First Day
I woke up in my crimson red covers, enveloped by warmth and security. The sheets were like a silk prison which held me captive from the sun's harsh rays. I glanced at the digital clock beside my bed. 6:35. I needed to be at work by 8.
I hopped up from my comfortable resting place and headed towards the master bathroom, even though I could have actually just used the bathroom in my bedroom. Something about that giant jacuzzi made me want to know more. I sorted through a few pairs of pants, choosing a tan pair of slacks. To go with them, I picked out a white shirt with a brown vest to go over it.
I strolled lamely down the hallway, rubbing the sleep out of my blurry eyes. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night, due to Maxis's visit.
At last, I stepped into the bathroom, the cold white tiles sending a chill through me. Locking the door behind me, I walked to the jacuzzi and turned the warm water nozzle to its limit. The tub immediately began to fill with steaming hot liquid glass. I lazily removed my boxers and stuck a foot into the scalding pool, the water scorching my skin at first but then gradually becoming accustomed. Instinctively, I sunk into the water, turned on the jets, and relaxed.
Unfortunately, I had little time to get ready, so I had to cut my bath time a bit short. I hopped out of the sanctifying chamber and grabbed a white towel to dry off with. Tying it around my waist, I sauntered towards the mirror, no longer drowsy, but wide awake.
"Toothbrush...toothbrush..." I repeated in my head as I rummaged through the drawers of the vanity. Was there any sort of toothbrush in here? I'd forgotten mine back in my room.
I smiled when I found an unopened package of brand new toothbrushes, and an untouched tube of fluoride-infused toothpaste. I was always one to keep up my personal hygiene. I brushed my teeth for exactly two minutes, threw on my clothes, brushed my hair and tidied my mustache, and headed out the door, refreshed and ready to conquer the day.
I checked a clock on the wall as I walked past. 7:15. 45 minutes to spare.
I bounded down the stairs, sliding my hand down the mahogany handrail. I felt good. Until my stomach started growling for food, that is.
"Mmm..." I almost moaned as a delicious scent met my senses. My feet carried me to the kitchen where Eliza was promptly slaving over the stove. She whirled around.
"Mr. Richtofen! Good morning, sir." She bowed as I sat at the table.
"What are you cooking, Eliza?" I said eagerly.
"Bacon, eggs, and pancakes," she replied, waiting to see my reaction. I gave her a somewhat surprised look.
She went into panic at my expression. "If you want me to make you something else I-"
"No, no, it's fine. That sounds good to me!" I cut her off, laughing a bit to myself. Eliza looked adorable when she got frazzled. Nien! I can't think that way about her, it's against the rules. I mentally slapped myself for the thought, and vowed that it would never again enter my mind.
It looked like it would be a few minutes before she was done, so I tried to engage in conversation. I nervously cleared my throat.
"So... Where are you from, Eliza?"
She stopped what she was doing and looked remorsefully at the floor.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-"
"America...." She said said softly.
Had I upset her? I hadn't meant anything by it. I felt guilty, really.
~Eliza's POV~
"So, where are you from, Eliza?" His German accent made the "w" sound like a "v".
I stopped in my tracks. America. The home I had to leave. The home I was taken from.
"America..." I said sadly. Memories of its wonderful beauty filled my mind, and my best friend came back to me in my recollection.
"Tank..." I whimpered to myself, water pricking my blue eyes. My best friend. I missed him so badly, but I could not be such a whiner in front of Mr. Richtofen. He could tell Maxis...
"What?" Mr. Richtofen's voice pierced through my thoughts and brought me back to what I was doing.
"N-nothing... I was just talking to myself...." I covered up. I can't let him know what has happened. Dr. Maxis would have me shot.
This man though... He seemed different from the others, in some way I could not understand. He was not like Maxis, a cruel and rude rich man, but a charming, mannerly one. Dempsey had talked about the Germans as if they were... Inhuman. But Mr. Richtofen contradicted all he had said. I knew not what to think of this peculiar man yet, but under the circumstances, maybe I couldn't have asked for a better master.
~Richtofen's POV~
As I wolfed down all that Eliza had prepared for me, I pondered on what I had said to the girl. There had to be something she was hiding, something that she didn't want me to know. She had muttered something, it sounded like a person's name, but I couldn't make sense of it. Tayte, or maybe Hank? At any rate, it wouldn't be right of me to question her any further, so I tried my best to change the subject for the better.
"What are you doing now, Eliza?" I adjusted my view to see the brown paper bag that she carefully filled with assorted foods.
"I'm packing your lunch, sir." She replied, gaining some of her happy tone back. "You're going to need something to eat at work, yes?"
"Indeed. I shall look forward to lunch now that I know whose hands have prepared it." She tilted her head at me, blush forming on her cheeks as she gave a soft simle, which even embarassed me a bit. "Your food really is the best." I said, trying to smooth over the moment. As I said, I'm a socially awkward person, and really don't enjoy talking with people one-on-one, especially a person of the opposite gender.
I still had not grown accustomed to this 'servant' business, and her packing my lunch made me feel like I was back in the first grade. I hated those years, full of bullies who were only jealous of my knowledge. I'll show them all one day, what one can truly do with his mind.
I glanced at the clock above Eliza's head. 7:55.
"Nein! Ich gehe spät zu meinem ersten Tag zu sein!" I yelled in my native language and jumped out of my seat, causing Eliza to shriek and throw her hands up. I rushed toward the door, yelling, "Sorry, Eliza, I can't be late!" I threw on my jacket and hat and sprinted out the door, slamming it behind me. I nearly tripped down the steps as I stuggled to get on my way. Luckily, the facility wasn't too far from here, and I could run the entire way. It's a good thing I always liked to stay in shape, not that I'm some athlete, but being a doctor, I did like to stay true to my own guidelines. I arrived within five minutes, clocking in just before 8:00.
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