"Alright guys, let's shoot this scene," Snowball called out as everyone took their places. Just then, Ozone noticed that Chloe had lit a match and was about to light Pops' ear with it. "CHLOE, NO!" he cried, pouncing on the fat tabby. Frightened, she ended up tossing the match. "I got it!" Max shouted, picking up the lit match and stamping out a few sparks. A burnt mark on the carpet was the only trace that there could have been a fire. "Sorry about the carpet," Max apologized to the elderly dog, who didn't see a thing since his eyes were shut. "Am I supposed to say my line yet?" Pops asked, confused.
Take 2
"How you doin' old timer?" Buddy asked Pops, a search party assembled behind him. However, instead of saying his line, the elderly dog answered the dachshund's question with a question, "Does anyone else smell a burning chicken?" Glancing around, Mel noticed that a small flame blazed on the end of Sweetpea's tail. At the same time, Norman and Duke ran out of the room to grab a bucket of water. [What are you guys looking at?] Sweetpea chirped, noticing that all eyes were on him. Turning his head around, the parakeet took on look at his tail and started panicking. "STOP, DROP, AND ROLL MAN!" Mel and Buddy reminded the parakeet as he flew around the room, chirping loudly. "What's going on?" Pops asked, his eyes still closed. Suddenly, Sweetpea was sprayed down by something white as Snowball returned with a fire extinguisher. Curious, Mel stuck out his tongue and licked some of it off the small bird. "That could have been worse," Tiberius remarked from where he stood next to Gidget. Sniffing the air, the Pomeranian still detected smoke. Turning her head around, she realized with dread that her best friend's tail had a few sparks on it. "Uh, Tiberius..." Gidget began. "Eagle-eye, your tail's on fire," Pops finished, Myron holding up his eyelids. The hawk was about to start panicking when he was splashed by water. Behind him, Norman and Duke were holding a now empty bucket. "This is why we shouldn't play with fire," Leonard called out from offstage.
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