementine: You are not a monster Arthur. Don't call yourself that.
Tears start slowly streaming down Wellington's face. He starts speaking in an anxious and upset tone.
Wellington: I'm not a normal person. I'm barely a human anymore.
Clementine: You are still human Arthur. You are just different and that's alright.
Wellington: I just want to be normal.
Clementine: What do you mean Arthur?
Wellington: I don't want to have these powers. I don't want them.
Wellington walks off and enters his room and slams the door behind himself. Then he sits down on the bed and puts the bowl of porridge on the bedside table.
Gently taking his boots off he then gets into bed. Throwing the blankets over himself he then curls up and starts to quietly sob.
An hour later Wellington has started to calm down. But he is still crying a little bit. Suddenly he hears the door open along with a soothing voice.
Clementine: Arthur are you alright?
Wellington: No Im not alright. Im hurting. I just want to cry.
Clementine: Arthur I understand that you don't want these powers. But it seems that it's just going to be something you are going to have to live with.
Wellington: I don't think I will cope with having to do such bad things. I don't want to have to deal with needing to have such an unnatural food source.
Clementine: I understand that you feel this way, Arthur.
Wellington: When I require blood I get this weird urge to just bite someone. The urge is not natural.
Clementine: I understand Arthur.
Wellington: Then when I do bite someone and drink their blood. I get this satisfaction that isn't normal.
Clementine: I understand.
Suddenly Clementine gently lifts the blankets up and she stares at Arthur. His face is covered in tear stains and more tears are streaming down his face. Wellington continues speaking in an upset tone.
Wellington: Even me being somehow alive in this world again is not normal. I shouldn't be here. It's almost been 100 years since my death.
Clementine: What will calm you down Arthur?
Wellington: I don't know. I don't know what to do in this world. It's changed a lot.
Clementine: What did you normally do Arthur?
Wellington silently stares at Clementine as she gently wipes his tears away. Wellington then starts speaking in a calm voice that has a hint of sadness to it.
Wellington: I spent my time with my wife and my children when I could. But I feel that I didn't spend enough time with my wife. I lost her too early.
Clementine: Family is important and I understand that you lost your wife too early.
Wellington: I wish I could have spent more time with her. Instead of having to go to war. But even though I'm alive again I can't change that.
Clementine: I understand that Arthur. What else makes you happy?
Wellington: I use to walk around London with my family. We would go to the harbour. But it seems even London itself isn't safe anymore. Some criminal scum tried to get money off me.
Clementine: I see. I'm assuming that I don't want to know what you did to this person.
Wellington: I didn't kill them I spared him. I'm not interested in murdering someone.
Clementine: Thats good I guess.
Wellington quietly sighs to himself. Then he gently grabs the blankets and throws them over himself. Clementine tries to pull the blankets back off him. But Wellington continues holding firmly onto the blankets. Clementine starts speaking in a calm voice.
Clementine: Arthur I want to help you feel better.
Wellington: How am I meant to feel better? When I can't even do anything I use to do.
Clementine: Arthur we can go to London. We can still do something that you enjoyed doing.
Wellington: It won't be the same.
Clementine: I understand that it won't be the same, Arthur. But it still might cheer you up a bit.
Wellington: Fine. I will come with you.
Clementine: Besides it might help you understand this modern London that you are in.
Wellington: Well, I don't want to get lost.
Clementine: We won't get lost. Now get out of bed Arthur.
Wellington sighs out of slight annoyance. Then he reluctantly gets out of bed and awkwardly stares at Clementine. Clementine starts speaking in a calm and comforting voice.
Clementine: Arthur I understand if you are nervous.
Wellington: I'm sorry for letting my emotions out like that. I'm not normally this emotional.
Clementine: It's alright Arthur. I understand why you reacted in that way you are nervous and afraid of being in this world.
Wellington: I'm still sorry for reacting like that.
Clementine gently hugs Wellington and she continues speaking in a calm and comforting voice.
Clementine: Arthur. I understand that you are sorry and I forgive you.
Wellington: Thank you, Clementine.
Clementine: Remember that I am here for you Arthur if you need anything.
Wellington: I understand.
Clementine: Let's go walk around London shall we?
Wellington: Yes.
Clementine let's go of Wellington and they both calmly exit the room. Clementine opens the front door of the house and she happily exits the house. Wellington calmly follows her and gently closes the door behind him.
Clementine begins cheerfully walking through the grassy fields. Wellington calmly follows Clementine. Suddenly he begins to feel really warm. His vision begins to blur and he stops walking and gazes at the ground. Clementine stops and turns around and stares at him with confusion and slight concern. Clementine starts speaking in a confused and concerned tone.
Clementine: Arthur are you alright?
Wellington: Something is wrong...
Clementine: What's wrong?
Wellington: I feel like my body is burning...
Clementine: What do you mean?
Wellington: I feel really hot and it's starting to hurt...
Clementine hastily walks over to Wellington and stares at him. Wellington looks up at Clementine and she stares at his eyes which are switching between blood red and sky blue. Suddenly Wellington collapses onto Clementine almost knocking her over.
Clementine notices that Wellington feels extremely hot. Wellington starts speaking in a quiet and slightly weak voice.
Wellington: Get me back inside. I want to lie down.
Clementine: Can you walk Arthur or do you want me to carry you?
Wellington: I don't think I can walk I'm hurting and I'm hungry.
Clementine: Alright let's get you inside.
Clementine gently picks Wellington up. Wellington awkwardly stares at her and Clementine starts speaking in a slightly calmer voice.
Clementine: Why are you staring at me like that?
Wellington: No reason. Just get me inside.
Clementine: Alright no need to be so bossy
Wellington: I'm not being bossy.
Clementine begins walking back to the house. Wellington suddenly hears that unfamiliar voice in his hand again.
???: You need to drink some blood. It will help you gain your strength back. Drink her blood.
Wellington: Clementine...
Clementine: Yes Arthur?
Wellington: I heard that voice again...It wants me to drink your blood. But I'm not going to do that...
Clementine: I'm glad that you aren't going to bite me.
A couple of minutes later Clementine reaches the front door and she carefully opens it. Entering the house Clementine walks over to the sofa and gently puts Wellington down on it. Clementine starts speaking in a calm voice.
Clementine: Are you feeling better that you are now inside?
Wellington: I'm still hurting and I still feel like I'm burning.
Clementine: I will go get something to help with the pain. I will also have to check your temperature.
Wellington: Really you have something to help with pain?
Clementine: Yes now I'm going to get my things and you stay there.
Wellington: Well, I can't really go anywhere without feeling a lot of pain.
Clementine calmly walks off and Wellington stares at the ceiling and he begins to feel slightly dizzy. He also begins to feel a lot of pain in his stomach due to feeling hungry. Also due to the amount of pain his body is in. A couple of minutes later Clementine walks over to him with a thermometer.
Wellington stares at her with slight confusion. Clementine starts speaking in a calm voice.
Clementine: I will have to check your temperature.
Wellington: How are you going to do that?
Clementine: With this thermometer.
Wellington: What are you going to do with it?
Clementine: Well you might not like this.
Wellington: What do you mean?
Clementine: To check your temperature I'm going to have to put this in your mouth.
Wellington sighs out of slight irritation and then he starts speaking in a slightly irritated tone.
Wellington: Get it over with.
Clementine: Just don't bite it I don't want you hurting your teeth.
Wellington: I won't bite it. I'm not that foolish.
Clementine: Alright open your mouth.
Wellington opens his mouth and Clementine carefully puts the thermometer in his mouth. Wellington awkwardly stares at Clementine and he starts speaking in an awkward tone.
Wellington: How long do I have to have this in my mouth?
Clementine: A couple of minutes I need to wait to see what the final temperature is.
Wellington suddenly accidentally bites the thermometer with his fangs. He then quietly hisses out of annoyance. Then he retracts his fangs. Clementine speaks in a calm voice.
Clementine: Are you alright Arthur?
Wellington: I just bit it with my fangs and it hurt.
Clementine: Arthur I told you not to bite it.
Wellington: It was an accident. Also, im not use to having these extra teeth. Like I can retract them but I also don't have the hang of that yet.
Clementine: I understand that Arthur.
Wellington: Have I had this thing in my mouth long enough?
Clementine: Yes, I will take it out now.
Wellington: Yes please take this thing out.
Clementine gently takes the thermometer out of Wellington's mouth. Looking at the thermometer she starts speaking in a calm voice.
Clementine: You have a high fever. But I don't understand why you are in pain.
Wellington: I think the sun burns me. It hurts me.
Clementine: I will go get something that will help with the pain and the fever. Other than that, I would suggest resting.
Wellington: Alright.
Clementine calmly walks off and Wellington slowly closes his eyes and tries to go to sleep. But he can't due to the pain. Suddenly he hears the mysterious voice in his head again.
???: You need to regain your strength back. You need to drink blood it will help you.
Wellington: Get out of my head.
???: I'm trying to help you.
Wellington: I do not need your help. I have her help. I don't even know who you are. Just get out of my head.
???: You are really going to just leave her alone?
Wellington: I'm not going to hurt her. I promised that I wouldn't harm her.
???: You really promised that to a human?
Wellington: I never wanted to hurt anyone. Including in my past life. I will leave her and her family alone. I will not harm her no matter what you tell me to do.
???: Fine do whatever you wish.
A couple of minutes later Clementine calmly walks over to Wellington. Clementine starts speaking in a calm voice.
Clementine: Arthur are you still awake?
Wellington: Yes, I'm still awake just resting my eyes.
Clementine: You were talking to that voice again weren't you? I can tell that you seem uncomfortable about something.
Wellington: Yes, it keeps telling me to drink your blood and possibly hurt you. I don't want to do any such thing to you or your family.
Clementine: Do you know why it wants you to do that to me?
Wellington: I don't know why it wants me to do that to you specifically.
Clementine: Anyway, I have something to help with your pain.
Wellington: Alright.
Wellington slowly opens his eyes and he stares at Clementine with confusion. He notices that she is holding a glass of water in one hand and a tiny round white object in the other. Wellington starts speaking in a confused tone.
Wellington: You really think that a glass of water and whatever that other thing you have will help?
Clementine: Yes, it will help you, Arthur.
Wellington: How will that help me? Also, what is that thing you have?
Clementine: Well, it will help you with the pain. It's called a painkiller.
Wellington: What am I meant to do with it exactly?
Clementine: Well you are meant to eat it. I also wouldn't suggest biting it. Trust me they taste awful.
Wellington: Well what is the water for?
Clementine: It helps you swallow it.
Wellington: Alright.
Clementine gently hands Wellington the glass of water and the painkiller. He then puts the painkiller in his mouth and starts drinking the water. Eventually, he finishes the glass of water and hands the empty glass back. Clementine starts speaking in a calm and slightly cheerful voice.
Clementine: I suggest you get some rest.
Wellington: I will.
Clementine: Maybe we can go to London tomorrow?
Wellington: Possibly but I need to control my powers and try to transform into my human form. Without having to force myself to transform.
Clementine: I understand that.
Wellington: It hurts for me to force myself to transform into my human form.
Clementine: I see do you know why it hurts?
Wellington: No I don't. I shall get some rest now.
Clementine: Alright get some rest.
Wellington slowly folds his wings inwards so it's comfortable for him to sleep. He then slowly closes his eyes and enters a deep and peaceful sleep.
*Clementine in thought*
I didn't realise that sunlight could hurt him so badly.
But I guess he didn't know that either. He has only been going out at night.
He also keeps hearing this voice. It keeps telling him to hurt me.
But he would never hurt me. He made a promise to not harm me. He also wouldn't harm my family because he knows that would upset me.
I'm concerned that the sunlight could kill him. I hope that he can control his powers soon. Otherwise, he might end up getting himself killed.
I don't want him to get himself killed. He's already been hurt enough.
I guess I better let him rest now. He needs it.
A few hours later Wellington slowly opens his eyes and sits up and stretches his wings. He then folds them back in again and calmly gets up and stares at Clementine. Clementine notices that Wellington is awake so she starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Clementine: Glad that you are awake Arthur.
Wellington: What is the time?
Clementine: 6:00 pm.
Wellington: Has the sunset yet? I need to go feed.
Clementine: It sets in 3 more hours Arthur.
Wellington: What am I going to do then?
Clementine: I'm not sure but you can't go outside right now.
Wellington: I feel like I'm trapped in a way. I can't go outside during the day without being hurt or possibly even killed.
Clementine walks over to him and they both sit down together. She then gently puts her hand on his shoulder and Wellington awkwardly stares at her. Clementine starts speaking in a comforting voice.
Clementine: I understand what you mean Arthur.
Wellington: At night I feel free. Because no one will notice what I truly am. But during the day I just feel trapped. Because they will know what I am and now because the sunlight will hurt me and possibly kill me.
Clementine: Arthur I'm sure that once you can control your powers you will be able to feel free during the day.
Wellington: I don't like this feeling of being trapped.
Clementine: I'm sure that no one likes that feeling Arthur.
Wellington: I just want to feel fully free.
Clementine: Im sure that you will soon Arthur. I promise you that.
Wellington: Thank you, Clementine.
A few hours later Wellington is standing outside staring at the fiery sunset. Suddenly he hears footsteps behind him along with a calm voice.
Clementine: Im guessing that you are heading off then?
Wellington: I'll probably be late again. I'll try not to disturb you when I get back.
Clementine: Alright, I guess I will see you in the morning then.
Wellington: Good night Clementine.
Clementine: Good night Arthur.
Wellington spreads his wings and then he takes off into the cloudless starry night sky. He feels the gentle breeze flowing under his wings and through his hair. A few hours later Wellington carefully lands on top of Big Ben. He then begins looking down at the desolate streets.
*Wellington in thought*
It's very quiet.
Where is everyone?
Why are the streets so empty?
I know that it's late at night. But I thought that there would possibly be a small number of people wandering around.
This is odd. Very odd.
Wellington carefully takes off again and begins flying around London. A few minutes later he carefully lands on Tower Bridge. He begins scanning the bridge trying to find some people so he can feed. Suddenly he notices a man who seems quite drunk walking across the bridge.
Wellington carefully jumps off the top of the bridge and begins gliding towards the man. He quietly lands behind the man and then tackles him to the ground and keeps him pinned down. He then bites the man's neck with his sharp fangs and begins drinking his blood.
A few minutes later Wellington gets up and takes off and begins his journey back to the countryside. A few hours later Wellington carefully lands in front of Clementine's house. Walking over to the front door he gently and quietly opens it and walks inside. Quietly closing the door behind himself he then quietly walks to his room.
Upon entering his room he quietly closes the door and then sits down on his bed. Then he takes off his boots and gets into bed and folds his wings inward so he is comfortable. Wellington then slowly closes his eyes and he enters a deep and peaceful sleep.
To be Continued...
What did you guys think of this chapter?
I decided that Wellington's weakness in his vampire form would be sunlight. I know that it's possibly the most common weakness for a vampire to have.
I will try and publish more chapters of this story once I finish writing and editing Blood Secret. So please be patient. 😄
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