The schuylar sisters
Peggy's P.o.v:
Me and my two sisters knew that john was at collage and only I knew about him being Green Crystal since I was really sneaky when I wanted to find out anything. Anyways we found out john was our collage so we hanged out with him the day before he went missing. We were informed that John went missing and then we numb into the unittien girls. We hang out and all that with them for about a week. Then we get news that John was now in the hospital so YAY! We are in the hospital to see John and talk.
"Its the Schuyler sisters." I hear john say. I look towards him and run to him to hug him a bit
"JOHNNY! OMG YOUR ALIVE! IM SO GLAD YOUR ALIVE!" I say pulling away and smiling. I see his small smile a bit.
"Ya, we um found a few people on the way here." Gaurdia says. We all start to talk and hang out. I also noticed how John, Alex and Thomas had an aura together that made my gay monitor go off. We soon say bye as we needed to do somethings and we left with Herc, laf and the unittien group, minus John.
"I sence gayness." I say. Everyone nods a bit and giggles softly as we leave.
John's P.o.v:
God, my gayness is high now. God why did they leave me with Thomas and Alexander!? I think I might have forgotten how hot both Thomas and Alex was while I was kidnapped.
"So.... Umm.... How are you two?" Alex asks.
"I'm doing good. Ive actually eaten in the morning for the first time in a week." Thomas says
"WAIT. WHAT!? YOUVE SKIPOED BREAKFAST FOR A WEEK!?" I ask knowing my mother instincts was somewhat kicking in
"Wow calm down john. I just busyed myself for the last week which made me forget to eat breakfast. I swear I didn't do it on purpose." Thomas says which makes me calm a bit.
"In sorry its just, I can kinda be like a caring mother a bit." I say softly
"Is it because your trans?" Alex asks a bit. I stay still a bit before nosing a bit.
"Is it that obvious?" I ask.
"Kinda." They both said at the same time.
"Oh wow." I says softly and look at the time and gasp a bit
"LUNCH!" I yell excitedly. Thomas and alex looked at eachother before laughing at my exitment of food. I also notice two other small soft chuckles. I look towards the door a bit and see my doctor and a nurse with papers.
" john, Mr. Fire, mr. Laurens, Kind and Johnathan's transgender boy. I see that your doing well." My doctor says
"Do you always have to do that?" I ask a bit. I could notice that Thomas and Alexander was a bit confused but didn't say anything.
"No, but you know me. Being a guardian, we like to joke around a lot and all that." He says. My doctor was a full blodded unittien guardian. Although he never really shows his true hair color. I knew he was kinda like my bio dad. He was a soul of bravery. His eyes was a light orange color which is what gave away his soul. He wasnt one of the few unittiens that end up not having thier soul color show in thier eyes like frisk.
Frisk who is another cousin of mine and Emily's has aqua blue eyes but she is a soul of determination which means its red.
"Anyways, good news, you can actually leave. I swear tho kid. You heal faster each time." Harnald said. Harnald was my doctor's first name.
"Wow. Well we can go back to the collage or go out to eat! More food options!" I says happy that its lunch time.
"Wait really? Your just going to let him go?" Alex asks.
"Yes. He's perfectly fine now. Although dont be surprised if he faints or passes out. It's a bit of a side effect of, you know what." He says.
The nurse hands me some papers to sign which I do and she leaves to go get a bag for the stuff I had gotten while here. Aka a few new stuffed animals, art supplies, paper, more art stuff, paints, and more.
I get really bored in hospitals really fast and since I came here alot wether it would be therapy with Dr. Dean, to checkups with Dr. Gandalf. To even being in the hospital room for stuff like being really sick, kidnapping, stab wounds, Jared, to even having a bit of alcohol.
" Before you go, John, how is Joanna, Jared, Jane, and Julia?" He asks.
"Doing good...... Julia is a pain tho." I say softly. Im a multipersona unittien, same as hosuh but the difference is that Hosuh is a havleblood that has 3 maybe four personas, Himself, B.B (aka Blueblade), Ivory and maybe Husoh. The last one mostly being like a demon version of himish? I'm a full blood that has five persona's.
Me: Normal persona
Joanna: mad/ Ill fight you persona
Jared: Depression persona
Julia: (Most hated) Lustful persona
And Jade: basically scared of everything.
I think other then me, Jared, and Joanna is the ones to come out the most with Julia following behind them and then Jade is the least one to come out.
"Who are they? Are they like your siblings?" Alex asks
"Two words. Multipersona soul." I say before revealing 5 small crystals, one green which was glowing brightly, one orange, one red, one pink and one blue.
"Oh." Both boys said. We soon get everything packed up and we go back to the dorms. Thomas also ends up cooking mac and cheese. I tried to tell him that I could cook then tried to help. He refused me and alex basically drags me to the couch.
At least the mac and cheese was really cheese and good, oh hey, a headless snake was.... Wait is that a puppy!?
(Hey everyone. Hope you all are enjoying, if you didnt know, I'm making a remake of Unittale Character Adventures and I'm keeping the old book on still and making a new one. Also should I make an ask blog for this? Anyways bye and have an amazing day, week, month, year, or decade. Whatever you choose. Bye))
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