My dad is being so unfair. After me and Henry both got yelled at, he refused to let me and Henry see each other unless it was for crime fighting.
If Henry is in the Man Cave not fighting crime, I have to stay up in my room until he leaves.
If I'm down in the Man Cave and not in my room, Henry has to either stay home or up in the store. It isn't fair, he's my boyfriend.
"Dad, I'm coming downstairs!" I yelled to him, but caring if he answered or not.
I went downstairs and saw Henry and Charlotte sitting by the monitors. Jasper must be working upstairs in Junk N' Stuff.
I ran off the stairs and over to him because I haven't seen him all day. He kissed me rather quickly before pulling away.
"Your dad went upstairs, he'll be down any minute, or second." He told me as he stared at both the elevator and tubes.
"Henry, I don't care what my dad says. He can't keep me from you." I whispered as tears reached my eyes.
Charlotte walked over, "Aria's right Henry. Ray has no control over who Aria sees."
Henry shook his head and walked away from the both of us. I crinkled my eyebrows together in confusion, looking back over to Charlotte who shrugged her shoulders.
"Yeah, but he does. She's his daughter, Charlotte, and he's the boss of her until she's eighteen." Henry retaliated back at Charlotte who scoffed.
"Henry, why are you so worried about this?"
Before Henry could respond, the elevator doors swung open and my dad walked out of them. I froze where I was and kept my eyes on my dad. He stopped, turned around, and his eyes grew wide.
"Aria? I thought I told you that you're not allowed down here when Henry's here? Did I not make myself clear?" My dads voice rose as he spoke.
"Dad," I started, walking towards him, "you made yourself clear, yes, but you don't have the right to keep me from Henry."
"Aria Manchester-"
"I-I'm in love with him, okay? That's why I can't stay away from him, and that's why you can't keep me from him. No matter what you do to try and prevent us from seeing each other, I'll still find a way." I told my dad, seeing his reaction when I ran to my room.
I crawled onto my bed, shoving me face into the pillow that Henry got me on our five month anniversary.
"Aria? Was everything you said true?" Henry asked, walking into my room and sitting on my bed.
"Yes, it's true. And I have been in love with you since we were thirteen."
Henry's face pulled a smile, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I snuggled my face into the crook of his neck, my arms tight around his waist.
Behind us, someone cleared their throat. I jumped up when my dad was resting on the doorframe. I gently turned Henry's head towards the door, watching him jump off the bed.
"I am more than mad at you for talking back to me,'re right. I can't keep you from someone you love." My dad confessed, exhaling.
A small smile formed on my lips as I took a quick glance at Henry as he did the same.
"And you are grounded, but I will allow you to see Henry four times a week, any days you choose."
When my dad left the room, Henry and I discussed what days we'd see each other. I told him Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but he argued that he wanted it to be Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Either way would work for us.
"It's settled then. We'll go with your choice." Henry said, kissing my cheek. My phone buzzed under the covers.
Dad: Henry needs to go. And you'll tell me what days the two of you decided.
Henry read the message from my shoulder and stood up. I stood up with him and walked to my door.
"I'll see you Saturday princess."
After Henry left, I walked to the Man Cave to tell my dad the days we decided. He was on the phone went I walked up behind him.
"DAD!" I yelled, causing him to jump in mid-air, screaming. I fell to the floor laughing, clutching my stomach.
"Ding dang it Aria! You scared the bologna out of me!"
"Sorry dad," I started, getting up, "we decided on Saturday's, Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's."
He nodded, pulling out his calendar and marking down all the days for every month. My mouth fell opening, realizing he's been marking down the months for the rest of this year and half of next year.
I got back to my house when I realized I forgot my key. I grounded, going to the side of my house to climb the tree into my room.
I sat on the tree branch and leaned over to prop open my window. When it didn't budge, I mentally screamed noticing it was locked from the inside.
"I really should make sure I have everything before I leave." I said to myself, hopping down back to the ground.
I circled my house, going out to the garage to grab a crowbar so I could open my door, considering no one is home but me, sort of.
I dug around in my dads tool box until I found a crowbar. I lightly cheered when I found it and locked up the tool shed. I'll put the crowbar back later.
I wedged the crowbar in between the door and the frame, moving over as I shoved it to the side. The door opened and my hands were sweating.
I tossed the crowbar onto the couch and ran up to my room. I locked the door behind me and about peed my pants. Jasper was there, playing on his laptop.
"Jasper? What are- how did you get in here?" I asked as I clutched onto my chest as if I were dying.
"I used the key. How else do you think?"
I rolled my eyes at his smart remarks and took off my shoes. I took my jacket off, grabbed my pajamas and went into my closet to change.
"I had to use a crowbar to get into my own house. You could've put the key back." I glared, throwing my clothes into my hamper.
Jasper jumped off the couch, "I forgot. Anyway, I ate your mom's meatloaf."
"Why did you eat my mom's meatloaf?"
"It was good, I'm sorry if your mom cooks and makes food better than my own!" He counter-argued with me.
"Okay, well I want to sleep, so could you leave my house until tomorrow?"
"Oh yeah, my bad." Jasper said as he climbed out of my window and jumped down towards the ground.
I pulled out my phone to send Aria a text. I went to her contact and pressed the iMessage button.
Henry: Goodnight princess. I love you, sweet dreams.
Aria: I love you too Henry.
After I read Aria's message, I walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I turned the water on and put toothpaste on the toothbrush, brushing my nicely shaped teeth.
I cleaned out my mouth and went back to my room, hopping into bed. I fell asleep a lot quicker than usual.
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