S3 EP3: Scream Machine
"And hello! As some of you know, for the past three years at the Gismo Show, my project has won the second place prize." Charlotte said, talking to what seemed like nobody.
Ray, me, Schwoz and Jasper all stood in a line, acting like we somewhat cared about Charlotte's project.
"But this is the year that Charlotte goes number one." I held in my laughter as she pointed her finger at the four of us.
Ray snorted, then tried covering it up with a fake cough, "So, you're going to pee?"
That's when we all lost it. We started laughing and I saw Charlotte's glare from the corner of my eyes, and man does that scare me sometimes.
"She's going pee!" I laughed, pointing my finger while slightly falling to the ground.
"I call my project," she went to lift the tarp from whatever she made, "the Scream Machine!"
I stared at her, no clue on how to react to this. I looked back over at the three next to me, their faces the same as mine.
"Please clap." Charlotte stressed, making the four of us start to clap randomly.
I watched as Charlotte screamed at Jasper to shut up, then instantly told him to be her helper for the machine. I was mighty impressed that Jasper's scream made the hula dancer dance.
"Ooh, I want to try something!" Schwoz's head popped out from behind Charlotte's Scream Machine.
"Oh, no no no no. You don't need to try something-" Schwoz pushed Charlotte away and pressed an air horn into Charlotte's machine.
All of a sudden, the force and sound of the air horn caused a mishap, which resulted in the machine to catch flame. I saw Charlotte give one of her famous death glares to Schwoz.
"Don't blame yourself."
Ray, Schwoz and I went to find the hardware store to get parts and pieces so Schwoz can recreate Charlotte's Scream Machine. The blueprints that Schwoz had just magically flew out of the top of the car, meaning he couldn't do the same project as Charlotte.
I invited Aria to come to the Gismo Show so we can hope that Charlotte wins first place this time. I knew that Aria was still upset with me about the whole secret keeping thing, but I swore on an oath that I wouldn't tell anyone else.
"Well, what the jack is that thing?" Charlotte yelled, pointing at one of Schwoz's many creations.
I could tell how extremely nervous Charlotte was about this not being her project. We knew how it worked, but she didn't, so every time she would talk, we'd make weird noises until she hit the right button.
The machine that Schwoz created was a teleportation device of some sort. It ended up teleporting Jasper and Aria from one place to another, and my body immediately froze over.
"Ray? Dude, we just teleported Aria and she doesn't know" I pulled Ray over to the side, keeping my eye on Aria.
"So? It's not a big- oh my god, we have to do something!"
"It's too late! She's been teleported without an explanation behind as to why it happened. And now Charlotte is getting asked questions about the device that she didn't make."
Aria left my line of sight and I started freaking out out. I calmed down when I saw her walking out of the doors and to the bathroom, I'm guessing.
Ray and I ran behind a table and almost changed into our Kid Danger and Captain Man uniforms when I heard something from behind me.
"Henry? What are you doing?" I heard Piper's voice.
Ding dang it Henry.
I looked up and realized that I wasn't in the same place as I was in before. It was like I was teleported to a different section of the room.
"Okay, what the-"
"Wasn't I just over there?" Jasper turned around, looking as confused as I was. I shook my head, walking back over to Charlotte.
"Hey, I have to use the bathroom. I'll be back." I told her, not paying attention to her face.
I walked through the halls, and I bumped into someone. I didn't bother to say anything to them, so I kept walking. The person I bumped into grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.
"Aria Matthews?"
"Yeah? Who are-" I almost choked on my saliva when I saw who was talking to me. I had to crane my neck upwards to actually look at him.
"Mitch Bilsky? I thought you were, you jail?"
He laughed, "No, that was my brother, Jeff Bilsky."
I blinked my eyes rapidly, careful not to drop my phone on the carpeted floor. I tightened my grip around it, then opened my mouth to talk.
"Stupid Jeff? The stupidest criminal in all of Swellview?" I raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for a smart remark to come out of his mouth.
"Watch it Matthews. Don't speak of my brother like that. I know he's clearly rather stupid, but only I can call him that." Mitch stepped closer to me, my back hitting the lockers, which was none other than locker sixty-seven; Henry's locker.
"Hey, you get away from that girl." I heard a voice behind me say before I could even open my mouth to talk. I looked past Mitch and saw a boy dressed in red, silver and blue with a mask over his face.
"Kid Danger? W-what are you doing here?" I managed to spit out, moving myself around Mitch's body.
"I usually come to Swellview Junior High to see what's happening, and I just happened to see this guy harassing you."
I blushed hardcore as Kid Danger walked over to Mitch. I almost screamed when Mitch threw a punch, but Kid Danger stopped it and threw him over his shoulder and knocked him towards the ground.
Next thing I knew, Mitch was knocked unconscious on the floor. Kid Danger walked towards me, his hands resting on my shoulders. I shoved my phone in my pocket, keeping my eyes locked with Kid Danger's.
I saw Kid Danger start leaning in as the slow words rolled of his tongue. His features looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite put a finger to it as I felt myself leaning in too. Our lips were inches away from each other when I gently pushed him away.
"I-I can't. I can't kiss you." I said, my cheeks turning red from the embarrassment that was overcoming my body.
"W-why not?" Kid Danger stuttered, his face barely moving away from mine as he spoke the words.
"It would be wrong. Kissing you would be really wrong."
Kid Danger let his hands drop to his side, "Why would it be wrong? Don't you want to kiss me?"
I sighed, thinking about what Henry would do if he found out I kissed Kid Danger. It could go either way, really; he'd understand and not get mad, or he'll be mad and want to murder Kid Danger.
"I have feelings for someone that's not only my best friend, but my everything." I spoke in a quiet voice, sitting on the steps near the water fountain. Kid Danger followed, sitting next to me.
"His name is Henry, and I've known him almost my whole life. I developed feelings for him for a while now, and I don't know if he feels the same way. Maybe it's because I've been gone three years and just now decided to show up and surprise him," I started, taking a deep breath, "and I've been having a feeling he's keeping something from me, but I feel bad because I kept this from him. What do I do?" I finished up, looking straight ahead of me.
"I think you should tell him how you feel. You never know, he might feel the same way." Kid Danger said, then got up and ran out the front doors.
I made my way back to the Gismo Show, seeing Henry, Charlotte, Jasper, I think Schwoz, and their boss Ray standing next to Charlotte's destroyed project.
"Where have you been?" Henry asked, his arm wrapped around my shoulder, lying his head down on mine.
"I was going to the bathroom, then got a confrontation by Mitch Bilsky," I looked at Henry's face to see his expression, "then I ran into Kid Danger and-"
"Ready to go?" Henry's boss asked, and we all left for the car. It was quiet again because Henry didn't talk, but he started to sing the Drake and Josh theme song, soon all of us joining in.
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