R.W sat there. He wasn't ready to talk about what was going to happen, you could tell. It was written all over his face, along with hatred.
"You didn't have to bring this up Spottedstorm. I was going to tell them, but no. I was going to tell them!!" He was beyond mad. I didn't know how to respond.
"I need to go find an apartment. You should tell them and go up stairs to get your stuff together..." I spoke, but it only came out as a whisper.
I got up and threw away my trash and grabbed my phone, wallet, and my motorcycle keys. Mom had brought me my bike this morning so I wanted to take it out. I hadn't rode it sense my mom passed.
I pulled up one of the addresses one my phone and left.
~~~Later That Day~~~
Ok this is the last apartment. Let's see; one bedroom, one bath, kitchen and a small living room.
The other apartments were ok. The first one was the most expensive, but didn't have an actual bedroom. The second one was really small, probably the smallest. The third one was in a bad neighborhood so I didn't want to live there.
I walked into the apartment. It was a decent size and it was near the school. The problem was it was really close to Runningwind's house. That was bothering, but this one was the best and was on the cheaper side for $275 a month to rent.
Ok this is my new home. I'll call Officer Montana later and give him the news. For now let's get home and start packing up for the move.
I walked to my bike and hopped on the drive back. The ride was slow, but peaceful. With everything going on it was nice to just drive in silence, but at a certain point, it was unbearable.
By the time I had finished looking at the apartments and got home it was nearly 3 in the afternoon. I had expected everyone to be gone and R.W to be home, but no one was home. With that I headed up stairs and started packing.
Then I realize that I would need a job to pay for rent, food, and other stuff. I thought of what I was good at. I was going into engineering and was a bit of a math wiz. Maybe I could work on bikes and cars for money? At least for my friends.
I was going to be on my own. I had my friends, but I would have to rely on myself from now on.
~~~A Little Bit Later~~~
I walked down stairs and to the kitchen. It was about dinner time, but I was still by myself at home. I then heard my phone go off. I pulled it out of my pocket to see it was a message from R.W.
Hey Mom, I'm with the others so I won't be home till late. Love you!
And there was a picture of him and everyone else, out at a party somewhere.
Well looks like I'm going to be home alone. Mom said she wasn't going to be home till tomorrow for some reason.
Hey. You texted the wrong person!
I texted him back and sat my phone on the counter so I could get food. I little later, it went off, but I didn't care. I walked over to the pantry to find something to eat. I found some chili. I grabbed a can and went over to the stove. I pulled out a pan, open the can, and poured the chili into the pan.
I left the stove on low and headed upstairs to change into some pjs. I came down to find the chili boiling so I serve myself. I turned off the stove and went into the gaming room. I grabbed a ps4 controller and turned on the tv.
Well I'm going to be home all night with no one else here. Let's have some fun. I went upstairs and grabbed my laptop. Since R.W had a youtube account, him and I posted videos together and had about 25,500 subscribers. I thought that if I were to ever get a channel then I would make my own videos and try it out on my own.
Now was my chance. While I was up there, I grabbed his camera and my mask. I think that is about time that I start my own channel. With every thing going on, I was planning on change my screen name. From Spottedstorm to Baby Dragon. This nickname was giving to me by my mom. I was her sunny little dragon.
So this would be my way of remembering her, with the nickname. I pulled up youtube and made my channel. Okay, time to make my intro video. I pulled out the camera and placed it onto the tri-pod. The camera started to record.
"Hello, and welcome! Some of you may used to know me as SpottedStorm, but new account, new name. I am Baby Dragon and this is my channel. If you're new, then let me tell what I do. I play all kinds of video games. Mostly PS4 and pc. Subscribe down below and spread the word of the new type of scales in town! Bye!"
Ok simple and short. I stopped the camera and looked back at the video.
Thankfully, I usually did the editing of the videos, so I pulled out my new computer and got to work. I downloaded the screens that I would need and put in the sd card from the camera. Soon, the editing began.
~~~The Next Hour~~~
The video was finally done. I uploaded the video onto YouTube and got up to stretch. It was almost 9:30. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a can of Coke. I popped it open and began to drink it. I then realized that I had left my phone in here.
I had 7 text messages. I wasn't surprised to find it was R.W. Let's see what he said.
What ever, I don't care.
Wow are you seriously ignoring me! That's so childish.
Ok, fine! Silence treatment.
Tell mom that I'm not coming home tonight. I'm staying at MooseTail's house.
And for your information, I'm having the time of my life! With out you!!
~~~Until Next Chapter~~~
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