Chapter Two
Peter slipped away from the Lost Boys, for some much needed alone time. Something just felt... wrong.
He began to sift through his trunks of treasures that lined the wall opposite his bed, unsure of what he was looking for. When his hand brushed against a small hand-made doll, he stopped.
This was hers. She made each LostBoy their own, identical to each boy, but she left hers. Accidentally or on purpose he didn't know, and frankly, he didn't care. But the pain of her leaving was too much for Peter to bear. So, he hid away the little doll. It looked exactly like her. Soft, fiery hair, emerald eyes, rosy cheeks. Holding the doll to his chest, he laid on the bed.
Did she even care? No, you saw how happy she was when her father returned. She doesn't care about you. She probably has forgotten about you by now.
Peter shook the voices from his head and laid the doll safely under his pillow. He'd come back for it later. But now, he needed to forget about her and find something to drink before he caught a headache.
He could hear his mother's voice, "Peter? How much water have you drank today? If you don't want a headache you must drink some water!"
Peter chuckled to himself, Mother cared too much, he thought. And honestly, he missed being looked after. He missed his dear mother.
Jane reminded him so much of her. Her stubborn demeanor and commanding voice. He almost refused to take Jane back home, but he knew she would find a way home weather he took her or not.
Peter grabbed a glass of water and sat down at their rickety table.
"Peter? Are you ok?" Nibs entered the little room, wringing his hat in his hands.
He looked up to see the entourage of boys standing in front of him. "What's all this?"
"You haven't been yourself lately," Cubby spoke up.
"We gave it a few days, but you haven't snapped out of it yet," Nibs said softly.
Little Toodles came up and laid on Peters leg, for he was worried too.
"What's wrong with you Peter?" One of the twins asked.
"Well, I've been missing someone. Someone special to me. Too all of us," Peter replied sheepishly.
"Our LostGirl."
"Why don't ya go get her?" The other twin asked. "If you miss her so much that you're sad, then she needs to be here, right?" He looked at the other boys for reassurance.
"Yeah!" They all cheered.
"Really?" Peter was shocked. Go get her? What if she refuses? What would I do then? I would be sad forever! Peter shook the thoughts from his head and said, "I'll think about it. How about we get some sleep? I'm exhausted." Peter looked at the boys. "Fine,"he rolled his eyes, "I'll go get her tomorrow," she said with a sheepish smile. "Now go to sleep!"
The boys grinned, as they scurried off to their bunks.
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