I was awoken to an alarm which I did not set. Grumbling to myself every second that I pulled myself out of bed, I dressed and prepared myself for the troubles of the new day. I wore black trousers, a maroon shirt with a nice neckline and threw on a SHIELD windbreaker, fervently wishing for my old clothes back at home.
"Come on," The girl twin, the little Angel, tapped her foot impatiently in the doorway of my room. I whirled around, taking a semi-defensive position with my fists raised.
"Bleeding blood." I hissed, "There's a thing called knocking," I dropped my stance.
"Training assessment time," The little agent sung, "you guys are going to get beaten into the ground," A vicious smirk crossed her face and she folded her arms as I grabbed my glasses. Angel pivoted out the door and I ran to catch up with her.
"What happens there? Torture?"
She laughed but without sound. "They assess your physical health to find your breaking point," I tried not to feel worried by this.
We got to the room and I felt of pang of hunger, "Aren't we going to get breakfast?"
"Trust me, you do not want to have breakfast before training assessment," But food, I mentally whined. She swiped her card in the slot and opened the metal door. The training room was large, weapons of every type lined the walls, different areas were allocated for different types of fighting. A few other agents were in the room, the acrid smell of sweat filled the air.
Agent Angel led me through the training, and through another door to a large grey room. All of the other Avenger's kids were there, I took an awkward spot next to Piggy who offered a smile. Gale was next to the teaching agent, obviously having some type of authority over the group.
"Nice to see that you took your sweet time," The teacher agent lady person growled, giving me a death-worthy glare which I shrugged off.
"I tend to do that,"
Once I'd settled in and Agent May had retained her authority, she continued. "My name is Agent May and I will be your evaluator," the trainer was dressed in a dark SHIELD uniform, with a leather long sleeved jacket. She was of Asian descent and her ramrod black hair swept around with every little movement she made. She was probably a lean fighter from her body stance and stature. Angel and co-Twin shifted happily as if being in her presence was simply an honour itself.
"This is Agent Gale and he will be helping me with the evaluation," May gestured to Gale beside her who gave everyone a steely glare. "You will be fighting one of us in hand-to-hand combat," I wanted to protest that I was an asthmatic or I had some other condition that would keep me from 'participating in this activity'. However since SHIELD is an international security network which can also be doubled up as part-time stalkers, I really didn't think that would work.
May went into detail about the rules of fighting which I mostly tuned out to. Piggy seemed worried, his eyes darting around, Nile seemed confident enough, Cleo was excited and I had no idea what I was feeling. Probably the least experienced out of them all. Cupid and May fought first, she was lean and obviously well trained and but eventually May took her down. She beat the twin as well.
Piggy put up a small fight against Gale, his style leaning towards not touching the opponent as much as possible which was basically useless. No one was really expecting him to be a good fighter, as some of the agents on guard duty I heard whispering were talking about the Hulk being inherited to his son. I amused myself thinking about it, Piggy as a large and rather scary green rage monster.
Nile was considerable, but his fighting was missing a weapon of some sort. I guessed since he was exactly like his father, a perforation to fight with his shield would've been passed on. Maybe not, it could've been the subject of a nature vs nurture debate.
Cleo fought commendably, for an apparent agent which I was miffed and kinda confused about, but not well enough against a trained professional like Gale, he took her out pretty easily. I couldn't deny though, I did enjoy watching her face be squished into the mat and her have to grunt for mercy. It almost made up for the years that I got beat up.
Then it was my turn.
Gale gave a smirk as I walked up to the slightly raised platform. He was to verse me, which was rather... Frightening. I evaluated my odds, we were both genetically stronger than the average human being. Gale was a trained professional teacher while I had taken online classes and knew a few moves, something he didn't know. A small advantage but I had to take what I got.
I readied myself in a weak fighting stance after placing my glasses away, I saw a grimace play along Gale's lips at the slight of me what was his problem?
I looked up above his head to see a viewing room which I hadn't noticed before, all of the Avengers and a few agents plus Fury were watching. Tony was at the front of the group and I had probably never been more worried about performing in front of a group.
"Great, we have an audience," I muttered to myself and rolled my eyes. Your idol is up there. The fangirl within me screamed. I told it to shut up and focus on not being beaten into the dirt by Gale.
Gale took that moment to charge and I ran at him, sliding underneath. He saw what I was attempting to do and jumped over, swinging his leg around as I tried to stand. I ducked underneath and aimed a lousy punch at his jaw. My first goal was to make him believe I was an amateur, second, whip his probably-good-looking-although-mysterious-butt. My fist made contact with Gale's chin and he catered back before regaining his balance.
I used the distraction to regain my stance and stood in a stronger one, dancing on the balls of my feet. Gale feinted a left and hit my ribcage on the right. With a loud gasp, I stumbled back, wary not to fall. As he readied himself for another attack, I swept his feet out from underneath him and successfully cause him to fall. We both scrambled to our feet and readied ourselves for another attack.
I made the first move, throwing a punch which he stopped in midair. I managed to hiss, "I thought that only happened in movies," He twisted my arm over my chest until I was pressed to his. A cold chill overcame me.
Focus Lana! My thoughts cried but didn't process.
"Frozen," Gale chuckled in my ear, anger surged through me and I slammed my head into his face. With a cry he released me, his cheeky demeanour gone. I rubbed the back of my head exaggerating the whimpers in the movement. Gale settled for a sly smirk as he wiped away the steady flow of blood which was trailing over his lips. The twins and some of the observing agents gasped in surprise. Surged by the sight of his blood, the temperature in the room instantly dropped, fury clear in his expression. The air turned brittle and puffs of heat curled in the chilling air.
I opened my mouth to apologise, retort, say something. He came at me, his attacks quicker, more like quick stabs of a knife rather than a fluent movement or dance. I dropped my guard for half a second, and that half a second cost me.
Gale came at me with a full-force uppercut. It would be comical if it weren't so painful. I hit the ground painfully and my vision blackened for a second. Bells rung in my ears and pain pulsed throughout my temple. I blinked and light blinded me, a face filled my vision.
"Lana. Are you okay?" The voice asked, it had dark hair, I couldn't be sure if it was Piggy or Gale. My vision blurred out again and the shouts decreased to a incoherent din.
I pressed my hand to the mat and pushed myself up, waiting for the flow of nausea that didn't come. My head became clearer and suddenly my eyesight wasn't so blurry. Perhaps the super speed healing? It would come in handy.
I managed to make out Gale standing, facing Fury and co. What he was doing, I was unsure of, wether he was ranting or doing a staring contest, I couldn't be sure.
"Gale!" I called, bordering on a cry and a scolding of a mother. The temperature decreasing again, frost began to web out from underneath his feet. Air hung in front of me, a chill raced up my spine but surprisingly, there were no goosebumps.
He stopped, turned to look at me, a flash of realisation crossed his face and he stormed out, the cold following him.
Shocked by the sudden rise in temperature, I snapped out of my cold haze and followed him, much to the consistent orders against, and shouts by Fury and Agent May. However, they made no physical movement to stop me.
The metal hallways were cold and a layer of melting ice lead the way. I jogged after the trail until it was almost new. I arrived at an intersection and ran around the corner quickly. Within seconds, cold hand clamped down on my forearms and spun me into a cleaning cupboard. I looked into furious icy green eyes, they were a cold hard green but leaked of their colour and with burning rage within them. Gale.
I open my mouth to snap at him for the sudden movement but he pressed a finger to my lips as a troops of agents, searching for us, passed. Once it was clear, his angry demeanour returned and he glared at me with hatred.
"What do you want?"
"Why are you always in such a bad mood?" I asked curiously, slightly fazed by his anger and his ability to predict troop movements.
"Unlike your sister and the rest of the Avenger's offspring, I wasn't cleared to go out into the world. According to them I was dangerous, erratic, because of my father,"
"You said my sister, not me," I murmured as another troop passed, "and your father..."
"They closely monitored you," Some of his anger melted and it was replaced by urgency, "there's power stirring within you, that once released, you won't be able to control,"
"Wait, I have powers?" My curiosity peaked at this point, but we had little time so I let Gale continue.
"If there's one thing I've learnt from growing up within the organization, it's just because SHIELD tells you something, don't assume it's true," I was suddenly aware of the fact that Gale's arms still had me pressed to the wall of the cleaning cupboard. Stereotypical stories of cleaning cupboards came back to me in startling vividly. I started to tremble in anticipation and worry, was I translating this wrong?
You're Tony Stark's unintentional daughter, my thoughts snapped, handle it like a pro.
"When you were able to hack into their systems, they took it as a sign, the pieces were already falling into place, they just needed a reason to finish the puzzle and assemble a new generation of protection," Gale whispered earnestly.
"Back to the point," I whispered, "your father, Nick said that the Avengers and somebody else's DNA were sourced. You said that you were dangerous and that you weren't cleared to go out into the world because of your father. Unless there was a rogue super dangerous Avenger that I wasn't aware of, your father is Loki,"
The temperature in the room dropped again and ice spread from Gale's fingertips. A cruel smirk curled on his lips.
"Good girl," He whispered before leaving the cupboard.
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