The World The Girl Saw (The Struggle For Trost, Part 2)
AN : OK guys so I like how this is going ... I know its not very original but I'm definitely enjoying writing this! Here's a pic of what I think Kira's Titan form will look like. I drew it myself so its not like Shingeki no Koyjin quality. But it's just an idea.
"Wake up! Hey! Armin can you hear me? Snap out of it! I need you to talk to me! Say something!" Connie shook him hard. I waited.
Armin had been staring straight ahead when we'd found him, like in the vision I'd had. He wasn't responding.
Suddenly his eyes focused and he looked Connie in the eye.
"There you are." Connie sighed, "what happened? where's your Squad?"
"...squad...?" Armin asked.
Alright, lets get you on your feet. You shouldn't be alone. And what the hell have you got all over you that's so damn slimy? What happened?"
At his words, both me and Armin stiffend. Titan drool. I thought ... No... No... NO!
Armin screamed. I stared at him as he clutched his head, "YOUR WORTHLESS! WHY CANT YOU JUST DIE!" Armin started crying in harsh, racking sobs.
"Hey! You need to pull yourself together!"
"DAMN YOU!" Armin screamed at himself.
"Where's your Squad?"
"Isn't it obvious?" I asked in a cracked whisper, "The rest of them are dead..."
"Dammit! Don't talk like that!" Connie snapped, "we can't assume he's the only one!"
"Look around you, as Kira said, isn't it obvious?" Ymir said coldly, "we can't waste any more time with him, we've gotta move on."
"Your not making any sense! Why would the Titans ignore him?" Connie asked.
"I dunno." Ymir shrugged. "Maybe they thought he was already dead or something. If you get right down to it, that's the real tragedy here, Eren and the others bust their asses and the one left standing is him."
"Shut up, Bitch!" I snarled, pulling out my sword, "or I'll kill you here and now and feed your body to the Titans!"
"Hey! You three need to stop it right now!" Krista got between me and her, "we're watching our friends being killed in front of us like animals, its normal to be upset!"
"Look at my Krista keeping the peace! You are so gonna have to marry me when all this crap is over!"
Connie and I still glared at her.
"OK, come one, Armin, we need to get out of here, are you able to stand?" I asked, holding out my hand.
"You... You don't understand..." Armin whispered.
"I do..."
"He died... Trying to... Trying to... Save me! I... I KILLED HIM!"
"No! Armin! No! You didn't kill him! It was the bearded titan."
Tears spilled down my cheeks.
"How do you know?" Ymir asked.
I gulped quickly. "I... I..."
"I'll rondeau with the rear guard..." Armin muttered, saving me. "I'm sorry to be all the trouble..."
"Armin! Wait!" I said, too late. He left.
I needed to go. I needed to go.
I began to walk away. "Hey! Kira! What're you doing?" Connie asked.
"I need to go." I said, before jumping.
I didn't activate my ODM.
I fell. I hit the ground. It hurt.
It was a good hurt.
"Oh my God! Kira!"
Three pairs of feet hit the ground beside me.
"She killed herself!"
"She's still breathing!"
"We need to get her on a rooftop!"
"Stop." It was Ymir, "we can't afford this. The Titans will be on us in minutes."
"We can't just leave her!"
"And we're just going to carry her everywhere, over the wall, then?"
"Look at her arm, her legs. Their broken in at least several places."
"Not... Not high enough..." I whispered. I wanted to be alone. I needed to be alone. I would heal. I'd be completely fine in minutes. I didn't want them to see the steam that would be rising from my body in moments.
"She tried to kill herself!"
"I... There's no help for her... We can't let her suffer..." It was Connie, "I... I'll put her out of her misery."
"No! There has to be another way!" Krista cried.
"No. Do it." Ymir confirmed.
I heard Connie draw his sword. And stab my heart.
Well, not my heart, the area below. Poor Connie's forgetfulness, he never could remember where the heart was. But I still shuddered, I stopped breathing.
"It's done."
There were a few more seconds... Then... Blackness...
I sat up with a start, "NO!" I screamed.
There was no one there. My arms and legs had healed, and though there was blood crusted on my shirt, the wound there had healed. I checked.
Stupid Titan Ability. Why couldn't I die?
I lay back down. Maybe a titan would find me. I could only hope.
Eren was gone. How would Mikasa react? I shuddered.
I thought of when Mikasa, Eren and I had first met, a day I'll always remember.
Now remember, Kira, you focus through your entire body." Master Nethere reminded me.
"I know, you've said it a hundred times!" I said, smiling crookedly.
"Yes, I have, haven't I?" Nethere laughed.
"Yep, focus on your goal, discipline your mind and add the pain for it to finally work." I added the whole procedure.
"A thing many people would struggle to do." Nethere laughed.
"Just because others are narrow minded, doesn't mean I am." I sniffed.
"Well, your definitely not like other people!" Nethere confirmed.
Nethere was an old master, he wore simple clothing, a shirt and loose trousers, no shoes. He lived in the forest, and now I did too, ever since the age of four, where my parents had tried to kill me because of my ability. Nethere had taken me in with an open mind. He had trained me to control my Titan form. He was like a father I respected. And didn't deserve.
"OK, lets try it again," he said.
I closed my eyes and breathed, focusing, in, out, in, out...
Transform, I thought, I pulled out the knife, and cut my wrist.
There was a crash and a rush of adrenaline. I felt the nerves connecting my face and neck for a split second, and then my consciousness was transfered to the titan. I opened my eyes and checked myself over. A full titan body. Success!
"Kira, is that you?" Master Nethere asked.
I nodded.
Though he was now a hundredth of my size, I could see the flicker of relief on his face. I remembered the early days -where I lost control.
A shudder wracked down my spine. I fingered the bone-like armor that covered my body in ridges and patterns, protecting my shins and arms.
"Can you change back?" Nethere asked. I nodded, I'd try.
Suddenly I was back in my human body, my face connected to titan flesh in the hollow that was the back of the neck. I pulled out easily, and steam erupted from the neck behind me as I felt the body fall. I clambered out and lifted my hands in triumph, "yes!"
"Well done." Nethere nodded.
"In how about a batch of strawberries to celebrate?" I asked. I'd found a patch of wild strawberries while out for a run and was waiting for an opportunity to have them.
"That would be wonderful, miss Kira." Nethere smiled.
I skipped into the small house and grabbed a basket and ran out. I walked through the trail in the forest and found the strawberries in plain sight.
It took ages to fill the basket, and when I was done I found blackberries. "Shoot." I muttered, and started picking those as well, eating some strawberries to make room for the fruit.
Finally I was on my way down the path. Our house was in sight, and my Titan body was a table sized lump of rotting flesh. I shuddered. Nothing like that to ruin your appetite.
I pushed the door open with my back. "I'm home!" I called in a stupid sing-song voice, joking around.
There wasn't a reply.
I turned and dropped the basket.
Three men stood in front of a fallen body. One held an axe. It was stained with blood.
I wasn't seeing in colour anymore. Everything around me didn't exist. Just Nethere's body. Just his cold, blank eyes, the split skull.
"Told you there was a girl, quick, bag her." I dimly heard a voice.
A man walked towards me. I kicked him, the sadness had become rage, I pulled out the knife, "touch me and you die!" I screamed, holding the knife to my wrist.
The man laughed, "your pointing it at the wrong person," and punched me. It was dark.
I finally woke up. Screaming.
"Shut up! Dammit!" A man yelled.
I was in an old, crumbling house. There was a girl unconscious next to me. She didn't look right. Her skin was too pale and her eyes slightly too slim. I'd heard of her. They were called Orientals. But I thought they'd died out ages ago?
I wondered what I was doing here. Where was Nethere...? Nethere... Oh god.
I started to cry. I didn't even feel one of the men tie me up. I leant against the rotting wall, screaming and crying until I was gagged. I bit one of the men and tasted his blood. I could see why the Titans like it. I wanted to kill them. I had to. I had to avenge Nethere. Nethere... My one friend... The one man who accepted me...
I leant back and something poked my wrist. Ow... Wait! I could use it to turn into a titan! But... The house would crumble... The girl would die. But... I set to work, fraying the ropes, slowly cutting them. My knife was sitting on a crooked table. I needed that knife... It was the only thing I had left of him now...
Suddenly the door creaked open a creak, and two of the men, including myself, jumped.
"Oh... I'm sorry."
"Don't move from that spot you little Vermin!" The second man snarled and walked to the door, "how did you even find us in this place?"
The boy looked like he was about to cry. He hadn't seen me yet, "uh... Uh - well... I was in... The woods... And got... Lost... I saw your cabin and..."
The second looked back, and the first made a cutting motion: Kill him.
At this I desperately tried to signal the boy. But he still wasn't looking, and the second man blocked me from view quickly.
"Lost in the woods, eh? A kid your age shouldn't be out there to begin with, there are big bad wolves liable to pounce on you from out of nowhere. Don't worry though, your safe now, my buddy and I will be happy to take you - AGH!"
"I appreciate that, sir. But I'm not stupid." The boy's voice suddenly sounded lower... Dangerous... "And I'm the last thing you'll ever see."
I gasped as the man dropped, blood seeping through his clothes. The boy, his eyes cold, closed the door.
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" The man screamed. My bonds broke as I tore the frayed pieces apart. I ran to the table and grabbed my knife. I jumped, meaning to slice my arm, but I didn't move quick enough. My body wanted to do something different that my mind. I stabbed the man in the back.
He gasped and fell. He tried to grab my neck, and I sliced his hand. I stabbed him. Again. Again. And Again.
The boy came running through the door, his knife attached to a broom. He stopped.
"I'm sorry. I'm afraid I did the job before you." I pulled my gag off my face and smiled.
"Girls can kill too you know." I said, but this time my voice shook.
The girl moaned. She was waking up.
She turned her head, saw Eren and gasped.
"The hard part's over, you are safe now." The boy said.
He quickly began to cut the girl's bonds, and I leaned against the wall were I'd been tied up, breathing hard. I'd killed. Not for the first time... But... This time I was human... I knowingly did it.
"Mikasa right? I'm Eren. I'm doctor Yeager's son. I met your folks once or twice before when I was with him. We were stopping by your house today for a checkup. We saw..."
The same thing that happened to me must've happened to the girl. She looked so... So innocent. It seemed impossible.
"What... What happened to the third one?" The girl, Mikasa, asked.
We both stiffened, and the door opened.
The third one was there. I couldn't believe I'd forgotten him... We both Sat there as the man saw his two dead colleagues, and his face seemed to contort.
Eren and I acted at the same time. I pulled my knife out of my pocket and Eren grabbed his from the floor. The man Kicked Eren and the knife dropped. He grabbed the table and threw it at me. I fell back and my own knife stabbed into my leg. The surprise made me scream. I pulled it out. It would heal. But my leg wouldn't work through the pain. At least I hadn't transformed.
The man walked to Eren."This is all your doing isn't it..." He said in a hoarse whisper. He picked Eren up by his neck and slammed him against a wall, "answer me you little bastard!"
Mikasa was staring at the both of us, terrified. I tried to stand but my leg collapsed. I was useless just when I needed to be ready.
"I'm gonna kill you!" The man roared, "your gonna die!" He began to choke Eren.
"Take - Take him out!" Eren choked. He was looking at Mikasa, "Fight!"
He was crazy, no way could that girl help us! I tried to stand again, I still couldn't, though steam had begun to lift from the wound. I hastily covered it with my hand. They couldn't find out...
"Kill or be killed... Fight for your life!" Eren was losing breath. His knife was right next to Mikasa, "its the only way!"
"Who the hell do you think you are, you little brat!" The man spat.
The only way to live... Is to fight!" Eren hissed.
Mikasa stood up and took the dagger, "I cant!" She said, "I don't think I can do this!"
Eren's face was turning light blue. His arms dropped and he stopped struggling.
"Fight..." Mikasa whispered. What was going on?
"Fight..." She said louder.
"FIGHT!" She screamed. Her hands weren't shaking. She stomped on a board and it snapped in half, the knife's handle buckled underneath her strength, she screamed, but this time it wasn't from fear, this was... This was a battle cry. She ran up to the man, "HIIIIIYAAAAAA!"
"I'll kill them all! With my bare hands! Do you hear me?"
"Yes." I sat up. It was Eren! In my head! No! No! I was crazy... Please don't make this worse...
The adrenaline shocked me. This... This was what I felt when I transformed... But I wasn't transforming... I activated my ODM, and zipped into a rooftop.
It was right there. Right in front of me. The bearded Titan that killed Eren. He was lying there, a Titan was emerging from its body. The blood and steam cleared. The titan had black hair and green eyes, no lips and two rows of teeth, it's body was ripped with muscle. A four-meter titan snarled at it.
"This isn't your world. Not anymore."
It was Eren. It was his voice... The Bearded titan... No... Not... This isn't possible...
The titan lunged and the green-eyed titan threw a fist. The titan swallowed it, but it's entire head broke from the force. The small titan fell. And the fourteen meter stomped on it.
"Get up!"
It stomped again. And again.
"Get up!"
Again. And again.
"Let me kill you again. and again! AND AGAIN!"
He stood up, "I'll kill every last one of you."
It was Eren.
"Your all going to die."
"Eren!" I screamed.
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