Thomas Jefferson
Thomas's p.o.v:
I had gotten lunch at the cafe after unpacking my things in my dorm. I made sure that my computer and anything that would reveal me being a spy was hidden.
I had gotten a message from boss telling me to meet up with some people at to help them in the mission which he also gave me details on to keep Green Crystal and probably Black Flame too. I had to keep my composour together when finding that out.
On the way back I ran into Hamilton and we had a bit of a convosation before getting to the dorm. I decided that I would kinda stop my teasing of him. Mainly because I had a crush on him and I never really knew how to express myself the right way so I tease him.
After Alexander had went into the only remaining room left to unpack I noticed that the other room door opens a bit. What came out was like an angel. I could tell that they were trans somehow. Even tho anyone would mistake them for a girl.
"Oh. Um hi" the person says softly seeing me spotting him
"Hi. There, you must be John Laurens. Im Thomas Jefferson. The one before you by the way." I say taking note that John looks a bit shorter then Alexander a bit.
"Yes that me. Nice to meet you Thomas." He says.
We started to talk more and we sat down at the table in the dinning room. After a few Alexander had joined us and we kept talking until
*knock knock*
Then the door burst opened. John jumps up takeing a careful stance while me and Alex both just stands up.
"Sorry bout bursting in. We just realised something and wanted to say hi."
Lafayette and Hercules was who burst down the door. I kinda look at my two roommates and noticed how Alexander had an annoyed look while John had a 'Really, again?' Look.
"YO Alex, im guessing you've met my little bro now?"
"WE'RE THE SAME AGE HERC!" I hear John say loudly.
"Wait little- same age bro? As in brother? But you two have different names." Alex says confused
"I adopted the name Laurens while Herc there didn't." John says.
"Yep. Btw if you two hurt his feeling in anyway, I'll make sure whoever did it pays." Herc says in a bit of a scary tone
"ILL BE FINE!" John groans out.
"Wow. Scary." Alex says.
"Ya Alex. Dont slip up. I love you, but I'm with Herc here." Lafayette says.
"Ok. I'll keep that in mind." I say a bit
"Anyways we gotta go. Byye!" Herc says leaving with Laf.
John apologies about Hercules being a bit over protective and we keep talking until dinner. John makes some food for us, he's a very great cook too. And we soon say goodnight and go to our room. Thats when I take off my normal cloths and put on my dark magenta spy clothes, my megenta eye glass thing and I make sure my stuff is all together before I sneak out of the dorm. I had to wait for another spy aka Daniel Lim aka leaf (congratulation Malichi's soul bird, you have a spy named after you! :3)
As I exited the building now being 9:30 PM and dark. I noticed a few figures heading toward the park. 'Must be the others that are meet up with us.' Leaf soon meets up with me and we head off to the Alley way near the park.
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