S3 EP12: Gas or Fail
Every year we have to take the standardized tests to see where we are in the class and how much we know. I'm happy I have the class with my girlfriend and best friends, so at least I'm not alone.
We also can't leave for any reason or we'll get in some serious trouble, and by that I mean I could get expelled for leaving the testing room. That wouldn't look good for my reputation.
Aria sat next to me, Charlotte behind her and Jasper behind me. I didn't pick the seats, Miss Shapen did. I'm not sure on why she put the four of us together, but I'm not complaining about that.
"Maria Von Trap...Ruth Westheimer...and Abraham Zapruder." Miss Shapen took attendance while the four of us talked amongst ourselves.
"Henry, Jasper? Stand up and explain it to the class, while I rub this pimple cream on my back."
I stood up and cleared my throat, "Every Christmas, the principle gives all the teachers bonuses."
"And the higher we all score on the tests, the more money Miss Shapen gets."
Charlotte had to switch seats with Aria, so Aria was next to Jasper. Miss Shapen did this because apparently she's smarter than the rest of us, and I don't disagree.
All of a sudden, my watch started to beep. I freaked out and covered it with my hand while everyone stared at me. I couldn't shut it off, so I didn't know what to do.
Jasper leaned over my shoulder, "I thought you told Ray not to beep you today."
"I did. It must be a serious problem."
I asked to go to the bathroom yet again, and she told me I had to be back within two minutes. When I got there, Schwoz popped his head out from the tiled wall in one of the stalls.
I pulled Schwoz into the bathroom and he fell onto the floor. He told me sit on the toilet, so I grabbed a liner and sat on that instead as Schwoz took a weird picture of me or something.
I ended up having to pull Ray over to the part of the underground that I was in, and man, it seemed like he might have gained a little bit of weight on his body. Ray landed on top of me and I winced.
"Ah, that hurt so bad!"
Once I got Ray and myself back to the school, I immediately changed out of my uniform in one of the stalls next to Ray. He changed out of his and walked out of the stall, waiting for me.
"Henry! You've been gone like...twenty minutes!"
"Yeah, maybe if you wouldn't have beeped me, I wouldn't be gone at all!" I said, fixing my hair in the mirror as Ray fixed his shirt.
"I was trapped, what else was I supposed to do?"
"Oh, I don't know, call the fire department? The police? Someone who is not Kid Danger!" I argued back with him. The door opened and some random kid walked in before immediately walking out.
Yeah, it might be a little weird to see a student and an adult arguing in the schools bathroom. Especially when Ray doesn't even work here, let alone go here.
"Well I'm sorry! I didn't have phone service when I was underground!"
"That's not my problem dude!" I was getting more annoyed with Ray than I've ever been in the last three years of working with him, I'll say that.
Ray groaned, "Why do you care about this stupid standardized testing anyway?"
"They're mandatory and we have to take them. If we don't, we get in trouble and our teachers don't get paid."
As much as I don't like taking these test because they bore me, I have too. It's not like I'm willing to take them without being asked either, because I won't do that.
"There's only ten minutes go class left and I need to go before I get in serious trouble." I walked out of the bathroom as I left Ray in there.
As we were working on our test, both mine, Charlotte and Jasper's phone all buzzed. I pulled it out to see a message from Schwoz telling us to make an excuse so that the class could leave.
"Okay, what is going on?" I said once I helped Schwoz through the window. We only had three minutes before the class came back.
"Henry had to go help Ray."
"Henry can't leave." Charlotte dragged out as we followed to where Henry sits. Schwoz set down a circular thing and a hologram of Henry pops up.
The hologram of Henry was in place. The students started coming back so Schwoz jumped out of the window, and I heard the thud as well. So much for carefully exiting the room.
My body froze when Miss Shapen told Henry to go lock the door. Jasper, Charlotte and I stared at each other, not knowing what to do. I shrugged then walked over to Henry.
"I think that Henry's just really focused on doing a great job on his test, right Henry," I started before walking over to Henry, "he says right!"
I was so relieved when Miss Shapen bought that. Maybe she won't suspect anything is up for awhile until the bell rings. I had about fifteen more problems left, so I looked over to Jasper's paper. I could barely understand what he bubbled in so I looked over Charlotte's paper.
I bubbled in at least half of her answers when it was time to turn in the test packets and bubble sheets. I stood up and put in the basket after Charlotte. When we walked past Henry's desk, I almost forgot that this was just a hologram of him.
"Hey, hey! What are we going to do about Henry?"
I sighed, "I don't know."
"We can't just leave him here."
"He's a hologram. What are we going to do?" Charlotte said, throwing her arms into the air, sighing.
"Alright, come on. Let's go."
We followed Charlotte out of the doors and passed Henry. I pulled him to the side and smashed my lips to his, my arms around his neck. His hands were firm on my waist and he deepens the kiss between us.
"Your hologram thing is in there, and you might want to grab it or something before Miss Shapen sees!"
He sighed, "I know, I know. Your dad was trapped underground so I- you've got to be kidding me."
I looked over and saw my dad. He was Captain Man and he walked towards our classroom. Through the widow on the door, my dad dipped Miss Shapen and kissed her as Henry walked in. I followed after and gave Henry the answers to the best of my ability.
"Wait, wrong woman."
I muffled my laughter as my dad dropped her to her feet. Henry walked over to her and dropped the test booklet onto her as he grabbed his book bag. He threw it across one shoulder and with his other arm, he placed it around me.
We walked out and met up with Jasper and Charlotte and my dad, who was normal, and we all went back to the Man Cave, where most of the fun happens.
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