Chapter 5
We drive for a while before we talked to each other. "So where should we go?" R.W asked slowing down at a light. "Um...do you want to get the gang together and go roller skating or something?" I said. "Ok text the others."
"Hey guys, so me and Runningwind wanted to see in y'all wanted to meet up at the rink? If so then meet up in 10. Just know that yes what they said on the news is true. And feel free to bring a friend."
~~~~At the rink~~~~
We sat down and waited for the others. Thundertail said that she was coming and Moosetail was giving her a ride. Oakheart said that she was going to bring a friend along. She called him Sparrowtail.
Soon Oakheart showed up with Sparrowtail. She payed for skates and came over to us. "Hey guys this is Sparrowtail, Sparrowtail this is Spottedstorm and Runningwind or S.S and R.W for short."
"Hi!" He reached out a hand to R.W and me. R.W shook his hand, but I just gave a nod. Soon we heard foot steps to see M.T and T.T walking over with skates. "Hey, who's the new guy?" Asked T.T. "Hi, I'm Sparrowtail. S.T for short."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Moosetail or M.T. This is Thundertail or T.T." I gave them all a hug because it had been a while since we saw each other. "Hey saw it on the news. Are you ok?" Asked O.H and M.T. I nod and started to put my skates on.
"So your not much of a talker are you?" Asked S.T. I shook my head. He then reached over to take off my hood. I grabbed his arm and pulled it behind his back. "Spottedstorm let go." Said M.T, "What did he do?" Asked T.T.
I let go and stepped back. I gave my hood a little tug, signing that he tried to pull of me hood. "Oh I forgot to tell him!" Said O.H and walked over to S.T. She took off with him into the rink.
I walked out and just skated. I went to this place when ever I needed to clear my thoughts. I skated around for a while until M.T skated up to me.
"Hey you all right?" I nodded. "Ok well next time don't almost break his arm. Don't forget that we have a game Thursday." I nod as he skated off to T.T. That left me alone with my thoughts.
M.T was talking with T.T, S.T was talking with O.H and R.W. I took a break and skated over to get a drink. "Hello what would you like?" A boy asked. "I'll have a medium dr.pepper and an order of cheese sticks."
He took off and came back with my drink. I sat there with my hood on minding my own business until some one walks up to me. "Hey I saw you sitting over here all alone and I thought that you would like some company." Said a random guy.
"Leave me alone." I said shooing him off. "Hey that's not happening." He sat down and I got up. "I said to leave. Me. Alone." I walked away from him and sat at a different table. He left to go with some other boys at another table.
"Ok here's your cheese sticks. And don't worry about that guy. If you want I can handle them for you. That'll be 7.78." I gave him that money, "For your information, I can handle it myself." The boy left with the money a little down.
I was left to eat in silence. That didn't happen. I began to eat when a special someone came in, walking over to the guy who had disturbed me in the first place. "Hey sweetie, I hope I'm not to late." Meleny Melendez.
"Hey, nah it's ok. Just that some girl was trying to hitting on me. The girl over there." And he pointed at me. "Oh it's you, what the heck are you doing hitting on my boyfriend?" She said walking over to me.
I got up and skated away. I found where I left my shoes. I wrote a note for R.W and pulled off my skates. "Hey I'm not done with you!" I didn't care about her. I just wanted to leave. I slipped on my shoes and got up to leave.
I hand was on my shoulder and pulled me to face Meleny. I punched her and tried to run, but behind me were the boys. The grabbed me, having no mercy or care, began throwing punches. Soon I was able to get out of their grasp and ran.
I ran outside, past the motorcycle and to the sidewalk. I didn't care that I had left my jacket and the others. I ran, not daring to turn around.
Soon I found a Sonic. I sat down and pulled out my phone. 7 text messages.
2 from R.W, 1 from O.H, 1 from M.T, and 3 from T.T. They were all asking where did I go and where was I. I didn't answer any off them.
R.W didn't stop texting me. He kept asking, but I still didn't answer. Then my phone flashed, saying that someone was trying to find my phone. I knew who is was so I just sat there and waited.
~~~~Until the next Chapter~~~~
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