"All Avengers and related personal, please report to the Bridge immediately. All..." I groaned and rolled off my bed as the message was transmitted through tiny speakers in my bedroom. Half-awake, I dressed, a slim synthetic material mostly black (like most of the things at SHIELD) with dark red highlights. My arc reactor glowed through the material and I traced the shape absent-mindedly. I was due for another check up today, my cast was removed yesterday due to the enhanced genetics we received in the modification process.
I took my time walking to the Bridge, thinking about the suit that I had practically finished last night. It was missing a few things... I had received a personal message from Fury stating that I was not allowed to under any circumstances modify weapons any more than Class 3 into the suit. I even gotten a pamphlet explaining that basically I wasn't allowed any weapons except Plasma bullets, small missiles and defensive mechanisms.
I did the logical thing, I chucked it into the incinerator.
I arrived, my mind semi-clear to a room full of arguments. Typical.
The Next-Gen Avengers were basically on the outer edge of the fight. I spotted Piggy and walked over to him, Gale was leaning on a wall in one of the corners, he avoided my quick glances. I shuffled and looked down. I'd internally wished that yesterday had broken some ice but perhaps not. After our encounter I'd drifted back to the lab to work on Marine, I really needed to make up a better name. I'd practically finished it though and immensely proud of it, having the Tony Stark give his seal of approval had helped it even more.
I turned away, suppressing the excited thrumming throughout my veins. Tony Stark just gave me his seal of approval on Marine, saying he'd been impressed by the 'fluctuating design' of the suit. I'd implemented a design which allowed the suit to pressurise and fortify in some areas within seconds.
"Good job Lana," he approved as we turned back to our own. I burst forth a grin, tracing the arc reactor, once, twice, feeling victory flow through my veins.
"I don't usually let people call me Lana," I murmured. Tony responded in an instant.
"Do you know how the others got their names?" Tony asked. I shook my head. Slowly, he began, almost like telling a story. "They're supposed to be replicates of their parents right? Well that transferred to their names, your sister Cleo, is actually short for Cleopatra, a formidable but debatable warrior, plus its an old timey kind of name. Cleo was to be a warrior and to be wise."
I rolled my eyes, folded my arms, and huffed, leaning against the bench at the mention of Cleo's extravagant background. Tony must've picked up on it because he added a stern. "Not intelligent, wise,"
"Nile, well because since Cap is all Christian and the river Nile is somewhat important in Egypt and Egypt is pretty important in Christianity. Plus the river Nile is pretty much the backbone and brain of Egypt, providing strength, strategy and advancement for the entire society. Likewise Nile was supposed to be the strength, advancement and strategy for the team."
"Weird," I muttered, "this actually makes sense,"
"Angel and Aaron were modelled of a crossover of Clint and Natasha's DNA,"
"Clintasha shippers," I sighed, "what are we going to do with them?"
"Exactly, well Aaron kept the first letter of the name along with his sister, the facade of innocence and hidden charasma was a really strong point that was considered in the replication process. And Angel, just like a little angel with her bow and arrow she was supposed to be charismatic and strategic, trained precision from before she could walk."
"Gale, briskly and chilly," Tony shivered, "just like his father-"
"Wait you knew?" I huffed, annoyed, I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation. "I couldn't figure it out for ages!"
Tony laughed and covered it with a cough, "Well I did go through all of the files," I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to continue. "Gale was supposed to be tricky and strategic like his father whilst being powerful. Fast and brisk as wind, but much, much more powerful."
"You saved the best for last," I grinned cheerfully, sitting atop the bench, I flicked my hair sassily.
"Yes... Well, Alana Smith, a name designed to blend but ultimately designed to stand out. She was destined to be intelligent, charismatic and inventive. The Celtic origins mean harmony and noble, the Irish ones claim she's beautiful. You can decide which you choose to be." I smiled and looked down, a blush spread across my cheeks.
"Though I should call you Lana, you prefer that, don't you?"
"Sometimes," I said softly, "only to those who deserve it."
"Well if I can call you Lana, you can call me Dad," I stopped and looked up at him. Trying to contain the grin that was splitting my cheeks with joy.
"Okay... Dad."
"What the heck is happening?" I said in a low voice, to Piggy, as Agent Romanoff launched into another shouting match against Nick. Her shrill voice increasing, some of the armatures on the bridge stole quick looks our way,
"So there's this guy right who escaped prison and stuff, pretty dangerous. Basically half of them, the Avengers, want us to fight him for like training stuff and the other half say it's too dangerous and that we haven't had enough training and all that." Piggy supplied as Rodgers tried to reason with Natasha. Rodgers, for once wasn't in his training gear.
"So whose on what side?" I asked curiously, wanting to see what side Tony was on.
"Nick proposed the idea and both Steve and Thor support it, saying it'll be a 'learning experience'." James used quotation marks around the 'learning experience', "Dr. Banner is neutral, the Black Widow is against it, Hawkeye is supporting her and surprisingly enough, Tony Stark is against it,"
"Huh, well that's something you don't hear everyday," I spoke and Tony caught my eye and the ends of his mouth quirked up, he gave me a wink. I smiled when he turned away.
Nick turned to us, "Well do you want to do it or not?"
We all looked at each other but it was Nile who spoke up first, "With all due respect sir, but we aren't ready, training-"
"That was what yesterday was for," Fury interrupted, "to evaluate what positions you should be taking in an event like this," Piggy and I looked to each other in slight alarm. Yesterday was a mess. James was untrained, there was the possibility of the kid Hulk to burst forth. I didn't have the best training in terms of anything that could verse a villain.
"Then I guess it should be fine," I saw Cleo for the first time today, she looked different, snottier I guess, she held her chin up in a regal stance, despite being dressed in SHIELD clothing. Don't ask me how one can change like that overnight.
"Alana in her suit, Cleo and Nile will be containing the criminal, Agent Angel and Aaron are transport and backup, James will be over viewing the evacuation strategies and Gale will be directing the taskforce of agents in civilian evacuation." Fury said commandingly, I was pretty happy with my job. Aside from the new suit not being fully furnished I was confident the mission would be cake. I mean like SIS properly hadn't calibrated to the design of the new suit.
"Are you serious?" Gale complained, "civilian evac?" He spoke like it was the worst job of them all, scooping the poop while the others went out to the movies.
I tried to stifle my laughter and received a glare from Fury. Any protest of pain from Gale was pretty funny.
Holographic images and information of the criminal appeared, Chen Lu or otherwise known as Radioactive Man. We were given a brief background which wasn't very brief, little information about his immediate family and his weaknesses and strengths. I rolled my eyes and pretended to contain a yawn.
We were told to subdue him, preferably without coming into contact with him as he could give off large amounts of radiation that could kill many people. At this point, Piggy and I went to interrupt, pointing out in the lack of calculations but Fury cut us off.
"Your plane is ready and should be leaving in five minutes, it is on Hanger Nine and Deck 3/4. Go and prepare, we will be watching," We looked at each other and locked eyesight. Piggy and I rolled our eyes at the same time and turned away at opposite times. The Science Sass was so in sync. I made a note to fist-pump Piggy later. With Fury's ominous note, most of the Offspring scrambled to their feet and scurried out of the room to prepare.
"Lana," Tony called and I stopped, I turned to grin. Tony caught up to me and looked me in the eye, "don't take off the suit, it's been fitted with radiation resistant plating, plus you might find a few added toys," He gave me a wink and I whispered a thank you in return before running off to the storage space where they kept the new suit. It was a coppery and silver colouring. It's beautiful. I thought to myself.
I pressed a button on the right side of my glasses which would send direct orders to the specific suit, "SIS, please collapse the Marine into Travel Mode," the suit stepped forwards and then began the quick process of collapsing into a briefcase which I then modified to a backpack.
I swung it onto my back with a grunt and a wheeze, "Note to self," I muttered, "lighter suit is next goal," I struggled up to the deck with ample directions provided by random agents and SIS. I barely made the leaving plane, the Twins gave me an erratic grin as they began to pilot the plane to one of the runways, probably happy to be free of SHIELD.
The plane was small, built more for speed than comfort. Two rows of three seats faced each other. Four of them occupied. Piggy and Gale sat on one side, a seat between them. Nile and Cleo sat on the other side, the only seat available was next to Cleo. Despite Gale's behaviour, my displeasure sitting next to my adoptive sister was stronger and I took an awkward seat in between Gale and James.
Piggy was quiet aside from making the occasional small talk. Honestly, he didn't appear excited as Cleo or Nile about the fight. I suspected he was scared that his inner Hulk would come bursting out. Secretly, I wished for a superpower like the Hulk, or ergokinesis like Cleo, cryokinesis like Gale or even just good Ol' enhanced genes like Angel, Aaron or Nile.
You have your arc reactor... And your suit. Something in the back of my mind protested. I admittedly agreed, tracing the reactor again.
After an hour, the Twins reported that we'll be there soon and to 'suit up'. I closed the live footage of Chen's beginning destruction on Hong Kong. Luckily, the prison had been some way away from the main city and it'd given us enough time to get there. Time was minimal, but it was enough. Piggy and I had a quick conversation of the logic of travelling the globe within an hour as Marine formed around me. Piggy was going to be staying on the plane for the fight, not eager to risk 'Hulking out' as his new fear had become.
Despite that, James was still armed with defensive measures like a gun and tranquilliser disks which knocked out a superhuman for an hour. They were silver coloured and were shaped like frisbees, a glowing circle of blue light indicated the charge.
Gale was armed with an assortment of weapons, but obviously had a perforation for the twelve-inch Kunai throwing knives, of which SIS identified for me. He spun them in his hands like it was some kind of tic. Occasionally he looked up at me, his eyes scrunched thoughtfully like Darryl's from the Walking Dead.
Nile had a shield, imitating one of his father's and was in a SHIELD formatted uniform but his custom colours were blue, white and red, just like mine were maroon, silver and bronze, Gale's were forest green, Cleo's were crimson, and the twins were purple, black and red respectively. Piggy wore civilian clothing.
Cleo had a new obsession for an electric spear which held a substantial amount of energy that could be released. It was just over two meters long and had a barbed point on one end. Designs of lightning and Nordic runes were etched into the side of the spear. They glowed when she began to summon lightning, I'd seen her yesterday, training. She'd proudly told me that it was a gift from her father.
Angel had a bow whilst Aaron took a liking to guns, both extremely high tech killing devices. Angel's perforation for the bow re-enforced my mental nickname of Cupid.
I saw the others insert their earpieces to pick up in the transmission of each other. Marine automatically tuned into the transmission, in the background we could hear the murmur of our parents. Despite our enhanced hearing, we couldn't make out what they were saying. They seemed to be having casual but tense conversation. I heard someone sarcastically ask how the kids and wife were, probably Dad.
The quinjet landed, Nile and Cleo ran out first, I took to the skies, trying to locate Chen. The murmur of parents in the background ceased and I got regular updates from Cupid and regular quips from Dad and Clint. It wasn't too long before I found him. Tall, Chinese man with little to no hair and pure white eyes. He was heavily built like a bodybuilder decided to do steroids, his skin glowed a sickly green like the toxic waste in the comics.
"Hey Spangles Jr. and Stormy? We've found Steroids," I surveyed the immediate area, police had already cleared civilians within five blocks. But the occasional person who hadn't got the memo that there's a flipping radioactive super dude whose glowing green in the middle of the street would squawk and run for cover like chickens crossing the road. I refrained myself to comment on the comms.
"Where is he?" Chen bellowed, searching the city and blasting apart buildings like childrens blocks. "Where is the son of Odin?"
"Thoooooooooorrrr, why does man of Steroids hate you so?" I asked sarcastically as hovered and I aimed a blast at Chen after he sent his radioactive fist flying into the ground.
Cleo and Nile finally arrived on scene as I hovered twenty meters above Chen. Taking their time per usual. Another thought occurred and I did my best to keep from cracking up laughing. On a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight? I could imagine Nile saying to Cleo behind one of the street vendors, putting on a pout. Somewhat like his father, his confidence in his charisma was not at what it could be.
"It appears that Thor and Steroids had a little stand-off back in time," I heard Tony's voice over the coms. Nile threw his shield at Chen but the radioactive force fields Lu was creating counteracted the force and sent the shield flying back towards him.
"Spangles Jr. that's not going to work, the force fields can repel even Thor's hammer," I spoke, SIS thankfully, put some measurements on the right side of my interface, bless her robotic heart. Angel sent a few arrows flying at Chen through a blind spot of radioactive force field. He picked them out of the air and laughed. That was until they exploded in his face.
"Does this guy have a weakness?" Nile asked exasperatedly, helping a civilian to safety. "Gale, you're supposed to be doing this," I heard Nile grit.
"Just enjoying the attention y'know," Gale replied, "... Yes ma'am... No, I cannot marry your daughter... No sir, I'm sorry I don't swing that way... I'm in a relationship,"
"He isn't fast and he lacks in fighting skills," I supplied and I dodged a blast of radiation which could be seen as an iridescent green. I'm in a relationship. The words rung throughout my head. I activated a hemi-electrosphere which split into six different objects, placed evenly around Chen and began sending out an electrical charge to keep him contained for a moment.
"But it's extremely hard to get in close," Nile counteracted.
I grinned to myself, "Well I don't know Nile, perhaps now might be a good time?" I shot forwards, SIS enforcing the amour in the critical spots. Speeding, through the barriers, a headache began to form and my hands began to feel tingly as if I had pins and needles. I shook it off as a side effect of the radiation and aimed several blasts at Chen, four tranquilliser darts made their way into his thick skin but before they could be activated I was blasted away. The spheres spun away, making pathetic whirring noises. SIS told me that the spheres were no longer working. Thanks for that.
"Lana!" I heard a cry and saw Gale run to my side. Piggy ran to help Nile who got hit by a blast of radiation. I hazily spotted Cleo thrusting her spear into the air. Storm clouds gathered and Gale crouched over me as Cleo set it loose on Chen. I blinked away the spots dancing in my eyes.
While Chen was down I pushed down the nausea and began to fly at him. However, something sparked in his eyes and for a second I could've sworn I saw a swirl of black before Chen specifically aimed two blasts of radiation and James and I.
SIS decided to remind me that the anti-radiation was not working at its maximum due to the fall I took earlier.
"What what?" I cried as the blast hit me and I was thrown into a building.
The next few moments were a haze of cries and pain, I felt Gale pick me up from the rubble, horror torn over his beautiful face. Beautiful?
As he ran, I caught a glimpse of what once was James, now transform into a large, green rage monster.
QOTD: What year do you think this is set in? Winner gets a cameo.
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