S3 EP4: Mouth Candy
After school ended today, Jasper invited me to go to Mouth Candy with him, since we're the top two favorite customers. The place was extremely colorful, and I swear it looked like a rainbow had multiple babies.
"Ah, Jasper and Aria! Good to see you. How have you guys been?" Mr. Sugarman asked us when we walked in.
"Okay, I guess." Jasper said, no emotion what so ever in his voice. I frowned, then answered the question for myself.
"I'm good, just moved back to Swellview." I smiled, making my way around the candy store, my mouth drooling at the sight of it all.
"Ooh, that's the back door bell. I'll be back in two jiffs." Mr. Sugarman left the front of the store, leaving me and Jasper alone.
"What's going on Jasper? You're usually happy and perky." I walked up to him, my arm on his shoulder as he stared at the candy below him.
"I don't think Captain Man likes me."
"Uh, what now?"
Jasper tensed up, "Well, we've always ran into each other and I'm pretty sure he hates me. But he's a superhero, who's also my role model."
Jasper didn't have time to respond as the front door bell rang and someone entered it. I gasped, pulling Jasper to the side. It was Mitch Bilsky, the guy I encountered at the Gismo Show a few days ago.
He started to shove candy into the pockets of his jacket, completely unaware that we were watching him practically steal candy. Jasper turned his body, and I heard him dialing a number of some kind.
"Who are you calling?" I asked, staring at his now blackened phone screen.
"I, uh...Captain Man's phone line. He didn't pick up." He said staring back at his phone while also slapping it against the palm of his hand.
I know Jasper was lying, but I didn't bring it on to suspect him anymore than I already had. We turned around again to see Mitch trying to steal the ten-thousand dollar candy boot. He used a pair of pliers to unlock the box, then pulled out the boot, all the alarms going off.
"Oh crud!" Mitch yelled, looking around the store rather frantic knowing he was about to go to jail for trying to steal the candy boot.
"Ha! You're in trouble now Mitch!" Jasper said, me following as he went to confront Mitch. I knew this wasn't going to end well.
Next thing I knew, the candy boot was in Jasper's arms as Mr. Sugarman came running in from the back. I slapped my forehead, watching Jasper's expression change real fast.
I watched as Mitch and Jasper fought over who tried to steal the candy boot. I wanted to jump in and say that I saw Mitch do it, but he'd blame me as well.
"He who holds it, stoles it."
"That's not even a real phrase!" I shouted at Mitch, throwing my hands in the air at Mitch's stupidity, just like his brother.
Soon enough, Captain Man and Kid Danger entered the candy store, groaning when they saw Jasper. I furrowed my eyebrows together.
Captain Man and Kid Danger pulled Jasper to the side to interrogate him for a crime he didn't commit. Mitch pulled me over to the counter, smirking as he stared at Jasper.
"What the jack Mitch?" I slapped his arm as he laughed at what I said. I pinched his arm rather hard as he winced.
"I got to go, don't want to frame anyone else."
I turned my head, Jasper in cuffs and being escorted out by the police. I let my mouth drop open at the fact the Kid Danger and Captain Man let my best friend get arrested for something he didn't do.
The next day at school, I wore a wire under my shirt. I was going to get Mitch to say that he framed Jasper. I had a fake flower on the upper right hand corner of my shirt that was a recording device.
I put the earpiece in my right ear and made sure that it worked and so that Ray and Charlotte could hear me. After many undeniable tries of trying to get Mitch to say the truth, I almost gave up.
Ray and Charlotte were parked down the street in a van, and I was thankful that it wasn't the Man Van or else someone would've suspected something if Charlotte were to walk out of it.
I would've been in my Kid Danger uniform, but it would've looked suspicious if I did so. How would Kid Danger know where to find Mitch Bilsky and make him prove that he framed Kid Danger's best friend? That wouldn't make much sense, not even to me it doesn't.
I myself have had many encounters with Mitch in the previous years of attending Swellview Junior High, none of them ever going great at all.
He wanted to fight me one time, so I had Charlotte shoot him with the laser from my Whiz Watch.
I made sure no one was looking, so I adjusted the flower and earpiece so they wouldn't fall out or get muffled up from the talking of the people in the halls. I was around the corner from where Mitch was, thankful that he didn't see me before I saw him.
Last thing I need is for him to hear me talking into an earpiece and calling me out for it. That wouldn't be pleasant.
During one try of getting Mitch to talk, a girl opened her locker and screamed at the top of her lungs because of a dead bird. I groaned, grabbing Ray and Charlotte's attention again through the wire.
"Where's Mitch Bilsky?" I heard Ray's voice echo from the hallway. Everyone moved out of the way, pointing at Mitch who was sitting on the steps, a scared look on hid face.
"Bilsky. Admit that you framed Jasper Dunlop." He walked towards Mitch with every word he had said.
"You can't force me to-" Mitch didn't finish his sentence as Ray threw him against the lockers, his hands gripped tightly on the front of his shirt.
"Admit it, so I don't have to punch you in the face and smash your groin."
"You wouldn't hurt a kid." Mitch said, and he clearly didn't know what Ray was capable of doing to someone who looks like an adult.
"Oh please. you look at least twenty-six years old."
Mitch turned his head then faced Ray, "Fair point."
"Now, admit that you're the one that tried to steal the candy boot." I leaned forward a bit so that I made sure Charlotte was able to record this.
"Okay, okay. I did it. I-I framed Jasper. I'm a thief and a bad person and Jasper's like...a really great guy."
I walked away from Ray and Mitch, "Charlotte, you get that?"
"Yep, got it."
I leaned against my locker, waiting for Ray to leave Mitch alone. He walked past me, not noticing me.
"Now, I've got a podcast to do, and everything that I need for that podcast better be there in the next ten minutes," he paused, walking towards the door, "don't do drugs."
I faked a phone call and left the building, meeting up with Ray and Charlotte in the extremely dirty van. I'm pretty sure I had people staring at me as I left the school, but I didn't care.
Actually, I did care. I cared because Aria was in the mixture of people watching what was going on, probably confused as ever just like everyone else.
I think it would've been obvious for her to see me walking out of the school just seconds after Captain Man did. But what I care about now is when I tell Aria tomorrow that I'm Kid Danger.
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