Chapter 3
Elora POV
My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing.. No it can't be!
"You're gonna die! I don't care if you're already a God!" I yelled feeling like my body started to change.
"If he hadn't kissed my man I may have let him live!" She yelled at me as Aru's head fell to the floor.
"I am not going to let him die all over again! Far less in the hands of an obsessed lying bitch like you!" I yelled as she stepped back protecting Yuki.
"What will happen if I kill him now? Would you just go back like you did before? Now that's tempting." I said laughing.
"Wh-who are you?!" Yuki yelled and I looked at him.
"Poor, poor Yuki. He has no idea of what you've done, who you are, what you're gonna do does he? Hmm how would he feel if I told him?" I tempted her.
"Shut up!" She yelled at me as she dashed forward to attack me and yet when her knife touched my skin if broke.
"Did you think this was gonna be easy?" I said kicking her away from me hard knocking her out.
"Keep in mind that I'm only letting you live because I know what to do." I said to Yuki as I walked to Aru and took his head putting it in the right place. I started using my power just to turn back time just enough to put his body back together.
"Now for the hard part.." I said and closed my eyes creating a barrier around me and Aru as I closed my eyes and concentrate.
"What's going on? Who are you and how did you put my body back together?" I hear his voice and I opened my eyes to see his ghost. I smiled.
"What do you mean you do know if he's dead or not?" I asked my father once he took us to his work place.
"I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want to freak you out or nake things worse but Aru Akise, from what I know, can't be dead." He said and I looked at him strange.
"But I saw him die in front of me dad how could he not be dead?!" I asked freaking out a bit.
"In order for someone to completely die one of my people or me has to collect his soul." My father said walking and opened a room with people checking books.. it looks like a library.
"This is where we keep the souls once a soul has been collected their life becomes a book meaning if there is no book then there is no soul." My father said and I looked around the library like place.
"I have no book that has to do with Aru Akise's soul meaning he can't possibly be dead." My father said as I looked at him.
"And as for your question the answers are both yes and no." He said making me blink in confusion.
"The only way that you could bring a person back to life is if every part of their body be healthy. You can do that with your time manipulation powers. And as for the soul you can only bring it back to the body after you've healed it and if and only if the soul is still there and no reaper has come to collect the soul. You are the only person that can bring someone back to life thanks to your time manipulation and reaper powers from your mother and me." He said.
"Once I put you back you will remember who I am Aru." I said to him as I closed my eyes again putting my hands on Aru's body for a few seconds before I heard him breathing or more like gasping.
"Aru!" I yelled hugging him and I felt Yuki looking at me.
"How did you..?" I hear him say but I'm just hugging Aru.
"I'm so sorry Aru I'm sorry! I let you die again!" I said buried my face in his chest and he pet my hair.
"How could I have forgotten you?" He whispered and I looked at him.
"You remember me now?" I asked and he had tears in his eyes.
"Of course I remember you Leia." He said taking my face in his hand.
"How could I forget the love of my life?" He said and kissed my lips as I put my hand over the one he had on my face and the other on his chest.
"I love you." I said kissing him again and I felt him smile in the kiss.
"I love you too my love." He whispered before looking at Yuki and the now next to him and conscious Yuno.
"How did you bring him back to life?" She asked and I put myself in front of Aru looking at him just for a second.
"We will go home together, and we will get married someday." I said giving him a smile before glaring at Yuno.
"How did you bring him back?! No one can bring back the dead!" She yelled and I smirk.
"You're kinda right on that. If I wasn't born then no one would be able to bring anyone back to life. But I was so I'm the only person that can bring someone back to life." I said to her.
"How?" She yelled her eyes changing to psycho mode.
"I was born with the power. You will never be able to have it." I said as my cloth changed to my original cloth meaning the same cloth as before but red instead of yellow and I saw my red hair again.
"As you may have already guessed I'm not exactly from this world so that's where my powers come from. Now if you excuse us." I said taking Aru's hand in mine.
"We have a date to finish." I said smiling and went on something like white light before we made it to my house.
"Leia?" I heard and turned around looking at my father.
"I did it.. I saved him and brought him back." I said to him with tears of joy falling down my cheek.
"You did good my girl." He said with a smile and looked at Aru.
"Welcome back Akise. I really hope you don't die again I don't know how my daughter would react to it." Said my father in a funny way though you can tell he was serious.
"I'm not sir.. and now that you're here. I'd like to ask for your daughter's hand." He said and I looked at him surprised.
"You didn't have to.." I started but.
"I know.. but I was actually thinking about it before.. well that happened." He said smiling at me and kissed my cheek making me blush. My father started laughing uncontrollably.
"Of course you already have my blessing! What kinda father would I be if I said no?!"
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