I groaned and rubbed my eyes as I sat up. My breath staggered as I sat up, a reaction to the odd arc reactor in my chest. Weirdly, it felt completely normal, as if my entire life I had been missing something and the arc reactor completed that.
That's silly, I thought to myself, people can't be completed by technology.
Hypocrite. The other part of me hissed.
The cardiac monitor next to me set into a looping pattern of heart rates. Instead of getting up and searching for more answers, I laid, mulling over the information in my head. As I picked at the baby blue knitted quilt, questions began to nag at the back of my mind; Why am I here? What did I do? Why am I not tied to the bed like in the movies? Why is Tony Stark here? Are there any other Avengers? Is there Mac and Cheese on the helicarrier?
The door opened, without looking I instantly realised it was Cleo. I spared a disinterested look at her, yet trying to contain my confusion. "Here to drag me home in embarrassment?"
She tilted her head, her blonde ringlets down over what appeared to be a SHIELD uniform. The faintest of sleepless circles were making their way under her eyes. With her lips pressed together in a smoldering frown and her glaring eyes, she appeared almost... Deadly.
"You haven't heard?" The moment passed and she returned to soft-Cleo and sat on the metal chair next to my bed.
"What? Your mother's having a party?" I tried to add as much bitterness to the sentence as I could. Cleo's mouth opened in protest then she rolled her eyes.
"Look, I can't tell you, I'm not authorised to,"
"What? Authorisation? What the heck Cleo, authorisation? This isn't a spy movie,"
Cleo went to respond but then Banner returned. He wore a crinkled button-up shirt and jeans, a lab coat was thrown on. A dangling SHIELD badge swung from his breastpocket.
"Can I go?" I asked quickly. "You know, the whole tranquillisation thing was slightly unnecessary,"
Bruce ignored my sarcasm.
"You should probably stay and rest but I know that you'll want to get up and leave so I'll clear you. Cleo can show you where you need to go," He turned to walk away but I asked quickly.
"I didn't think you were a medical doctor,"
He turned and looked at me, a smirk playing on his face, "I have enough clearance,"
He left and I muttered, "That wasn't a cool exit,"
"He's actually very nice when he isn't the big monster, elk?"
"Hulk, an elk is like a deer, I can't even believe I'm somewhat related to you and you don't know this, actually, I'll get mad at you for that later, but Cleo, what's going on?"
Cleo sighed, looking at the doorway like she had some nice memories with it. "When you get dressed, follow me,"
I managed to stand, feeling slightly faint on my feet. I quickly found a room to change in from the hospital gown to casual clothes. For a second I paused and traced the arc reactor with my finger and pulled away when I got a shock of electricity. When I left, Cleo offered her support but I waved it away, eager to find out some real answers. We began walking, the hallways were circular and metal. The walls hummed with the sounds of machinery and I fumbled with the glasses, letting SIS recalibrate.
Suddenly Cleo stopped, "Welcome to the Bridge,"
When Cleo said Bridge, I thought she meant a little overview of wherever we were, maybe a chocolate river and some Oompa Loompas dancing around like some sort of Charlie and the Chocolate factory rendition.
So I was definitely not prepared for this.
The air was filled with the same metallic smell that hung in the rest of the base. But now there was the purr of machinery and the buzz of technology. Voices relayed information to each other. Men and women of every type sat at different shapes and sizes of benches, all with their little tasks, all dressed in the same uniform. So yeah, basically like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory if there was less colours... And singing... And candy. Eye candy on the other hand was a whole different matter.
Holographs of what I assumed what was outside were projected onto the large dome-like screen. Footage of planes, and aerial shots of the Earth and its inhabitants were displayed.
Cleo took tentative steps to a raised platform, where four other teenagers waited nervously. Two obvious strawberry blonde children probably no older than fourteen were dressed in SHIELD uniforms, guns were attached to their sides. A dark haired boy with thinly framed glasses and a kind face, rocked back and forth on his heels, his hands shoved into his pockets. He seemed close to my age. Another blonde boy stood with authority, he was largely muscled and with keen eyes surveyed the scene. He was probably slightly older than me.
All the Avengers were there, including the Norse deity Thor, which seemed strange usually he had duties in another realm. I bit back an excited squeal.
At our arrival, a dark skinned man with a dark leather duster and an eye patch stepped forwards to greet us. "Welcome Alana and Agent Cleo. I am ex-Director Nick Fury, join the rest," I shuffled over to the others, "before we begin I'd like you all to introduce yourselves," he said commandingly. His voice was rich with authority and I disliked him immediately, he reminded me too much of Michelle; people exercising their power over others for the fun of it.
"I'm Agent Aaron and I'm fifteen," said the boy of the two twins.
"I'm Agent Angel and I'm twin to Aaron," Said the girl, her eyes scanning the group for any objection.
"So wait, is that your codename or real name?" I asked, cocking my head.
"My real name," She replied stiffly.
"So on your birth certificate it says Agent Angel?" I asked, holding too much of an evil smirk. Trust me to make a movie reference at the wrong time.
"Let's not talk about names," The Fury guy said, I rolled my eyes and held my hands up in surrender.
"I'm James," the dark haired boy said simply, he pushed his glasses up his nose before stepping back.
"Piggy," I gasped in fake horror, ignoring to mixed looks shot at me. Piggy ducked his head sheepishly.
"I'm Nile, six-" the blonde haired boy started.
"So like the river?" I interrupted, after a collection of glares I rolled my eyes and gestured from him to continue.
"Sixteen," He finished firmly and shot a glare my way.
"I am Agent Cleo and I'm fifteen," said Cleo happily. I gave her a weird look. Agent?
Everyone looked to me, I rolled my eyes, "Right, I'm Alana, some people call me Lana, but don't do that, and um yeah I'm probably fifteen at this point in time," I spoke the entire thing with mock sweetness.
"Tony Stark, some may know me as Iron Man," Stark said, trying to impress an invisible audience. There was no shortage of rolling eyes. I coughed and sighed. Appearing ignorant. Good.
"I'm Agent Clint Barton, more widely known as Hawkeye," I saw Angel glow in pride at the sight of her idol, for an agent, that was easy to catch.
"Black Widow. Natasha Romanoff." The SHIELD agent with the bob of red curls spoke, I heard her skills were legendary. I held my breath, waiting for her to roundhouse kick someone or something.
"Dr. Bruce Banner and you probably know the other guy," Bruce spoke quickly and stepped back, preferable to the shadows than the spotlight.
"Steve Rodgers, Captain America," He gave a small bow of the head.
"Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard, protector of the Nine Realms,"
"So the pleasantries are finished," the Director walked over, a stern look upon his face, "you're all probably wondering what you're doing here," I refrained from nodding enthusiastically,
The lights of the room dimmed and we all looked to the desk in the center of the room. Holographs suddenly appeared, odd diagrams of the human body and so forth.
"Project Perfection was a modern take on Project Rebirth, which essentially is the Super Soldier Program, it was essentially designed to create the perfect soldiers, which they did; strong, fast, resilient, intelligent. However, they were lacking motivation, becoming robotic, unable to take initiative. The program was almost scrapped."
New images of a new project, showing all of the Avengers. "The Generation Program was to create a new generation of the Avengers from the Avengers and other compatible DNA sourced after the battle of New York, then came the decision to combine the two different programs. The products of the Program were a success, the new beings were going to be trained, but then something came up-" Nick specifically looked at Tony, who was looking at his phone, "but then we were forced to shut down the program and the children were sent to live with SHIELD agents."
"So we're the 'products' of this experiment," I said, putting finger quotes around products. I took a step back, shock wasn't a factor I normally dealt with. For some reason I never really was affected by groundbreaking revelations but this was different. I was different. Not much more than a test tube child.
"So who are we based off? Whose our parents?" Piggy asked as the others mulled over the new information.
Fury took a moment to reply, which was lucky for him because another boy with night colored hair arrived. He wore what seemed to be a modified SHIELD uniform; black baggy pants, a tight shirt with a dark green stripe and a black windbreaker. His skin was pale and his sharp eyes glared at everything with a deep mistrust. The boy was being dragged to the Bridge by three security agents.
Nick seemed bored, even amused slightly as of this had happened many times and the boy's struggle was simply for his own entertainment. "Gale, how wonderful for you to join us,"
"Yeah I know," Gale spat and glared at the ground with a deep loathing.
"Now, James," the dark haired boy shot up at the mention of his name, "your biological father is Dr. Bruce Banner," the doctor and the son looked at each other, shocked. Bruce took a moment to comprehend this, and James bit the inside of his cheek, obviously worried.
"Nile, your father is Steve Rodgers," Nile looked like he had the breath taken out of him but reacted more warmly to his father. They gave each other a small nod of the head before turning back to Nick. Though Nile seemed deeply worried, Captain America, that'd be a name to live up to.
"Agent Angel and Agent Aaron, your parents are Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton,"
"Wait, what?" The four all said at the same time.
"Somebody's a serious Clintasha shipper for that to happen," I muttered, giving a low chuckle and received a few glares.
"Gale," Nick looked up from his paper, "you know who your father is,"
Queue Star Wars music.
"Cleo your father is Thor Odinson," Cleo looked somewhat shocked, Thor on the other hand gave a chuckle. Talk about royalty. Cleo was a flipping princess now. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth.
I was so angry that I almost missed my name, "Alana, your father is Tony Stark,"
Talk about a name to live up to.
A/N: Hey I updated early. But mostly because I will be on a camp for the entire next week and then I wouldn't be able to get anything done. But hopefully I'll be able to update again soon. What do you think? How will Alana react next? Any predictions etc.?
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