Alex's p.o.v:
We had to go back. This time Black was the first to leave and we followed after about 10 minutes. The spies went with us and we eventually got to our dorms before sun rise.
Black was right though. A bit after He yelled out in a panic for Crystal the whole place pretty much cought on fire. We told him that Crystal might have somehow lost his ear piece while escaping. At least that what we all told ourselves. Me and thomas jump through the living room window that we left opened.
We both go to our room and we change before.falling asleep. Classes weren't starting till next week so we didnt need to worry about school. It was now 5 in the morning soon wake up at 10 to the smell of pancakes. I get up and go to the kitchen were thomas was making pancakes.
"HEY Alex. Can you go wake john up? I wanna see if he wants any. Also you want some?" He asks. I say yes and I got to john's door. I knock on it and ask him if he wants pancakes. I wait a minute with no reply so I knock again and ask it again. Still no reply. I get a bit worried and I knock saying that im coming in. After a minute I enter the room and I gasp a bit at the empty room. "John!?" I ask worried. Thats when I noticed some stuff like his phone, a couple of Ribbons, and a few papers. There was at least 3 papers on top showing. The very top one was a picture of king George, one of someone named Francis Kinloch and someone else named Shadem Flannel.
I shake my head a bit and look around his room for any sign of him or something he left to tell use where he went. Nothing.
"THOMAS!" I yell out running to my room and grabbing my phone to call lafayette and Hercules.
"What is it Alexander?" Thomas asks coming to my room after turning off the stove.
"John's missing." I simply say now dialing laf's number.
"Hello?" Laf asks through the phone
"HEY Laf, is john over there with you two at all?" I ask hoping he was.
"No. If he's out of the dorm, then try his phone. He never leaves without it. Not since an accident years ago." He says
"An accident? What happened? Also He doesnt have it. Its in his room." I say
"YOU WENT INTO JOHN'S ROOM!? PLEASE SAY YOU DIDNT SEE ANYTHING!" Hercules says. Laf must have put it on speaker phone.
"Yes I did. All I saw was a couple of techy things, a pile of papers and his phone. Thats all that was out of the ordinary." I say.
"WAIT techy things? I thought John was an artsy guy?" Laf says
"He is! Hes just trying digital art now. And not only that but one of his friends does some tacky thing and he found it interesting!" Herc says obviously a bit panicked and yet also lying.
"Ok. Well I had to go. We'll see if we can find him and if we cant find him by three we'll call into the police." I say before saying bye and hanging up.
Thomas's p.o.v:
While alexander was talking with lafayette I went into john's room to look around for anything that might tell us were he is. Now I know its wrong to go through someone's stuff but its the only way to get anything on john's whereabouts.
"Wow." I said looking at the tech. These actually looked similar to the tech Green Crystal uses. Thats when I heard a Bing from john's phone.
[UTHQ_Bose: John! Your partner is telling me you havent been answering call or texts since last night! He's worried you didnt make it out or that you got captured!]
[UTHQ_Bose: John!?]
[UTHQ_Bose: Green Crystal, I hope you airnt ignoring everyone because the fact that you all almost got burnt to a crisp.]
I stood there with a wide mouth. Thats when I here a don't from my phone.
-SaTHQbossssszzzzz added MagentEye to the convosation
-ABladeHQ added Raindrop to the convosation
[UTHQ_Bose: please say you two are up.]
[Raindrop: I'm up and who are you?]
[ABladeHQ: Thats Green cystal's boss.]
[SaTHQbossssszzzzz: I'm Megent's Boss. Anyways we're here to tell you three, if you havent noticed. That Green Crystal is missing.]
[Raindrop: thats a coincidence. Our roommate is missing as well.]
[MagentEye: Alex, I dont thing that's a Coincidence. Btw um Crystal's boss. I think you need to remind Green to keep his phone's sound for messages and call off.]
[Raindrop: where are you?]
[MagentEye: try the room you noticed John missing. Also Sorry UTHQ_Bose I kinda looked at his phone after you texted him. Got worried for the little one.]
[UTHQ_Bose: so thats how you know. Its ok we put you three together in the same room because we knew that if one of you accidently looks at one's phone and find out thier secret identity then it would be fine because ya. Same with Black flame and the other two bosses second best.
[UTHQ_Bose: He is An assassin spy agent. How ever Black flame is just an Agent who has learned a bit of Assassin skills to protect himself.]
[Raindrop: wow...... But wait, how do we know were he is!?]
[SaTHQbossssszzzzz: Thomas, are you still in john's room?]
[MagentEye: yes. Why?]
[UTHQ_Bose: I know John had a stack of papers for some people and on top should be a paper for George along with two others. I want you tI find out if George has been involved with them.]
[MagentEye:ok. I'm on it.]
I text before grabbing the papers and do what I was asked to do.
'My god though. That little cute and adorable roommate of ours is actually a top Assassin spy agent. Didnt even know they existed!'
(Oooohh Getting closer for Black flames reavel! I'm sure that by now you know who he is. Or maybe you don't. Idk. But oh my, Alex and Thomas finally find out Green Crystal's identity! But what happened to him?)
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