I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my head. The mist was scattered around me like dust particles. The other Offspring were in various forms of being thrown back, all unconscious. Their limbs splayed like victims on crime shows, I stumbled to stand, remembering the story that I was told.
In one of my spouts of Michelle-acclaimed rebelliousness I snuck out to a party, heaven forbid I had friends. I'd found a nice guy there who was actually a part of a sex-slave ring and managed to kidnap me. Somehow, I'd escaped but he'd come back for me and I fought him off, luckily there were other townspeople to help me. However, he'd managed to get in a final blow, slamming me against a dumpster and causing me to lose my memory.
The story was odd, and far-fetched but it was the only version I knew, therefore rendering me as that the only truth.
Zac... Gale.
The slow connection made its way together, they held an uncanny resemblance. Could they be the same person? Could I've known the one love of my life under a different name?
"Agent Gale, you're going to need to come with me,"
So unless the vision was a weird hallucination caused by the effects of the Mist, which showed me a more reasonable version of what happened that weekend, mysterious Gale and best friend Zac were the same person.
Of course, how could I forget?
I rushed to Gale's side and shook him awake. It took a few moments but then his eyes opened groggily.
"Lana?" he murmured.
"Gale... Did you know about Zac?" My voice trembled and I wished for a simple no. Could the son of trickery and lies feed me one right now? I leaned back on the balls of my feet, waiting for an answer.
He sat up and looked away, guilt riddling his features.
"Yes." His voice was a whisper.
"Why didn't you tell me? At least you could give me that much!"
"Look, Lana-." Rage built up inside of me. It'd been at least three weeks in which he could've told me. If we had the relationship the vision claimed we did, then he would've told me.
"You know what? You're just like your father, a lying and cheating bastard,"
"I love you!" He cried out.
"And you really think that my feelings wouldn't change?" I snapped. It was a low blow and I could see it hurt him. I looked away in guilt.
"Lana... I said that I would find you, I swore that I'd come back for you and in the past three years I've tried my best to find you,"
I blinked, looking away in shame, standing, I'd unnecessarily overreacted. "Is it okay Gale?" I asked softly after a moment, my flailing emotions finally coming to a rest.
"What? Us? I'm not sure. The Avengers? Probably not,"
"Then it's not the end," I said, "and definitely not the end for us,"
I dropped to my knees, leaned forwards and kissed him, I'd never really kissed someone, like passionately. There was never the same buzz, the thrill that came with passionately making out with Agent Gale, son of lies.
"You make out like I'd expect a daughter of Stark to," Gale said breathlessly between our kisses.
"Shut up," I spoke and kissed him again.
It was a few moments before I noticed someone else other than the wakening Offspring near us.
"Well I seem to be interrupting something," An amused voice spoke and I turned to see who could only be Loki, god of trickery and mischief.
Gale's father.
A/N: So that chapter was a bit confusing especially Alana's erratic emotions but some nice advancements for ya'll.
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