the first day of school
BRING! BRING! Ugh… There goes the alarm. I feel the sense of dread to come over me, why do I have to go to school? I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. Then, the longing comes again. An longing to become that girl’s friend.
I still could not think of why I wanted to be her friend. I thought of all of the possible reasons last night. Yet, not one of them make sense. I have always been alone. It was the only way I found not to get hurt because of others.
Menacing things happened because of friends.
That far to painful to remember for now. I get up and walk to my closet. I take out the school uniform, It was classy, yet boring as all private school uniforms are. There was a white button up long t-shirt, with a dark blue bow and skirt. Very boring looking clothing.
Yet, for some reason it did not bother me, because I was trying to figure out the crypted mind of that girl from last night. It was the break of dawn when I walk down stairs. I picked up my bento, and walked past the intruder, without looking past.
The girl was their, standing outside of my door.
She stared at me nervously, then said, “Um… sorry for yesterday…. my name is Susko… can….I your friend?”
Susko continued after taking a breath of air, “…..see….people….um….think...I’m weird… Can...I be cool….you look cool.”
This is her, Just breathe, “I guess if you really want to, but trouble does seem to follow me.”
Cursided she just had to say that, she had just messed up what could have been an awesome opportunity. But no, she just had to mess it up. Then something happened that surprised me.
“I don’t mind, you may know my name but not my story,” Susko said this in a tone that was darker than Hostility. It almost seemed like something in her had snapped. Before she was so nervous that she could hardly speak. Now, she spoke with such confidence that it also was like you had no choice but to obey.
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I turned around at that point, aware of the edge that she had in her voice. She almost seemed like she was staring straight into my soul. Almost like she was supposed to judge me.
Fear struck me from where I stood in my gravel road. My house whitewashed, almost looked like it was rotting. Spider webs dosed the house with a creepy effect. The whole atmosphere was suffocating me in a terrifying piece of art.
But, still I was being draw to Susko, Why had the others not been drawn to her too? The question silently crawl with the agony in the back of my mind. I decided that just for this one time I would finally give into my temptation.
But Just This once.
“Fine, but you have to walk me to school every day,” this I said while trying to suppress a blush that was spreading across my cheeks.
This has to be the most embarrassing thing I have ever done. The rest of the walk to school was incredibly tense, But I did see things that must be investigated for a new secret Hiding place.
Finally we made it to the school.
The unkind world made Susko one year younger than me so we are in different floors and classroom curse them with a thousand years of bad luck. Class A-2, thats my classroom finally I find it but unfortunately that whole fiasco made it so that I am 30 minutes late.
Shit. This means that mom and that imposter will be notified that I was so in getting to school. Right before I can complain any more the teacher noticed that I was standing outside the classroom.
I know those eyes mean that she wants me to come into the classroom and sit down. I slowly walk into the classroom counting each step it takes to get in. I do it all while looking down in embarrassment. Slowly I look up, there were only seven kids in the class and teacher seemed not to care about teaching so everyone was doing their own thing surprisingly.
Suddenly, the classroom’s door flies open, I saw the most pissed guy in the entire world.
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The angsty teenager, well, he looked like the world shut him out and he was now sought on getting his revenge. I could tell that he was also not to be messed with. Yet he also racked with similarities to Susko For some odd reason that I could not tell. The agony of not knowing is thoroughly driving me crazy.
Suddenly my daydreaming was broken by the sound of a book slamming right beside me. Does this person have any respect for others? Suddenly I stopped what I was straight in my tracks. I have said that before, haven’t I?
Suddenly I Remember.
When I first met Susko, or saw what she was in the bushes, I thought she had no respect for others. Maybe, Maybe I am Just being paranoid, but I believe that there really is something underneath the surface. Oh well.
As The lesson progresses I continue to study every movement that tall black haired, and aqua blue man, or should I say student in other words. He was studying what the teacher was doing, almost like I was studying him. His actions just did not make any sense.
It Just did not make any sense. Why would he be acting like that
Then I remembered Susko. Hmm, since Susko lived here for a long time she might know something about him. But first, I need to know his name.
I peered over him as unsuspecting as I could. My self esteem was letting me know from the back of my mind that he knew I was perrig over him. As I noticed this, my cheeks flush an allure of light pink colors from my embarrassment. But, for some reason unknown, he did not seem angry as I thought he would.
To my uncertain surprise instead he said this, “If you wanted to know my name you could've just asked.”
His voice was harsh yet, surprisingly soft at the same time, “Sorry, I just thought you were angry, So I did not really want to bother you, my name is Eisa Windstorm, what's yours?” this I tried to say in the most apologetic way.
He responded sharply but I could tell that he only meant good, “Really, that's a first, My name is Igneel Tresher, If you really wanted to know.”
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After he had finished talking, he went quickly back to studying the teacher again. Only this time trying to see what he had missed. It was funny, the way that he tried to sound nice, but totally oblivated that perspective and changed it to seem like he was angry. But Still, I found it very Funny.
Later after school.
I was waiting at the entrance to school. Somehow I notice while waiting for Susko that their was an old, and I mean old, book lying on the floor. While thought this was odd, I was also overcome with curiosity. So, I decided what was the harm in taking a little book that nobody would miss with me.
Slowly and stealthily I snuck the book into my school bag. I must say that it really was very heavy to carry. Still, i managed to get it into my bag and onto my shoulders.
Susko came running towards me before I had time to think about what just happened. It was so crazy, Why would I pick up a book that had just been lying on the floor before had. It was just too crazy to think about it.
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