The Spy and the Assassin
Alexander's p.o.v:
I knock on Johns door seeing if he wanted some breakfast. Granted I was still going to make him some. I dont want either of my roommates to go hungry on my watch.
"Sure." I hear a tired voice say. He must of had either a terrible night or a good night last night. I didnt need to sleep last night since I mostly went out at night when ever I went on missions. Not only that but I would also stay up all night for school work too. So I was at least used to having 3 nights of no sleep.
I smile a bit thinking of last night. We we're working with the one and only Green Crystal and Black Flame.
"What about Green Crystal and Black Flame?" I hear thomas ask. I jump a bit realising I said it out loud.
"Oh I was just thinking about their awesome stories of their deeds and yet no one knows what they are." I said saying at least the part truth. I know that I could tell thomas my secret but john was here too. I didn't want to risk him coming in mid convosation. Granted his is cute and he looks sweet. I figured I would try and be alone with thomas so I can approach him. And tell him that he needs to be more serective about his identity and so should his friend. Granted I dont know Leaf's real name.
I soon finish making breakfast just as John comes into the room with his curly hair up in a ponytail with a green bow.
"That kinda look cute on you." I tell John setting the food down on the table. He looks away a bit after hearing me say that.
"Oh um thanks Alexander." He says I smile a bit at his reaction.
Thomas's p.o.v:
I smile as we sit down for breakfast that Alexander made. John's green bow was pretty cute on him. I kinda realised that I liked both Alexander and John. I keep an eye on my phone for Daniel to text me about anything. We agreed last night that he would do most of the research for George the first day and I do the next and we repeat until either the mission ends or until something else happens.
"Thanks for the food Alex. Btw I will have to do some stuff so ya. Just so you two dont freak out about me disappearing when Herc asks what im doing or where I am." John say.
I smile a bit. I think I would.protect john with all my heart if I had to..granted I would also protect Alex. But I would also give him some room for him to fight back to since I know he can fight back.
After a bit John left to do his stuff and that left me and Alexander alone.
"So Thomas, or should I say MagentEye?" Alex says in a smirk like tone. I turned to him acting confused
"What do you mean by that?" I ask
"I mean I know who you are. And before you ask, no I wont tell anyone, I think im the only one who knows, and you need to hide your identity more." He says
"I dont know what your talking about."
"Look I know your MagentEye and there for I thought that I should at least say that I know it, that you need some help in hiding that and that since I know your identity, you should know mine. Im the bluee assassin from last night btw." He says.
My eyes whiten in shock "you mean your Raindrop?" I ask. He responds with a nod. "So thats why you were thinking about Green crystal and Black flame." I said.
"Yep. Btw, how did you know there was two more people coming and why didnt you almost freak out seeing them and being a part of a mission with them.?"
"Cuz my boss told me before hand and had said that me and Leaf needed to help you three kinda make sure that Black Flame and Green Crystal was safe." I said calmly.
"Ok. I thought that we would need to protect you two spies but then I thought why them? No offence." He says. I shrug it off. We continue talking for a bit while in our dorm. We did change the subject before John came back but we still didnt see him com in at lunch. Weird I thought when I found that out.
I think alex thought the same thing.
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