Chapter 3 Hated to Love
I have been stay at Winter's house for almost a day now. I'm waiting for him to wake up. I looked down at him. I was wondering why he would do something like this but I already know why. I feel like us accusing him for every little detail over the past hundred some years. We did this to him in away.
"Su-summer," I heard him groan.
"Yeah, I'm here, Winter," I said, moving closer to him.
"Why are you still here?" Winter asked, sitting up but wince from the pain in his wrist.
"Because I care. I know it doesn't seem like in the last hundred years or so but I'm here now," I said, try to convince him.
"Yeah, you are," He smiled, taking my hand into his. I smiled at him. I couldn't help but let a few tears fall, "Summer, are you okay?" Winter asked, whipping the tears from my face.
"Yeah, I'm good. I'm just glad you're okay," I said, trying to catch my breath.
"I guess," Winter said, looking down at his wrist.
"Hey, what wrong?" I asked, taking his hands.
"Don't look," He begged, pulling his arms way.
"I think they are pretty," I said, taking his hands so I can see his scars.
"No, they are ugly just like me and my season," Winter whined.
"No, they are beautiful. So are you and your season. I should have told you that I loved you from the beginning but no, I was scared to," I said, cupping Winter's cheeks that are soaked with tears.
"Summer, do you really love me?" He asked.
"Yes, of course I love you from the beginning and I was so scared when I thought I lost you," I sobbed. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted Winter to know that I love him.
"Summer," Winter said. I looked up at him.
"Y-Yeah," I said, trying to calm down.
"I love you too," He whispered. I place my hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss.
I melted into the kiss. I could feel something forming from this but is it good or bad. Whatever it is I don't want to end. I could feel Summer pull away. We panted for air. I looked back up to see Summer blushing wildly.
"Summer," was all I could say.
"Winter, I love you. Will you be mon amour?" Summer asked.
"I would love too, Summer," I said hugging him. I sat there in Summer's arms. It was so warm compare to my cold ones but he didn't mind them at all.
"Winter?" Summer asked.
"What do you want to do today?" He asked, looking down at me.
"I don't know," I said, looking at our entangled hands.
I love Winter and his season. I asked him what he want to do but he didn't know. I thought really hard on what we can do. I looked down at him and notice our hands were tangled but I tell he was happy.
"How about you come over to my house and get some sun," I suggested.
"I don't know Summer. I shouldn't leave my season," he said.
"It will only be for the day," I said.
"Alright," Winter gave in.
"Alright, let go," I said, lifting him out of the bed.
"Summer, put me down, now," Winter demanded.
"Not until we get to my season," I said smirking.
"I mean or I will use my power," he threaten.
"Come on, Winter, let me have a little fun," I pleaded.
"Fine," Winter sighed in defeat. I smiled and started to walk out of the house with Winter in my arms. It took about a twenty minute walk from Winter's season to mine. I was standing at the boarders of the four seasons. I walked over to my season. I place Winter on the ground.
We just got to Summer's season. Damn it's hot.
"Holy crap it's hot," I complained.
"Are you okay?" Summer asked.
"Yeah, it just so hot here," I said, fanning my face.
"It's only sixty degrees here," he said, looking at the weather channel.
"SIXTY!" I yelled.
"Yeah, why?" Summer asked.
"I'm not use to anything above zero," I mumble.
"Really!" he shouted out of shock.
"Yeah," I said, panting from the heat.
"Okay, let's get you something cold to drink," Summer said, pulling me to a lemonade stand. I bought a cup and hand it to me. I took a drink of it. I could feel the coolness of it going down my throat.
"Yum," I said, taking another drink.
"You like it?" he asked. I nodded, "I'm glad you like it," Summer said.
"Yeah, it's something we don't get in my season," I said, smirking down at the cup.
"We get hot and cold things here," he smiled.
"We get cold weather and hot foods and drinks besides milk," I added.
"Um... So Winter, how does my season look?" Summer asked nervously.
"It's full of color compare to mine," I said, smiling and then frown.
"Winter? Hey, what's wrong?" he asked.
"Umm... It's just that your season is just so full of life. Mine is full of cold and nothingness," I said, sitting down at a bench.
"Your season is full of beauty that it doesn't meet everyone eyes at first but soon they grown to love it," Summer said, placing a kiss on my forehead.
"I seriously doubt anyone loves my season," I whispered.
"I prove it," Summer said, standing up and walking over to some people.
"Summer," I growled.
"Come here," he smiled. I was compelled to walk over to Summer. He took my hand and started to talk to the people. I can't focus on anything but the heat.
"Summer?" I said, trying to get his attention, "Summer, Summer," I said, over and over again.
"Summer, I got to go home, now," I said weakly.
"Winter?" I heard his voice before everything went black.
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