Henry's boss dropped me off at my house later that night because he took us out for dinner as a kind gesture. I stepped out of Ray's car, not bothering to say anything to Henry, mostly because I was still upset with him.
"Aria! Wait up!" Henry shouted from the passenger side of Ray's car. I ignored him and kept walking. I felt his tight grip on my wrist, pulling me to an abrupt stop.
I slowly faced Henry, keeping myself together from crying. His eyes searched mine like he was trying to figure me out.
"What Henry?" I asked, my voice slightly shaky.
"You haven't said a word since we left the school. What's wrong? Tell me." He didn't remove his hand from my wrist.
"Maybe it's because I'm still upset with you!" I yelled, pulling away from his grasp.
I watched him sigh, "Don't do this right now, not when we're outside."
"Stop Henry. You're being secretive towards me and I don't like it. I just don't get why you won't tell me."
I turned my back and started walking up my driveway. I heard footsteps getting closer, so I picked up my pace and opened the door. I barely had time to shut it because Henry was leaning against the door frame.
"After work tomorrow, I'll come over and I'll tell you then." Henry said, walking back to Ray's car.
I slammed the door behind me, the shelves shaking from the excessive force. The tears flowed down my face before I could even stop it. My mom was on the couch and saw me crying.
"Sweetie? Why are you crying?"
I pushed past her, running up to my bedroom. I slammed that door and locked it, making sure no one was able to come in.
I fell face forward on my bed, letting my arms lifelessly fall over the edges of my bed. My hair stuck to my face due to my crying. I sat up and leaned against the wall, pulling my knees up to my chin.
I heard my phone vibrate underneath me. I grabbed it and check the text message notification.
Charlotte: I heard you and Henry arguing. Is everything okay?
Aria: Yeah, I think so. Thanks for asking though, I appreciate it.
Charlotte: Anytime. I'll see you tomorrow after I get off of work. Night Aria.
I read her message, not bothering to respond back to her. I yawned, reaching over to put my phone on the charger so that it wouldn't die within the morning. Since I wore comfy clothing, I didn't change out of my clothes.
I closed my eyes, realizing that I wouldn't be able to sleep now. I couldn't sleep knowing that me and Henry aren't on decent terms. If he could just tell me what his secret his, then maybe I'd tell him mine.
The only people who know about mine are Piper and Kid Danger. I refuse to tell Charlotte or Jasper.
I slowly drifted of to sleep all while maintaining my crying.
I got in Ray's car, the four of them staring at me. I stared out of the window as we drove past my house and to Junk N' Stuff. I didn't speak a word to anyone as I got in the elevator, pressing the button down.
Jasper was the only one who screamed on the way down, clutching onto my arm for his dear life.
"Henry? Henry? HENRY!"
I looked up from the control panel, my eyes darting around to see who called my name. I was so out of it at this point, I didn't pay attention to what everyone was saying about me.
"Why aren't you listening to us?" Schwoz said, snapping his fingers in front my face. I grew angry, grabbing his hand and throwing him to the side.
"Sorry guys. It's not- actually it is," I started, looking in Jasper and Charlotte's direction, "but Ray, we need to talk."
Charlotte shook her head at me, and I knew what she was thinking. She knew what Ray would do if I asked him about exposing my secret to Aria. I ignored her shaking, pulling Ray up near the sprocket.
"What's up?"
"Aria and I are growing apart...and I know the exact reason why." I sighed, leaning my arm on the sprocket.
"I need to tell her Ray. It's not fair to her if Char and Jasper know and not her. Fire me or not, I'm going to tell her sooner or later." I spat out, watching Ray's face completely drop.
"You are not telling her that you're Kid Danger. It's bad enough that Jasper and Charlotte know, but three people is too many. I'm sorry kid, if you tell her, you're going to have to give me your gum and watch."
He glared at me, walking off the stairs and to the control panel, scrolling through news reports and articles about criminals. I pounded my fist against the wall out of pure anger.
I went to the tube, looking at Jasper who raised it for me. It enclosed my body, I said the words, and up I went out of the Man Cave. I walked out through the back of Junk N' Stuff and simply walked home instead of Ray giving me a ride.
I got to my house, grabbing the spare key from under the doormat. I unlocked the door, putting the key back in its original place. I shut and locked the door, and quietly made my way to my room.
I turned the light on, jumping five feet in the air seeing Piper standing in the middle of my room, glaring at me with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Piper? What-"
"Why are you home at almost eleven? Junk N' Stuff is closed my now."
My breathing hitched, thinking of what to say that'll make Piper believe me. I could tell her that I was at Aria's or that my boss called me for last minute duties.
"Uh...I was at Aria's then my boss called saying he needed me for something. That's all, now get out." I shoved her out of my room, then turned around and jumped again.
"Henry, why are you risking you secret identity like this?" Jasper asked, sitting on the couch, Charlotte on my bed.
"Do you think that I like hiding this from her? My friendship is way more important than keeping this." I referred to Kid Danger, shocking myself that I'd even say that.
Truth be told, I regretted taking this job when I first got it. I had to lie to Charlotte before she figured it out, then I lied to Jasper about it for three years. And Jasper found out the day that Aria showed up. If Aria hadn't left, she would've been the first person I'd tell.
"Swellview needs you and Captain Man, Henry. Don't do this for a friendship."
"I almost did the same thing for you Jasper! Remember when Ray threatened to erase your memory? If Ray were to do that, I would've quit my job. I'd do it for all of you, okay? I need sleep, too much is going on."
Without saying a word, the two of them left through my window, closing it on their way out. I climbed into bed, contemplating on what to do about this. Either not tell Aria, or tell Aria and get fired as Kid Danger.
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