Coming Home
Contains sexual content...
I shook in the sheets of my icy bed, my sanity evading me.
She wasn't here...
And frankly, neither was I.
The others had been asleep for hours, and the time of night was way past the time I was used to staying up.
I couldn't sleep.
I couldn't even close my eyes. If I did, I might wake up screaming from the horrors that I'd witnessed many hours before.
"Verdammt..." I whispered to myself coldly, watching as the moisture from my breath rose into the freezing atmosphere. I stood from my bed and exited the chambers, as out into the wind I strolled.
Something about this barren land (other than the fact that it was a murdering grounds) unsettled my to no end. There was a dead silence over the land as I cleared my senses and walked forth.
Damn Maxis, why do I follow him? He's nothing but a murderer from this point...
I had no other choice, I had to look past it. I had to go on.
My feet carried me closer and closer to the Excavation Site and I shivered as the picture from earlier made its way into my mind.
"Don't... nein Edward, agh..." I held my head and tugged at my own dark hair. Shouts and whispers suddenly began to canvass my mind. I was close to the meteor... was this the effect it had upon me?
I ran in the opposite direction, stumbling toward the guard barracks. I panted and looked back.
A faint voice whispered from nowhere.
"W-Wha... what?" I called, as if I would receive an answer.
"......." No response.
A chill resonated through my body and I shook my head. I got up and tried to walk away quickly.
Oddly though... I couldn't remember why I wasn't able to sleep...
Hmm, must have been the cold.
I slept soundly once I reached the cabin.
5 more days passed. I missed Eliza increasingly more each and every day. Production for Panzer Soldat had begun, but I couldn't shake the horrors of death from my mind. The men had gotten better but they also seemed to be slowing production, oddly. I couldn't care less about what was happening with all of that.
10 Days.
The passage of time went slower that a snail upon honey. Maxis insisted that we needed to stay for further testing, but I couldn't agree less. We weren't making much progress at all, so why were we still here? What were the motives?
I longed for her kisses, her cooking, her laugh, her scent, her affection, her everything... it would seem as though Maxis knew it was torturing me to stay here; although I was more than thankful it was not the case.
"Alright everyone! Pack up!"
My hands flew through my suitcase and my clothes fell into place in an array of happiness.
"Someone's excited..." I heard Schuster chuckle.
"Forgive me for being the first to say that I never want to see this place again..." I mumbled, zipping my bulging suitcase up in hopes that it wouldn't burst in the process.
Maxis laughed. "I would never have guessed you to be such a homebody, Edward. When I first met you I assumed that you cared not to travel. I have been proven wrong!"
I laughed. "I'm not quite the type for travel, it's true. I like to stay in one place." Suddenly the others began to poke fun, which I didn't mind.
"Or maybe he just wants to get back to his satin sheet bed! None of us got satin you know! Ours were wool, scratchy wool!" Called Henry Porter.
"Or it could be that he misses that servant's cooking, I mean all we've been eating is beans and bread and sausage; which I now realize is probably why the room smells in the dead of night!" Cackled Schuster.
I chuckled, trying not to blush at the mention of Eliza, because I did indeed miss her cooking, and everything else about her. Even now I thought I could smell her vanilla scent wafting through the air.
"At any rate," Maxis interrupted, recovering from the laughter, "Be packed by noon... we'll depart then."
I felt very giddy down on the inside... The train ride could not go fast enough.
Eliza's POV
Is he coming back?
I'd counted down the days... nearly fifteen now. Half a month he'd been gone. I was still in some pain, that I couldn't remember exactly how it came to be. I remembered vaguely... the castle? I knew that I'd been tested on... but I had no clue how.
My legs ached each time I stood.
Then again, so did my heart. I just wanted him back here.
But... what if he didn't come back? What if I was given a new master or worse... by that point I may just let them kill me. It's what they have always wanted.
I sat on the couch, staring at the makshift calendar I had created. I pointed at the date, February 14th, with my pencil and crossed it out.
February 14th... the date sounded familiar.
It had been a while since I had celebrated Valentine's day with anyone... did they even celebrate it here in France? Of course it didn't matter to me... because he wasn't here.
I drew a few sketches to help me deal with the gap in my heart. I hadn't taken care enough to eat as much lately, so I decided to draw a simple apple. On top of that, I jotted down a few little humanoid winged creatures, for whatever reason. Looking at the art kit in my possesion only made me miss him more, though, and soon I couldn't move my hand across the paper anymore.
Then, the piano in the room caught my attention. I hadn't played in years. I never knew how to read notes, or anything of the sort, but I always played by ear, and it often calmed my anxiety. I stood up and made my way to the seat of the instrument. I longingly glanced up at the clock, and my hopes fall for Edward. It was already nine oclock.
I sighed, and let my fingertips glide upon the ivory keys, a little 'ding' coming out of each one. I wondered if I could remember the songs I'd played years ago on our piano... before we had to sell it for money.
I struck a chord, trying to pick out my own tune in the keys. What I came up with was somewhat of a sad tune, with no words or meaning. However, it did convey loneliness.
Richtofen's POV
My heart raced as we came to a halting, screeching stop at the train station. I nearly sprinted off the train. I looked down at my wristwatch, and even though it was nearly nine, I lost none of my enthusiasm to be home.
"Edward! Hop in, I'll give you a ride home!" I heard Maxis call, as he lowered himself into his motor vehicle. I looked around the station and smiled.
"You know... I appreciate the offer, Maxis... but I think I'll walk home!" I laughed, beginning on my way. He simply chuckled and agreed, seemingly understanding the excitement I felt. I skipped out of the station and got onto the town sidewalk, and was sure that within a few minutes I would see Eliza's beautiful face light up, hopefully because I was home.
I walked down the street, suitcase in hand. I took note of shopkeeper locking up for the night, and smiled at each one I passed. I was nearly out of the town when a particular old man caught my eye; he was in the midst of taking down a sign that I struggled to read.
Valentine's Day Sale, today only.
I stopped, and my eyes widened. I immediately began to count forward from the day I departed, to the current date. My mind landed on February 14th, almost 15 days since I had seen her.
Oh my goodness, in all the ruckus, I'd gotten her nothing!
My mind went into terror. It wasn't as if she would miss the gifts, but I refused to miss a chance to spoil Eliza.
"Wait, sir!" I picked up the pace, and my cheeks heated slightly.
"Hmm? What do you want, young man?" He scruffled in a low voice.
"Please, sir, would you mind staying open for a view more minutes, I just got home and I-"
"Sorry." He cut me off, "Store's closed." He grumbled, and took a set of keys out of his pocket.
I was taken aback by being turned down so abruptly. I could not let this happen.
"Please, sir. I just want one bouquet of roses!" I pleaded.
"Shoulda come earlier. One. Day. Sale. Capiche?"
The key slid into the doorknob and turned it.
"I'll give you double the price, sir." I blurted, disregarding the cost.
Suddenly his eyes began to twinkle.
"Are you sure? They're sixty francs as it is."
"I don't care, I'll give you one-twenty."
His eyes widened, and he took his keys back out, causing me to breathe a sigh of relief. I hurried into the store as he opened up his cash register. I quickly grabbed the biggest, most beautiful bouquet of red and white roses that I could find, and five full boxes of chocolate truffles. This was all of the Valentine's Day inventory that was left in the store, so I bought it all.
"Who are you, anyway..." The man mumbled as I sorted through my cash, handing it to him.
I laughed, full of excitement. "Me? Heh, I'm nobody... just a man with a woman to please!" I folded him the money, and headed quickly out the door, leaving a surprised look on his face. "Thank you, sir! I bid you ado!" I walked swiftly down the sidewalk, toward my home. Minutes later, I could already see its lights in the distance, and I was somewhat out of breath.
I lugged the bag and suitcase to the front steps, nearly tiptoeing for no reason. Suddenly, from the inside, I heard the sound of a piano.
My heart skipped a beat, and I lay my head upon the door, silently, and placed my hand upon the handle. To my surprise, I found it to be unlocked. A mischievous little idea entered my mind, and I slowly, without making even the slightest noise, swung open the door. Over the loudness of the piano, she could not hear when I closed the door gently, locking it behind me.
I hid the flowers behind my back, and my heart began to race at millions of miles per second. Just the image of Eliza, finally there within my line of sight, so innocent and so beautiful, enraged all of my passion for her.
I tiptoed to the beat of the serenading music she was playing.
When I was nearly right behind her, I let a soft smile fall onto my lips, and I couldn't hold the suspense any longer.
"Miss Washington, I had no idea that you were a piano player too." I cooed.
Suddenly she stopped, and before I knew what had occurred, I heard a shriek and felt a sharp pain hit the side of my face, in the form of the back of Eliza's hand.
"Ahh!" She yelled, and I held my face, sure that the impact area had already begun to redden.
I was so scrambled by the incident that all I could muster was, "Ouch."
She at first jumped slightly, taken aback by the fact that I was there.
"O-Oh my God, Edward!" She shrieked. "I-I... You're home!" She jumped to me, squeezed me tightly, and I returned the love, barely even noticing or caring that she had just slapped me in the jaw. "I-I'm sorry, I'm s-sorry!"
Mein Gott, the way her sweet and gentle caress felt to me now, it was just like the first time we kissed.
"You don't know how much I missed this... missed you, Eliza." I ignored the fact that she was muttering curse words under her breath and planting light little kisses over the cheek she'd retaliated against. I should like to be hit by her more often if it reaps such rewards.
"I-I thought you were never coming home, Edward... I-I thought... I-I..." Her eyes began to water, and I caressed her cheek with the hand that didn't hold the hidden roses. I silenced Eliza's worried sentence with a passionate kiss.
"I'm back now... and frankly, I don't really want to let you go right now." I chuckled, and smiled against her lips, my face turning pink. She began to blush, and I took the opportunity to give her my gift.
"Here," I said, bringing the roses from behind my back. "I... I brought you these. Happy Valentine's Day... mon amour." I finished the sentence ever-so-shyly, trying to avoid eye-contact as I fell back into my schoolboy habits. I heard her lightly gasp.
"Mon amour... isn't that French?" She laughed.
"Well... we happen to be in France." I smiled.
She looked down at the roses. "Edward... They... they're beautiful..., how, all the shops close at nine... did you buy them elsewhere?" She shook her head.
"Well... I paid double for them. This old guy was locking up... But I told him that if he didn't let me buy my lady some flowers, then I would unleash you upon him. Then he opened right up!" I laughed, and she gasped.
"No, you didn't!" She giggled.
Music, sweet songbirds... how I was falling under her spell at the moment, with simply just that.
"I did. Told him you once chewed a poor boy's head off because he was late for your shipment."
Eliza laughed out loud. "Yeah, two hours late!"
"Same difference," I joked.
"You're something, Edward." She purred, plopping onto the couch and diverting her gaze elsewhere, blushing. "They are beautiful. Thank you."
A moment of silence fell over the room, as I sat next to the girl. My breaths slowed and I looked over at her. She looked like a painting, as she sat there upon the couch, with her legs crossed in front of her. She smiled to herself, and I could see bright emotions layered on the canvas of her soul. I couldn't slow my heartbeat, I couldn't slow my mind or thoughts. Running through my head were so many things, all about her.
I'd just gotten up the courage to say something, when she stood.
"I think I'll go get a vase for the flowers." She went to the kitchen, leaving me deep in thought with my transgressions.
I wanted to show her that she meant this world to me. That everything in my shadow of a life has led up to this moment in time. I couldn't stop my longing for her, the way she made me feel when she was around was second to none.
She entered the room and time slowed as it always did.
Edward, stop now... Stop now before you do something you'll regret.
No. If all goes how I'm picturing it right now... I will NEVER regret it.
A chill ran down my spine as she set up the vase on the table. Her beautiful sparkly blue eyes looked upon the flowers with such patience and care.
I rose from my seat and took my position behind Eliza's subtle form, and wrapped my strong arms around her waist. She shivered a little, but then relaxed in my grip. I placed a butterfly kiss upon the nape of her neck, earning just the faintest giggle as I tickled her senses. I smiled against her skin, and a blush explored her cheeks.
"Dance with me." I whispered as softly as humanly possible. Eliza pressed against me and smiled up at me, letting me look into those beautiful blue orbs, the same ones that always grounded me when I felt alone, the ones that made me feel like I had the world to myself.
"My pleasure." She whispered with the voice of a dove.
Eliza's POV
From the kiss on my neck I was putty in his hands. I'd never felt so happy in my life. I'd also never seen Edward act quite like this, but I felt every grain of emotion he put into his words, upon his lips as they touched my skin.
He left me as he put on the gramophone. I observed him, as he shed his work coat and loosened his tie. Regretfully, I was forced to bite the inside of my bottom lip, and he tugged on the collar for more air flow. Underneath his jacket, he was wearing his normal white button-up shirt, and it ruffled a bit at the collar. He draped his black tie over his neck, letting it dangle as he searched for the perfect song.
"Alright... ready?" He asked huskily as the song began to play. He took him position and I took mine, a blush covering my face fully. I looked up into his hazel eyes, and ran my fingertips up his chest, and to his shoulder where my hands' rightful place was. Edward's body melted into me, wrapping both arms securely around my waist and pressing his chest closer than ever before. I noticed him change before my eyes, and an unknown feeling disguised itself behind his visage as he looked down at me with such intent.
But I would be a fool not to recongnize the feeling that both of us were eminating.
We began to sway in sync, our eyes locked together, and I couldn't keep from smiling.
"So... how was the place?" I asked, making idle conversation as we twirled around the room.
"Terrible. The most awful place I've ever visited."
I giggle a bit. "My, what made it so unbearable?"
"You weren't there..." He shyly nuzzled his face into my neck, pulling closer. I was frazzled for a moment, but I started to laugh. His shy, almost childish little complimets were something I had all but become used to.
That doesn't mean my heart didn't flutter every single time his lips spoke words of love to me.
"How were you here?" He asked, causing me to land back into real life. "Tell me you had no trouble."
I hesitated before answering, remembering the lingering pain in my legs and body.
"I managed... but it was miserable."
He gasped slightly. "Why?" He looked genuinely surprised, and I couldn't believe he didn't see where I was going with this.... or maybe he was just fishing for a compliment that I was all too happy to give.
"Because you weren't here."
His features softened to the grain of silk and his hand moved upwards to caress my cheek.
"I think we've crossed the cute, sappy couple stage, Miss Washington." I looked up and gave him an amused look and he chuckled.
"Maybe so." I giggled lightheartedly.
"I suppose it's a good thing no one is around to watch." He said, with no intention of having the effect it did.
I didn't realize the weight of those words until I went over them. It was the grim truth. Mine and Edward's relationship, assuming it lasted, would have to be hidden forever. I wasn't sure, looking now in the long run, how I felt about that. Even if I did live and Maxis never found out... there could be no marriage, no kids, no family and no freedom.
For God's sake... I don't even fully trust him. No, it wasn't that, it was that I just couldn't trust him with some of the things I'd had to deal with.
The smile began to slip off of my face, as the song came to an end. My eyes wandered down, and my grip on him loosened. I tried to pull away in that moment, but Edward's firm grip held me even closer.
With empty eyes, I looked up at his deeply concerned hazel ones. His brows furrowed and he tried to read the emotions behind my features, but I made sure I didn't give him too much to go on.
"Eliza... what's the matter? Did I say something?" He shook his head, trying to tell.
I didn't say a thing, and he noticed. I saw it click behind his eyes. It wasn't his fault at all, it just made some things more clear.
Our situation was doomed.
"Eliza, dear? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I-I promise," I felt the slight falter in his voice as his chest vibrated with each word.
"I know... I know," I dismissed, looking away. "I'm sorry, It's me."
Once again I tried to gently break from him, but he kept his eyes passionately trained on me.
"Eliza," he began, taking me by surprise as he knelt to my level, caressing my face with an angelic frame. He pulled my eyes toward him gently with the tilt of my head.
"You know how much you mean to me, don't you?"
I remained silent, looking at him.
"You mean the world-no, the universe, all of the universes, be there any more, to me. If there's only one dimension with you in it, well, I bet the other versions of me are trying to invent some sort of diabolical time-travel device to take you from me, right here, right now. I'd be damned before I'd let anything take you away from me... I would travel across time just to get one glimpse of your beautiful face."
A scoffed in slight amusement and he smiled. I trained my eyes on his, unintentionally.
"I know you think that things will always be this way. But I promise I'll do anything to be with you forever. I don't care what Maxis says. I've never met anyone like you, never even dreamt of anyone as perfect as you; willing to accept my little quirks, and heaven forbid, my looks-"
I took that oppurtunity, as my heart insisted, to press my lips against his, pulling his head against mine. My eyes fluttered shut as my body sank into his, his hands snaking to my sides. Moments later we drew back for breath.
"You're perfect..." I breathed against his lips, "It is I who have the faults."
There was a short pause as his heartbeat synchronized with mine, and he shook his head.
"Let me show you how much you really mean to me...please."
I blushed, and my eyes drifted up to his. His irises were laced with that emotion... the one that had been there all along.
And I wanted him to release it on me.
As an answer, I looked at his lips and pulled them to mine, moving them along with his. Gently, but with a little force, Edward lifted me off of the carpet and around his waist, where I locked my legs around him. Already my face felt like an inferno, raging mad with emotion. I panted slightly and tried to keep up with his lips as he blindly stumbled up the stairs and toward the bedroom.
Edward's POV
Please don't let those eyes turn glass.
Her eyes, as much as I viewed them, were something I had come to know as comfort. However, I also knew when they were empty.
Eliza's 'empty eyes' were ones I had only rarely seen. The night I confessed my love for her was one of the few.
As she stood there, I couldn't let her go. My heart beat so faithfully in sync with hers, though mine threatened to kill me. I would not let her go, no. Not after just getting her back.
A seed of guilt planted within me as I tried to figure out what had caused this phenomena. I realized that after all this time I had tried to protect her feelings, I had been the one to hurt them.
I quickly struggled to make things right, apologizing while simultaneously cursing in my head.
Had I honestly just ruined the moment I had been anticipating since the first kiss?
Luckily she saw past my ignorance, and soon I felt the comforting, rather needy tug of her hands in my hair. Along with the gentle pull, her lips beckoned, and with every touch I felt my sense of lust rising.
"Let me show you how much you mean to me... please." I said, my face turning as red as the roses on the table. Had I just proposed such a thing?
My heart skipped again, not incommon at this point but still a surprising rush. My adrenaline pumped steadily, and I thought I might lose my cool, with her there in front of me.
Without having the time to talk myself out of the situation, Eliza's lips met mine and my instincts kicked in. I pulled her up, feeling her wrapping around my waist with her strong legs. Already my breath was becoming ragged, as I stumbled my way up the stairs with Eliza in tow.
What would father say?
Are you going to disrespect Eliza like this?
Those are the thoughts I should have had. But I was so entranced by her magnificence, that I couldn't hear my own footsteps as they carried us toward the room.
Kissing her as passionately as my primal nature would allow (which, admittedly, could have been much softer), I fumbled for the doorknob of the master. When it creaked open, Eliza and I broke for a breath and a whisper of aprehension coursed through my soul.
Would she really... do this? With me?
I swallowed heavily and noticed the way Eliza tried to calm her breathing. I could tell, that eventhough she was nervous, she felt as I did.
I lay her on the bed and closed the door behind me, before taking my position over her. Suspending myself on my arms, I hovered above her, caressing her cheeks. She looked up at me, and behind her eyes I saw lust... but there was an underlying emotion of fear.
"Eliza..." I whispered softly. "I would never do anything... to hurt you." I left I kiss just below her ear, and let my lips travel from her jaw to the neck. In the most reassuring manner possible, I placed a gentle kiss on her serene lips.
She let out a sharp breath, and it pulsed shakily against my cheek.
"I know... I just..." she paused before looking away briefly. "If Maxis-"
"He isn't going to find out." I assured, cutting in. "Please. Trust me." I looked down yearningly at her clothing, a sudden urge to rip it off enveloping me. I fought against my carnal will but... now that I had this much freedom alone with her, my sound thoughts were slowly slipping away. I'd been away from her too long... I needed her so much. Already I had to admit that I had become aroused at simply the thoughts in my head.
"You won't like what you see underneath." She stated as she caught me looking, a forlorn expression gracing her features as her gaze diverted from mine. I blushed and looked back up to see her face go red. I wondered what she'd meant.
"You're beautiful no matter what, Eliza... I have thought this from the moment I first saw you." Gently, I slipped a soft hand just barely under her dress, moving the other to untie to lace from the back. "But...." I slowed as I realized my mistake. "If you don't want to do this, I completely understand and I will wait until you are ready." I looked down at her with sincerity evident in my gaze. Her worried eyes met mine, as if in a pleading manner. I gave a small and shy smile, and her face softened.
"I trust you, Edward... with all of my heart."
I smiled and my heart began to quicken its pace as I kissed her again, smiling. Shivering beneath my touch, the light girl closed her eyes and her heart beat faster than ever, as her hands latched into my hair. Both of my hands snaked to her back, tugging at the strings that snuggly secured the dress to Eliza's body. A light, whisper of a moan escaped her lips as her hands made their way to my chest, where they seemed at home in my mind.
The realization of what I was doing never quite became evident, as it felt like a dream. However the first time I truly snapped out of my daydream was when she stopped me and sat up.
I watched Eliza as she reached behind her head and broke the cord that tied her hair into a bun that day. The beautiful light lochs of gorgeous hair cascaded down her shoulders and framed her face perfectly as she blushed, and fluttered her long eyelashes. I fought the urge to let my mouth gape at the angel before me.
However, she wasn't done. I had unbuttoned her dress to the point where it was her turn to finish. In my trance, I barely noticed her slip both hands under her dress, and after a few moments of hesitation and apprehension, she had hoisted the fabric over her head and tossed it to the side.
My eyes widened, and her hands quickly moved to shroud her one-piece underwear. In the dim light of the moon, I saw her hair curtain her face and the faint shadow of her scared expression behind it.
"Flüche, Liebling..." I whispered, taking Eliza's hands and pushing her into the sheets while my lips touched hers. I allowed my chest to press against hers, and she appeared to writhe at the contact. "You are more beautiful than... even I could have ever imagined."
She shook her head. "I...I'm embarrassed, Edward..." She squeaked.
"Trust me, Ms. Washington... you have nothing to be embarrassed of." I looked into her blue eyes and kissed her forehead as I intertwined our fingers. Feeling brave and remembering all that I had learned from the Fiancé of Fire book, I kissed from her collarbone to the top of her half-exposed breasts. However, as I did this, which caused her to hiss slightly, something caught my eye.
It was a white mark, about an inch in length, that led to another, and then another, of the same sort. I raised up, and my smile turned into a look of confusion, as my eyes stayed glued to the spot. The marks continued under her nightwear.
Immediately, Eliza sat up slightly, when I reached for the top of her underwear with the intention of revealing more. With a very concerned look, Eliza grabbed my hands, stopping me from uncovering any more skin. Her eyes showed fear, as if I would find something that she didn't want me to.
"Eliza...let me see." I spoke with a pleading tone, and I thought I was beginning to see the meaning of her previous statement.
It took her a few moments to really decide for sure if this is what she wanted. I gazed at the girl with reassurance, and finally she let my hand go. I tore away her underwear, revealing her breasts in full form, which I was all but thankful for, but something was bothering me. Eliza looked away.
"I told you, Edward." She creaked, her voice faltering.
My mouth fell open in a loss for words. Her skin was riddled with small and large scars, from the top of her chest to her stomach around the belly button. Across her rib area, a huge pinkish gash that seemed to still be healing lay. What seemed to be areas of injection and clasping littered her fair and soft skin in every section there wasn't a scar. She began to tremble and I shook my head in complete disbelief.
"Nein... I... Who? Who did this to you and why!?" I was on the verge of tears, and her eyes had begun to water uncontrollably. Eliza shook her head and covered her body. I tried to slow my breathing and contain the anger I had built. I already knew the truth inside. But as I watched her shiver I could not press any further. I softened my features as I heard her start to weep.
"Liebling," I pulled her softly to me, pressing her into the covers. I planted sweet kisses on her neck, and anywhere I could find exposed skin. "That doesn't matter right now... What matters is you and I. And you are still so, so beautiful, more beautiful than I could ever describe. I don't know what these are, but they don't change a single thing I feel about you, and I... and Us, in this moment right now. Okay?"
She didn't say a thing but I felt her warm to me.
"Please..." I whispered, burying my face in her neck, "Let me prove it."
"If you'll have me..." She whispered shakily. I blushed and littered her with kisses again, showing a smile.
"That, I will." I replied, allowing my hands to roam her skin freely. I ignored the numerous imperfections that my fingers seemed to graze across, simply thankful to be in this moment. As my heart quickened again, I got up the courage to hook my fingers into her silk underwear and pull them down the rest of the way.
Eliza closed her eyes and breathed in sharply as I slid the one-piece off of her feet. In full beauty, I could now see this heavenly maiden before me. Although she had many scars all over her body, God could never have created a more beautiful creature that what now lay in my bed. I breathed in and she scarcely looked up at me.
"I'm speechless..." I breathed, my inner beast roaring to release itself upon the princess. My arousal stirred and I felt the need to be free. "Mein ficken gott," I groaned, curses flowing from my mouth. I'd no clue if she'd understand what I'd said, but I hoped not for my sake.
I heard a sudden comical scoff. "You're full of it, Edward." I felt her smile shyly.
"Nein... Seriously." I panted. I trailed a kiss from her breast to thigh, hardly breaking for breath.
"Edward... have you... done this before?" She asked me suddenly. I raised to look at her, and my face turned pink.
"Nein... Have you?"
She shook her head. In a way I was very thankful to hear that answer, but I also knew that along with the pleasure I would try to give her, she would also feel pain. And it always hurt me tremendously when I saw her ache.
I stood up for a moment, and a slightly uncomfortable silence fell over the bedroom. With apprehension, I unlatched my leather belt and discarded it at the corner of the room, hearing the clasp clink against the wall. I glanced at Eliza, almost as if to see if she would still go through with it. I noticed her visibly gulp, and in embarrassment, she turned her head away.
I proceeded by removing the remainder of my clothing, and then I promptly returned to the bed. I blushed even harder as I took my place above her, hovering over her lips as she turned back to face me. Her blue irises glanced down at my lips and I could tell there was a difference behind her eyes.
Eliza's hands gently moved up to caress my jaw, then run their way through my hair. The soft and delicate nature of the action caused me to flutter my own eyelashes in pleasure. With a swift movement she pulled me to her lips. I was taken by surprise as she sent my body crashing onto the bed into hers, allowing our forms to completely merge at last. Her demeanor turned dominant as I felt a foreign entity as she kissed me; her tongue flicking across my bottom lip in ecstasy.
I did not catch on at first, stunned by the way she'd changed in a split second. Then I felt a sharp sensation in my lower lip, and noticed that Eliza had bitten it slightly, causing my lips to fly open and granting her entrance. I couldn't help but push her into the pillows as she caressed my chest and shoulders. I had become very excitable and could hardly stand the knot in my stomach.
She let out a hungry moan as I broke for breath. With lusty gaze she looked into my eyes, and bit her lip softly, sending me over the edge. I sent her a look and she knew instantly where I was.
"I...I'm ready..." She panted against my lips as I wrapped my arms around her body, bare chest to bare chest.
"Halten Sie sich an mich..." I moaned, panting.
*blushes* I'm so sorry for... that.
This is putting such a new light on these two characters.
Anyway I was thinking if there are enough requests, I'll make an extended version of this chapter... since I had it going way further before I cut and pasted it to a different story xD
But I'll likely post it as a bonus chapter. Let me know what you guys want.
Thanks for your support and hope you enjoyed!
<3 ~Mac
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