Chapter 4 Side Effect
I saw Winter pass out right in front of me. I picked him up and headed back to his season. The heat is not good for him. I hope this don't do anything to damaging.
"Winter hang on a little longer," I said to him. We made it to the boarder of the seasons. I walked to his side. I walked slowly to his house. I saw all three of his foxes come running towards us.
"Calm down, Silver, Snow, and Blizzard," I said, making sure I don't trip over them. I walked up to his bedroom and laid him gently on the bed. I took of his shoes and pulled the cover over his small frame. I was about to leave when I felt some grab my shirt.
"Please don't go," I heard Winter say, so softly. I walked back over towards him. I sat down by him.
"I'm not going anywhere," I whispered. I saw a small smile crept onto his face. I place a kiss on his cheek and got comfortable next him. I slowly close my eye.
I was running towards Winter when all of a sudden the wind picked up and I kept running towards the storm.
"WINTER!" I scream. I looked around until I saw a small pale person laying there, "Winter," I said softly. I had to make sure he still breathing. I felt no pulse," Winter, come on. Breathe for me please," I said with tears threatening to fall, "Please, Winter, breathe. WINTER PLEASE BREATHE!" I whispered then screamed.
-End Of Dream- ~Winter~
I woke up to someone screaming. I looked beside me. I saw Summer crying and screaming. I felt my heartbreaking.
"Summer, wake up," I said, gently waking him up.
"Winter?" He asked confusingly.
"Yeah who else," I said, looking at him curiously. Suddenly, I felt his arms wrapped around me.
"Thank god," Summer said, nuzzling his head into my neck.
"Summer, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, everything is good now," Summer said, keeping me in his embrace. I held him to. I couldn't think of anything else to do. We stayed like this for hours. I felt like my stomach was going to eat it's self.
"Summer, I'm going to go eat," I said, letting him go.
"Okay," He said sounding disappointed. I got up and started to make my way to the kitchen when I heard a loud crash coming from my room. I ran back to the room and saw Summer laying on the floor, crying his eyes and heart out.
"Summer, what's wrong?" I asked, placing his head in my lap.
"I just can't see you die again, Winter," He said, letting out an uneven breath.
"I'm not going to die, Summer," I said, lifting a eyebrow.
"I know but in my dreams you do," Summer said, looking at me now.
"Well, those are just dreams," I said, kissing his forehead.
"Okay," He smiled. I helped him back to his feet. We walked into the kitchen. I grabbed some food and hand some to Summer.
"Summer," Summer said.
"Oh, hello Fall. Yes he's awake. Yeah, it was my fault. Don't worry about. I will take carry of it. No, That would not be the best idea. I got. Okay," He said, hanging up the phone.
"What was that about?" I asked.
"Oh well, Fall and Spring want to make sure you where okay from the other day and yesterday. Then they wanted to you to visit," Summer said.
"Oh," was all I could think of at this moment. I heard little cries. I looked around and notice my foxes was whining, "Come here, " I said, bending down with my arms opened. They come running towards me and started their lick attack. I laugh on how cute these three foxes are being.
"Awe, So cute," I heard a voice said. I looked up and saw Summer standing there.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing," Summer smirk.
"Okay, whatever you say," I said, rolling my eyes. I continue to play with my foxes.
I watch as Winter play with his pets. I couldn't help but smile when I saw my dogs come running towards me.
"Page, Sage, and Dill," I called my pets. They jumped on me. I laugh at them and they lick my face. I saw Winter staring at me with a smile on his face but I notice something behind Winter.
"Summer, what's wrong?" Winter asked. I just pointed behind him. He looked behind him.
"What is that thing?" I asked shakenly.
"Oh, it's just one of the yetis," Winter said, "What do you need?"
"Um... It just some of the snow is melting," The yeti said.
"How is this possible?" Winter asked then he looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"It just something is very wrong and I don't know what it is?" Winter said. He started to pace and I notice that he was darker then normal.
"Winter, are you coming down sick?" I asked.
"No, why?" He asked.
"Um... it's just you're darker than normal," I said. Winter ran to the mirror and slowly looked at me.
"You're right, but I feel fine. So, what does this mean?" Winter asked.
"I don't know but I think we need a get together and now," I said, pulling out my phone and calling the other two season. We waited until Fall and Spring show up.
"What's going on?" Spring asked, looking at Winter and me.
"There is something wrong and I don't have a clue on what it is," Winter said.
I knew something is wrong but what?
"What makes you think something is wrong, Winter?" Fall asked.
"For one my skin is darker and two the snow is melting and it's not supposed to melt," I said, looking at them.
"No, you are being dramatic," Fall said.
"Me being dramatic, not likely," I scuffed.
"Then what is it?" Fall raised her voice. That when it hits me. Too many warm season enter my cold season.
"Never mind. Everyone can leave now," I said coldly.
"Winter?" Summer asked.
"You too, Summer," I said, not looking at him.
"Okay," Summer said sadly. As they walked out. I notice how much colder it was then when they were here. I guess that mean I will leave forever alone. I started to pack up my thing and move into the colder parts of my season.
"I'm sorry," I whispered to the wind and walked to my new destination. I left my phone at my old home and walk slowly to my new one with my foxes. I would be forever alone. I looked back and saw white and coldness. I wish I could have stayed with him a little longer. I let a tear slip down my face and started the end of day of being alone
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