After the whole space thing with Ray and the obvious Ray being protective over Aria, she flipped out on her dad, and I seriously don't blame her.
"Don't change it Henry! I was watching that!" Aria whined, watching as I flipped the channel to Nickelodeon.
I laughed, "So, you don't want to watch Big Time Rush? Fine, I'll change it then."
Aria threw herself on top of me and stretched her arm out to grab the remote from me. I laughed, pulling my arm farther out of her reach. Using her arms, she pushed her self upwards and her face was inches away from mine. I smirked, throwing my free arm around her.
"I'm never letting you go."
She laughed, "No, you will. If you don't, I'll get my dad in here," then she grinned, "And I'm not kidding."
I immediately unlatched my arms from her, letting her body slide off of me, then she proceeded to grab the remote from my hand.
"If you want it all, lay it on the line! It's the only life you got so you got to live it big time!"
I chuckled and left Aria's room, making my way out of the sprocket. Ray, Charlotte and Jasper were there, which was kind of surprising to me. Reason is because I thought we didn't have to work.
"What's the haps my friends?"
Charlotte looked at me weirdly, Jasper raised his eyebrows and Ray, of course, screamed after dropping his hair products.
"Okay, like, Henry, please don't ever in your life say that ever again." Jasper stated to me.
"Dude, dude, dude, you said ever twice."
Ray scoffed, "You forgot to say to one ever when you first took your oath."
I rolled my eyes at sat on the couch. Aria came out of her room and whispered into Ray's ear before he followed her back through the sprocket. I crinkled my eyebrows, wondering what was so secretive that Aria couldn't talk to me about.
When Ray came back, Aria was following him towards the tubes. Ray took out his little remote and had the tubes encase the two of them, then they shot upwards.
"What was that about?"
Jasper shrugged, "I have no idea. Whatever it is, it's between the two of them. Maybe it's something father-daughter related."
"But I'm her boyfriend. Can't she tell me too? She's known me longer than she's known Ray." I was growing angry for some reason.
"Henry! That's her dad! She needs him in her life, and if it involves something that she hasn't told you about, then you shouldn't pressure her into telling you. She'll tell you, whatever it is, when she's ready." Charlotte yelled.
I cringed back into the couch, my shoulders basically eating my ears. Sometimes, when Charlotte gets angry or her voice rises, she really scares me.
An hour passed and the beep from the tubes sounded. Aria and Ray got shot down them, a bag held tightly in Aria's hand. She ran through the sprocket and before I could go after her, Ray grabbed my shoulder.
"Leave her alone for a bit. Alright?"
I nodded and told Ray that I was going to go home and come back a little bit later.
I walked back home and my mom was surprised to see me so early. I waved her away and went to the kitchen.
"Why are you here? I thought you were with your girlfriend?" Piper asked as she opened the fridge.
"I was Piper, stop meddling into my life gah!"
I grabbed the stash of cookies and snuck them up to my room. I'm pretty sure my mom and dad both saw me, but I ignored them anyways.
Henry: Hey, I went home as Ray told me that you wanted to be left alone. I hope you're okay, I love you.
Aria: I love you too, and yes, I'm fine.
When Henry left my room, I got up and went to the bathroom. My stomach started to hurt, so I grabbed some medicine to stop the pain. It didn't work.
Then I realized what it was. I was getting cramps, which means my period was on it's way. Because I'm stupid, I didn't have any tampons here in the Man Cave like I should've.
"Dad, can I talk to you for a minute back in the sprocket?" I whispered when I got to the Man Cave.
He followed me back towards my room and I closed the door, making sure that no one would follow us.
"What's up?"
I took a deep breath, "I-I started my period and I don't have any feminine products here. Can you take me to the store to get some?"
His eyes widened and I was pulled out of my room. I stood in the hall, waiting for my dad to grab his wallet. When he dad, the two of us quietly made our way out to the Man Cave and up the tubes, leaving my two friends and boyfriend confused.
When we got to the drug store, I asked my dad if he could wait in the car for me. He obliged and I ran into the store, running over to the feminine aisle of the store.
I looked around until I found the tampons. When I did, I looked for a small package of them so that it would last me the four days that I had it. The price was a little over the top for them, but I took it anyway.
I went to the self checkout and I paid for them, throwing the tampons into a bag and sprinting out of the store.
"Did you grab what you needed?" My dad asked as I ran back to his car, completely out of breath.
"Uh, yeah. I just hope no one questions when we get back to the Man Cave."
When I got back home, I sprinted back towards my room, locking it behind me. I ripped open the package ad took one out, going to the bathroom. I got myself situated and walked back to my room, lying down because I still felt pain.
Knowing my dad, he probably told Henry to leave me alone for a bit. I honestly missed having Henry in my arms, even though he was just here like twenty minutes ago.
"Dad! Bring me some food from the Auto-Snacker please! Thank you!" I screamed from my room to my dad.
I heard him groan, but he did eventually bring me food which was a gallon of chocolate ice cream and I couldn't have been more happier than I am right now.
"Ice cream! I love this more than anything!"
My dad raised an eyebrow, "More than your own father?"
I laughed, "More than you and my own boyfriend."
My dad gasped and left my room, more like he stomped out of my room. I laughed at how extra my dad can be.
I ate my gallon of ice cream as I sat and watched a few episodes of Big Time Rush. They're a real band and also actors, I actually wonder what it's like to be an actor.
Every episode I watched, I ended up laughing hysterically at it. My dad would run in my room every ten minutes to tell me to be quiet because I would be laughing too hard.
My dad jusrt doesn't understand what it's like to be a teenager. Or, a teenage girl.
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