The three moons that rotate around the Sanctuary have intercepted each other three times. Time here probably doesn't flow the same way as it does on Earth but my mental clock interpreted the movements of the moons as probably two Earth days. But it could've been anytime from hours to weeks passing on Earth. Mentally recording the time brought me a sense of comfort I wouldn't normally admit. It made me feel like the world was still flowing, that there was still a small speck of hope for me to cling onto when the worst came to worst.
Dealing with the silence and solitude has to be the hardest part of my solitary confinement. Now that I realize it, I was never truly alone. I had Cleo, SIS, heck, even the chickens that spluttered and crowed outside of my caravan at ungodly hour of the morning. Yes, being alone in a room full of people was crushing, but it didn't compare to anything like this. The stars were my only company, glistening shards of infinity on the never-ending horizon of the galaxy. I spent many lonely Earth hours wondering how far the galaxy extended, how far it'd been explored. It was difficult to imagine infinity when I'd spent my time with finite things all my life.
Pacing back and forth had become one of my favorite tasks to do during my confinement. I studied every centimeter of the craggy surface that was assigned to as my room. However, to keep myself from lapsing into boredom, I'd think about the other Offspring, what they'd be doing, what they meant to me, how they'd be reacting. Cleo would be in the gym, her brawny instinct first rather than her brain. It would be more reliving to punch through a few boxing bags than stare frustrated at computer screens all day. James would be doing his best to track us down, he'd be the most diplomatic with SHIELD, always getting the latest updated technology and info. Nile could be doing a combination of both; taking his anger out on a few innocent gym equipment things. Maybe they'd be training together, or making out, either either. Angel and Aaron would be scouring every country for a scrap of info, because it wasn't only me on the line, but their parents, their mentours. I wish I could send them a message, assuring them that everything was okay and that their parents would be there soon and not to worry about me.
Are you sure you're Tony Stark's daughter? The voice asked.
I'm too good-looking and make too many awesome jokes not to be.
But what I wanted to tell them, the most of all, was my regrets. I regret my constant bitterness towards Cleo, my internal whining and complaining about all the good things she had. I regret not trying not trying to be better, to be amazing, and to be the best. However out of all the wallowing regrets I have, I regret most of all, yelling at Gale, screaming to his face that I don't need his and that he's useless and nothing to me. Because really, everything he did was for me. Every defiance against SHIELD, every claimed hour spent hiding out in the tracking rooms, trying to locate me, trying to find me.
But it has to be the end for me, even if its not okay for me, its okay for him, for the Avengers, for the other Offpring.
And I went to sleep each time, beliving this.
"You have to let me!" A distressed Gale cried at his father, they were both in some type of large, golden throne room.
Loki stood at the throne and Gale paced back and forth in front of the throne. Gale looked different, he wore green Asgardian clothing, his hair was longer, almost long enough to be braided and his eyes were different. The green was more prominent, almost a Hulk colour. Right now, they were filled with anger and distress.
"I will not!" Loki shouted, standing from his throne in anger, "let you chase after some silly mortal girl that you are hopelessly believing that you are infatuated with."
"I will go," Gale snarled, "whether you let me or not,"
"As your father and king I forbid you from leaving,"
Gale stopped, a cold vicious fury burned within his eyes. It made chills run down my spine in rapid succession. Gale's time spent interacting with Loki had affected him in a very bad way. Gale was cold, just like his name, not relieving, painfully brisk.
"Well good thing you're neither of them," he snarled, spinning on his heel and exiting the throne room. Under his breath he spoke, "I'm coming for you Lana,"
I awoke, breathing heavily.
He meant you! The voice sung.
He meant me.
Maybe I wasn't ready to die just yet.
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