I woke up around nine, which is unusual since I'm usually up by seven or seven-thirty. I rolled out of bed and onto the floor, grabbing my phone in the process. I had a message from Ray.
Ray: It's Saturday, I'm giving you, your girlfriend, Charlotte and Jasper the day off.
Henry: We usually have Saturday's off, so thanks for the heads up.
I threw my phone onto my bed from the floor then rolled over to my back. I finally got up and walked to my closet and opened it, opening it and finding whatever I could and putting it on. I walked to my bed, picked up my phone, and called Aria.
"Hey, you doing anything today?" I called Aria up since I had nothing better to do today other than being lazy.
"No, my parents left for a meeting in Bordertown. And before you say anything, no we're not moving.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "Oh thank god. You scared me for a second. Anyways, how would you like it if I took you to the Swellview Fair today?"
"I would love it." Aria replied. For some reason, I had a feeling that she was blushing through the phone, much like I am now.
"Awesome. I'll pick you up at eleven. I love you."
"I love you too." I hung up the phone and put it on my dresser. I went back to my closet and pulled out my Vans, then I went downstairs to see my mom, dad and Piper sitting at the table.
For an hour, I sat at the kitchen table listening to Piper rant about some girl at her school. I had my hands on the side of my head and I wanted to rip it off my body.
"I can't take it! I'm leaving, I'm taking my girlfriend to the Swellview Fair! Bye!" I yelled as I ran out the front door and down to Aria's.
I got to Aria's house and knocked on the door, expecting Aria to be the one to open it. Her mom, Mrs. Matthews, opened it instead.
"Oh, hi Henry. Aria will be down in just a second. Come on it." Her mom let me in and I waited for her on the couch.
"Hey Hen, you ready?" Aria said as came down the steps. She then entered her rather large and extremely clean living room.
"Yeah, let's go."
Charlotte and Jasper wanted to come, but I kept saying no because I just wanted a day with my girlfriend rather than with all my friends.
I haven't had much time alone with Aria because we're always at work, or Jasper and Charlotte just casually invite themselves over whenever they please.
The Swellview Fair was only a few blocks away, so we decided on walking there. The fair comes around every year, maybe even twice, so me, Jasper and Charlotte would go up there, ride rides and get some food.
"Aria?" I asked her after it was silent for a while. My hand was intertwined with hers as we walked down the street.
"I love you," I started and saw her give me a look, "that's all I wanted to say."
"In that case, I love you too Henry."
We walked hand in hand to the ticket booth booth of the fair. I pulled out my wallet and gave the ticket person money so Aria and I could get wristbands. The first we did was go on the spinning apples. That sure did give us some laughs.
"Okay, we've ridden like ten rides already, I'm starving." I stated as we stepped off the ride that turned you upside down.
"I think we should eat then."
Aria dragged me over towards one of the food stands and ordered herself a hot-dog and fries, along with a milkshake. I ordered the same, but got a soda instead of a milkshake.
"I've never seen you eat so much before. You must be really hungry then." I laughed as Aria shoved her face with the massive amount of food on the table.
"Hey! I don't make fun of the way you eat, do I?" She snapped at me, catching me by total surprise.
"Sorry, sorry. I love you, go back to eating."
I eyed Aria and she finished her food, then sneakily grabbed mine too. I didn't say anything, knowing I'd get yet another comment from her so I kept quiet. Next thing I knew, all my fires were gone and so was my hot-dog.
Aria eyeballed the rest of my hot-dog and I immediately shoved it into my mouth as she stared at me before laughing. I cheekily smiled at her before getting up.
Henry and I walked around the fair for a few hours doing things such as the game booths, eating or listening to the live music. I haven't been to a fair in so long.
"This is amazing. I mean, being here with you." I told Henry as we walked towards another game booth, which was ring toss, or something.
"Being here, right now, with you is amazing," he paused, tossing a ring onto the bottle, "but you're more amazing. Remember that."
I blushed hardcore as he made the next too bottles. He won, surprisingly, and he he got a stuffed bear. It wasn't one of those gigantic ones, it was like a medium sized one.
The one ride we didn't go on was the Ferris Wheel, all because I'm scared, no, terrified, of heights, and everyone knows this.
I kept seeing Henry eyeing it every time we passed, and each time I prayed that he didn't pull me over in that direction.
"Come on, I want to take you on that."
I looked in the direction Henry's finger was pointing and stared ahead of me. The Ferris Wheel. I dreaded this all night. We got here around eleven-thirty, and now it's almost nine at night.
I reluctantly agreed and Henry pulled me into line with him. There were only six other people in front of us, so we wouldn't have to wait much longer to go on. The line moved quicker than expected, so within a few minutes we were next to go on.
We got on and mt hands gripped the bar on instinct. My eyes were closed shut as we started to move backwards. I resisted the urge to yell because I was terrified. Henry's hand touched mine to where I swatted it away.
"Don't be scared Aria, I'm right here." Henry whispered in my ear. I quickly let go of the bar and swung my arms around Henry.
"I-I hate heights, you know this Hen."
My face pressed into his chest as he hugged me tight. The cart we were in stopped, and we could see the whole Swellview Fair from up here. It was actually really beautiful with all the fair lights from the rides.
"'re my everything. I hope you know that."
"Henry, you're my everything. Being with you has made me so happy and it wouldn't be possible if I never moved back to Swellview." I lied my head on Henry as I stared out into the fair, taking in the scenery.
When the ride ended, we all decided to call it a night and go back to our houses. On the walk home it was quiet, all we heard were the sounds of the crickets chirping. We got on our street when Henry spoke up.
"Do you maybe want to...I don't know...spend the night at my house?" Henry asked as her paused between his words. I giggled while pulling out my phone and going to my messages.
Aria: Hey Mom, would it be alright if I spent the night at Henry's?
Mom: Yes, you can spend the night at Henry's.
Aria: Thank you!
I'm allowed. My mom adores you so I don't see why she'd say no."
We walked past my house and entered Henry's. His parents were on the couch and Piper was at the table playing on her phone. I said hi to his parents and Piper, then followed Henry up to his room, waiting as he locked the door.
Henry opened one of his drawers and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and tossed them to me. I opened his closet and walked in, shutting the door behind me.
My eyes widened once I saw Henry in just sweatpants. My eyes didn't dare to leave his body as I made my way to his bed, sliding under the blankets. He followed after me and pulled me close to him.
Within seconds, I heard soft snoring coming from Henry. I looked down and his head was on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair then I fell asleep.
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