As a Thank You!
Hello everyone! It's ya girl Mac here again. I wanted to show all of you how appreciative I am of the support you've given me through the years of writing TS&TS. I thought I'd make a chapter of dedication as a way to tie all of this up and move on to new horizons!
Also, I have received quite a few questions and comments about the ending of this story and some of the things that went down throughout it. So, I am opening up a Question and Answer chapter right here! Please, feel free to ask any and all questions about this book, my other stories, my life, about anything at all. I will do my best to be swift and answer them thoughtfully via a reply to your comment! Let's all have fun here again, EH?
Ooh, and just as a Lil' teaser... I drew this attached image. It's not nearly finished yet, as it's for something that's in the works, but I just couldn't help myself! I got too excited!
Without further ado, in no particular order, a tag for all of those who supported me with comments and votes (Please let me know and forgive me if I forgot anyone! It was not intentional, I just pulled these names from where I could find them!) Also, some of you have changed names. ^-^
Dressiestsphinx - THE ZOMBIES QUEEN!!! Thank you, Lindsay, you are truly one of my best friends. Keep pressing on, you are so strong! Good luck in ALL that you do!
ameraibz -You are one of my biggest inspirations for most of this story, Amera. You were always there to cheer me on, from day one. Your encouragement means the world to me! I hope that I satisfied you with the final chapter, and I hope you didn't cry too much! Best wishes. <3
Richtofenslilwhore -possibly the only one who compares to my loving of Richtofen?
Norweigen-Jesus -Thanks for letting Eliza into your heart! <3
@Group_935 -Thanks for always keeping me on my toes with storyline specifics!
Nacho-Chan - One of my greatest fans! Your comments always brought a smile to my face.
slo-mo-tion - In the beginning, there were only a few. You were one of them. :)
lighteningxgirl - I'll never forget seeing your cute little user picture pop up in my feed! It was always the highlight of my day.
allwomenarewomen - A loyal comrade to the end! <3
RedSparrow633 -I hope I didn't make you cry too much!
Chriswilly02 - Always thinking up new and unique ways for my story to link into the Zombies canon! This was always what I wanted my readers to see... all of those details I put in to suggest that this may have caused some of Richtofen's actions later in the series... hint. ^-^
MegStremm- Your colorful profile pic let me know it was instantly you! Thanks for your continued positivity, you were such a light to me.
-DreadedxSoul- I just LOVE this username still.
19Tokyoghoul - my inspiration for this very chapter! I'm sorry if you weren't happy with the ending. :(
CoeurClair -Many blessings with you. You rock and I'll remember you always!
Tf2HoneyBunny - an absolute STAPLE of our zombies Wattpad community! <3
SpeedandGamertool - ^ I'd still love to do that art collab...
dashie7866 -a continued loyal supporter! Thank you so much, you are a huge inspiration for me! I miss reading your comments!
That115RichtofenGirl - <3
jennyrenee85 -You were so amazing with your comments. I specifically remember reading them over and over again to get me through the day. Blessings to you! You are a big reason I kept going!
_Lorna_ -I'll never forget when you told me you made an account just for my book. That touched me so deeply, thank you. I hope it was worth it!
Ratsel_Liebe -I'm sorry I couldn't RP with you more!
TheTinyBigHead -You are so amazing. NEVER stop what you are doing! Thanks for inspiring me with your art and writing!
Dempsey_is_bae -Sisters!
devilishgamergirl - Did I mention you already? I can't remember! You are so incredible and it was always a joy to have you around!!!
ireallyliketrains -So do I.
Music-Lover699 -Always happy to hear from you! TILL THE END, PAL!
--LucyAbadeer-- -Hey, you are incredible. Thank you SO MUCH for your kindness.
UsualGeneration -Your comments made me smile big. I hope you aren't gone, because you are fantastic.
I know that I have forgotten a lot of you... It was not intentional I promise. I look at this list now, and realize how many friends and supporters I had (and have), and even the ones I accidentally forgot! You are all so incredible. My battery is dead now, so I guess I'll be going. As always, stay tuned for things in the works! I'm on the verge of something exciting!
Love you all.
-Mac <3
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