The helicopter ride went fairly well, minus the one hundred fifty-seven text messages I received from my dad within a span of an hour.
"We were gone for thirty minutes, I don't get why he's blowing up your phone like that." Henry shrugged as we landed back to the top of the building.
"He's my dad, I'm used to it."
Henry looked at me, his eyes searching mine as if I were hiding something from him.
"Are you okay?" He asked as his hands were on the side of my face.
"Yes, wh-"
"Be honest. I know you're not okay, just tell me what's wrong, please?" Henry pleaded, causing my eyes to water.
"Henry, I'm not okay. And it's because of you, it's because of me. I don't hear from my mom, and my dad is barely letting me see you anymore. My whole life is falling apart day by day, and I can't stop it. I just wish my dad would understand how much I need you."
The words had left my mouth as the tears fell down my face. Henry's immediate instinct was to pull me into his chest, and that's exactly what he did to try and calm me down.
"Don't worry princess, I'm always going to be here for you. I love you, so much, and you know that." Henry kissed the top of my head before pulling away.
We walked down the stairs and ito the Man Cave, the both us ready to get our heads blown off by my dad for not listening to him.
"One hundred fifty-seven messages I sent you, and you couldn't reply to one of them?" My dad said as I stepped a foot into the Man Cave.
"Dad," I said, pulling out my phone, "how do you expect me to answer when I'm in a helicopter, hundreds of feet in the air?"
My dad stared at me, a pure loom of anger presented in his face. I've never seen him act this way since I found out he was my dad.
"Oh, I don't know, by using your fingers to type words back to me?" My dad sassed as he gestured to what I was apparently 'supposed' to do.
"You're unbelievable dad. Let's go Henry." I rolled my eyes, pulling Henry's hand up to my room and locking it.
Henry has been hating the way my dad has acted towards me, and him too, and I don't blame Henry for that. And because I'm technically grounded, I can really only see Jasper and Charlotte rather than I own boyfriend.
"What has gotten into Ray lately? He's never acted this way." Henry asked, taking off his shoes.
"I'll ask Schwoz to do some type of test on him or something. Maybe something of his can figure out what happened."
I pulled out my phone and going to my contacts, immediately tapping into Schwoz's number.
Aria: Hey Schwoz! Can you run some tests on my dad for me?
Schwoz: For why? Ray's indestructible.
Aria: He's acting different, just please do it. Thanks.
"He'll run some tests." I assured Henry, laying my head down on his chest.
"Good. Schwoz needs to figure out what happened, or else things could get bad."
I looked up at him, "What do you mean, bad?"
"I mean," Henry closed his eyes, "he could turn...violent. I'm not saying he will, I'm saying he could."
I didn't answer Henry back, I laid there with my eyes closed and processed what Henry told me. What if he's right though? What if my dad does get violent? I wouldn't be able to stop him, he's indestructible, I'm not.
Henry's phone buzzed beside me, causing my body to slightly jump from the sound.
"My mom needs me home. I'll call you later tonight to make sure you're okay, okay?"
"Okay. I love you." I sent a weak smiled at my boyfriend as he left my room.
As I exited my room to go to the Man Cave, I heard my dad yelling at, who I assumed to be, Schwoz. I already figured out why he was yelling. Schwoz probably told my dad he has to run some tests on him, which isn't what you should tell my dad.
"YOU ARE NOT USING THAT THING ON ME SCHWOZ!" My dad screamed as he chased Schwoz around the perimeter of the Man Cave.
This kind of reminds me of the time my dad got mad at us for waking him up, so he chased me, Henry, Charlotte, Jasper and Schwoz throughout the Man Cave, then, of course, he grounded me after finding me with Henry in one of the bathroom stalls.
"But Aria said I should run some tests on you to make sure you're okay!" Schwoz said, not realizing I was standing by the monitors.
"Come on Schwoz!" I threw my hands up in the air as my dad turned to face me.
He walked towards me, Schwoz running past the two of us into the back room.
"Why do you want to run tests on me?"
I shrugged, "You seem different. Ever since you found out I was your daughter, you've...changed, and I don't like it."
My dad closed his eyes and sighed as he sat in the chair by the monitors. Using his hands, he gestured towards me to hug him, which I did.
"I'm sorry sweetie, maybe it's the fact that I don't want my daughter to grow up too fast." My dad choked out as I see the tears forming.
"Dad, look at me. I know I'm sixteen, almost seventeen, but I'll always be your little girl. Sure, you didn't know I existed until a few months ago, but, you know what I mean." I told him, my eyes tearing up too.
"I love you Aria, and you're ungrounded. See Henry whenever you want, you deserve to be happy."
I smiled, hugging my dad before I went up to my room to tell Henry I'm ungrounded.
Before I even had the chance to text Aria, her ringtone flowed through my phone when I got to my room.
"Hey, I was just about to text you."
She laughed, "I figured that. I can see you whenever I want, my dad ungrounded me."
My eyes widened. I don't expect ray to actually unground Aria this quick, let alone ever.
"Wha- why did he so suddenly change his mind?" I stammered as I changed into my pajamas.
"We just talked, I guess. The reason he was acting the way he was, was because he didn't want me to grow up to fast."
"Aria," I started, "you're almost seventeen. He wasn't there for sixteen years of your life, why would he care now?"
Through the other line, I could hear Aria gasp. When I realized what I said, I immediately took it back.
"Henry? Why would you-"
"I didn't mean it like that! I honestly just wish he could see how much you mean to me, and that I'll do anything that I have to, just to make sure you're safe." I whispered when Aria calmed down.
"I'm coming over."
The line went dad before I answered back. Within five minutes, Aria was already knocking in my window. I smiled, leaping onto the platform to unlatched the window so she could climb in.
"I'm happy that you and Ray both opened up to each other."
"Yeah," Aria said, "me too."
I walked over to my drawer, pulling out a pair of my boxers and a shirt, handing it over to Aria. Her eyes widened at the sight of my boxers, to which I laughed.
"Just wear them." I tossed them to her and opened my closet door for her to change in.
I turned to pull the blankets down, and when I turned back, Aria was standing in only her bra and underwear. My eyes, god help me, roamed her body before my body became stiff. She looked over at me, smirking, as she pulled my shirt over her head, tossing my boxers back into the drawer I pulled them out from.
"Y-you're not going to wear my boxers?" I stuttered, sitting on the bed and covering my area.
She didn't reply. She climbed into my bed and sat on my hips, my hands locked around her waist. I smirked as she bent her head down and kissed my lips passionately, then I flipped her over so I was on top this time.
Her hands found their way to the hem of my shirt, and insisted on me pulling it off. I did so, throwing it across my room where I'll find it tomorrow. I was left in my sweatpants, my hands twirling a piece of her hair.
"You're gorgeous Aria. So gorgeous, I can't believe I get to call you mine." I whispered in her ear, my hand sliding slowing along her thigh, making her shiver.
"Believe it." She whispered back, her hands on top of my waistband of my pants, my body stiffening.
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