Chapter 5
her sweet breath mingled with the treason in her eyes, heavenly showers with patterns of rain on the windowsill.
"Hi" said the boy as he took a seat infront of the lady who was impatiently tapping his fingers on the table. She only hummed in return.
"So what's the matter?" Said the man with questionable eyes and parted lips. "I have thinking about it for a long time and I think it's the time to say it" said the girl before placing her cup on the table.
"Please right now I'm a little busy, I really don't have time for our marria-" said the boy who got cut off in the middle of his sentence. "I'm not taking about marriage.. let's break up" the words left from her trembling lips which make the other person spell bound about her behaviour.
"Wait what?" Said the boy with a chuckle mixed in his voice. "It's all I have to go" said the girl as she placed her sun glasses, covered her face with face mask and left from there immediately.
Did she ever look at that heart broken boy who was sitting numb on his place. He didn't even got a proper explanation. Now he was all alone with no one at his side. Was he that much bad that negetive things always loves to cross his side.
The patterns got invisible as the air took the droplets with it. down the street with hustling of its merely song made by the weather itself.
As he swayed him in his arms and was doing his duty as a father. It's such a hectic thing to raise off a child, women needs to be praised, he thought as he remembered everything he was doing for his little family.
"ding dong" the bell made its sound. "Ahh who came now" said Seokjin before keeping his baby safe in the crib and turning towards the door to open it.
As soon as he opened it up a lady hugged him tightly. He didn't expected that for sure, he hesitated and push her a little away from him. "What are you trying to do?" said the man after looking at the face, it was quite familiar. He felt like chocking on air cause that lady was Seo-yeon.
"You? What's with this behaviour? Have you lost your mind?" Said Seokjin with a disgusting face baked all over his handsome face.
"I-I had a break up" said the lady with muffle crying and gently holding the door for support. Seokjin looked normal as if he knew what was going to happen.
"So it's for Su-jin right?" Said Seokjin while his head went a little low. "And what makes you think that way?" Questioned Seo-yeon in a little loud tone.
"Nothing..." Answered the boy while closing the door and leaving her outside but it didn't happened she put inside her hand and prevented him to lock it.
"Listen he is just a little boy it's just the circumstances that didn't matched" said the girl to make the other person to make him a little relaxed.
Tho everything was suspicious for him and should he trust the process?
Oh the darling secret! What have you bought to them?
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