- Thursday, September 21st -
I'm still not happy with this (14:34)
Don't you have practice or something? (14:34)
I read Finnley's texts during a meeting with the project group, rolling my eyes because he keeps telling me he doesn't want me to visit, but apparently his aunt has been asking him about it and is determined for me to come and visit.
Yeah, but practice is at eight (14:35)
I thought maybe you could come and watch (14:36)
Nathan is coming too, because I need someone for the panic button (14:35)
"So, Cris and I will do this presentation, but next time it'll be Vera and Lennard, because Paul and Nikki did it last week."
"But I can't do it." Vera complains. "I really can't. I had to before and I just froze."
"Well, suck it up because you'll have to eventually," I groan in annoyance. "It's part of what they expect from us during college, Vera."
"Give her a break, if she really has trouble giving presentation's, forcing her won't help." Lennard sends both me and Sam a look of frustration.
New development, while Lennard tried to get in our little group with Paul in the first week, hanging out by our side, he now decided to become friends with Vera, protecting her from our snappy comments. It's cringe-worthy, because he's been drooling all over her.
"No, Cris is right." Vera mutters. "I know I have to, but I don't know how..." She looks back and forth between Sam and me. "Can't you do it with me?" She is looking directly towards me. "You know... I think I would feel better if someone as confident as you by my side."
Sam smirks, Lennard sends me another annoyed look and I frown towards Vera.
"You think giving a presentation with me would help you?"
"Yeah, well... just not with Lennard. If I freeze, I need someone to take over and I don't think Lennard will..." She sends him an insecure look. "I'm sorry Len, I just think it would be better if Cris would be there to catch me if I fall."
"He's not even that confident." Lennard grumbles. "And I don't like to pair up with Sam."
"Why not? Because you're afraid I'm gonna steal your thunder?" Sam grins slyly, I laugh and Paul snorts in response. Nikki seems amused.
"You can't steal some person's thunder if he hasn't got any to begin with." She casually throws in a remark, drawing little doodles on a paper. Paul and I laugh out louder, Sam grins and Lennard's face flushes. Vera is still looking at me, but now with a small smile on her face.
"Okay, we'll do it together next week. Len and Sam can do the next."
"I really don't think it's fair if you get to decide all of this..." Lennard complains, crossing his arms in front of his chest in a defensive manner.
"We voted for him to be the leader." Vera calmly tells him, smiling widely ever since I told her I'd do the presentation with her. "If we're going to do this democratically, we'll sit her for hours without getting a result."
"We can vote, I bet the majority will vote for us to do it together." I look at Lennard daringly.
"Vote, because I bet Sam won't agree either."
"Oh, I do agree. Cris would steal all the attention from me."
Another round of laughter follows to which Lennard angrily gets up from his seat. "Whatever. I'm going home, since it doesn't matter what I say anyway."
"Good, make sure you finish your part of the file by tomorrow. We're all waiting for your part to continue."
"Oh, I will." He looks towards Nikki in anger.
Yeah, I figured Nikki would be the one that would annoy the fuck out of me by never doing what she's asked to do. But even though she misses a lot of classes, so far, she's done her part. I watch Lennard grabbing his stuff, marching out of the room we're in. Nikki waves him goodbye with a sarcastic smile on her face, while Sam and Paul just shrug, probably relieved Lennard left. My phone buzzes again in my pocket.
I already promised Oli to come and watch (: (14:46)
He's picking me up on his way there (14:46)
Want a ride? (: (14:46)
Oh, wait. He doesn't like you. Sorry (14:47)
Leave it up to Finnley to go and act sassy. I do not like this side of him, but he's been acting this way ever since I found out what happened on Monday. Ever since his aunt invited me over and he feels like I'm forcing myself back into his life, always reminding me of the fact I was the one that broke contact.
I'll just ask Nate to pick me up, NP (14:49)
Or maybe I'll askOlifor a ride anyway (14:50)
Should be fun (14:50)
Or maybe I can throw Oliver out of a moving vehicle, on the highway, at maximum speed. That should be fun too.
"Cris? Any other bullet points on your agenda?"
"Huh?" I look up from my phone, four pair of eyes focused on me, all but Vera seem amused. "No, presentation was the last." I hope that doesn't sound like I wasn't paying any attention.
I'm done at four, meet me outside (14:52)
We need to get groceries. Aunt Cady can't wait to see you again. (14:52)
Woeptie-fucking-do. (14:52)
"Cool, I really want to go home." Paul yawns and stretches. "Got tons to do."
"Are you coming to practice tonight?" Sam turned around in his seat, facing me. "Felix told me some Jaimie-guy was joining and he told me you would go crazy with excitement once you'd find out he's joining the team."
"Jaimie's joining the team? That is quite awesome, yeah." I nod while watching the others leave the room. "He's really good."
"You're really good too, and so is Felix." Sam grins. "The guys are still bugging Oliver because he couldn't prevent you from scoring."
"Ugh, I do not like that guy."
"Why not, because Blondie is practically glued at his side every Friday and Saturday night? Sam wiggles his eyebrows, as usual.
"Blondie has a name, it's Finn, and no, not because of that." I'm lying, I know. Oliver and Finnley together is exactly the reason I hate the guy. But I can't hate a guy that presumably saved Finn's life, now can I? That's making it pretty damn hard to hate him. "If you forgot, he nearly knocked me out last week, just because I am better at soccer."
"Right, so the fact you both weren't friendly from the second you saw each other in the locker room has absolutely no part in the gay-drama that I'd definitely binge-watch if it were actually a show on Netflix?"
"Only on Netflix?" I smirk, he hits me against the shoulder.
"I guess I won't be able to persuade you into telling me all about it."
"Okay, different subject, you still owe me an explanation why you got called out of class by the cops." He starts packing things into his backpack. "Are you a criminal or what? Because I'd like to know. I don't want to be involved without being involved."
I huff, shaking my head. "Long story."
"Hey, I'm binge watching "The life of Cris", I need a recap of the episode I missed."
"God, stop calling my life a gay drama." I roll my eyes, slumping down in my seat.
"Dude, seriously. You have like, four guys fighting over your attention, two girls secretly admiring you, you're wearing a panic button ever since you talked to the coppers and you're excluding your best friend in school from the show."
"You're the worst." I again roll my eyes. Crossing my arms while staring at him. "Who says I'm wearing a panic button?"
"Well, it's either that, or a detonator to a bomb. Please, warn me if you're planning on blowing up the school. I'd take a day off."
"How do you know it is?"
He shrugs. "My best friend from highschool got one this week. Explained how it worked, which is pretty cool. Because if you're like drunk, you can push the button, they'll dispatch your own personal taxi and when they're there, you'll just say they left because you pushed the button and they'll drive you home anyway." Sam is excitedly wobbling in his chair.
"That's not exactly how it works, but fine. Yes, it's a panic button." I pull the device from under my shirt and wave it in front of him. "Got some personal bodyguards around here somewhere too. Just don't know who or what they look like."
"Like I said, long story."
"I got time." Sam shrugs. "And you do to." He points towards my phone. "Blondie is done in an hour."
"You're reading my conversations?"
"Hey, you're oblivious to the fact I was reading along. I told you before, you're really bad at keeping things a secret."
"Don't read my fucking conversations," I grumble. "Why does your best friend have a panic button anyway?" I change subjects, diverting his attention away from my phone and from my own story.
"He was missing, for a really long time. Shit was pretty nasty. Found him half dead in an alley about a year and a half ago. Now there's people looking for him and he's scared shitless, refusing to leave the house and all." Sam seems to feel sad, but I frown.
"When did he get the panic button? This week?"
"Monday, he called me when you were talking to the cops. I went to meet him, he was really freaking out. That's why I left early on Monday. Else I would've checked up on you first."
"What's his name?"
Sam cocks his head, staring at me confused. "Does it matter?"
"Is it Alex? Alexander Moreno?" I will never forget that name, ever again.
Sam hits his head on the table. "Please, don't tell me you know him."
"Would that be a bad thing?"
Sam sits up again, snatching the device from my hold, waving it in front of my nose. "You're in the same shit, aren't you?" He seems angry, which confuses me, because I've done nothing wrong. He can't be mad because some nutheads decided to abduct me.
"Maybe." I snatch the device out of his hands again, putting it back under my shirt. "Why are you acting all pissed? I'm a victim, just like Alex."
"Alex really brought that shit on himself, Cris." Sam snaps. "He fucked up really bad and no, it doesn't justify what they made him do and oh my god. Blondie is pretty boy."
I frown deeply at his words. "Just because Alex fucked things up, doesn't explain why you're pissed at me. And how did you connect Finn to "pretty boy"?"
"Because I assume they're not hunting you down without a reason. What did you do to get in that situation with Alex?"
"First of all, I was Alex' replacement, I never met him. Secondly, I got in that shit because I got in the same position as Alex' little sister. Thirdly, how did you know who Finn is?"
"He's wearing one of those too." Sam points towards the device, that is somewhat showing under my shirt.
I grumble, putting my sweater back on to hide it better.
"Besides, Alex spoke highly of a guy named Finnley, or pretty boy, because he came up with a plan to go home. It didn't save Alex from a terrible beating, but Alex is thankful at least Finnley tried to get him home."
"Well, fuck." I mutter, sliding down in my chair. "And now they're back to take revenge."
"How come you and Finn aren't freaking out like Alex is?" Sam looks confused. "Alex refuses to leave the house and he's constantly calling me because he doesn't want to be alone. But you're here, in school, like nothing is wrong."
"Well, I guess I'd be more scared if I'd be at home by myself all day. I decided to continue my everyday life because I need the distraction. They're watching us, they'll help us within 5 minutes if we need to..." I shrug. "Besides, I seriously don't know what they're capable of, because they never harmed me that I remember."
"That you remember?"
"The head trauma? I got beat up by a guy that is now in jail, and I got smashed in the back of my head the night the police got involved. I don't remember that night, or the previous hours. But yeah..."
"Damn, Cris." Sam mutters. "If I can do anything to help you..."
"You can stay in school until Finn is ready, so I don't have to be alone?"
"Sure." He smiles and nods. "We can set up the presentation, that'll take your mind off of things."
"Sounds good to me. Thanks Sam."
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