Answers to your Questions
Thanks to Dressiestsphinx and Chriswilly02 for submitting some questions! If you have one, feel free to comment below and I'll add it to this chapter.
1. How would Dempsey have reacted if he found out about Eliza and Richtofen, especially considering that Eliza was a slave? -Chriswilly02
Hmm... interesting question. One that we may or may not ever know the true answer to. However, I will speculate as to how he would react in my canon if he ever did find out about the affair.
In short, I think Tank would be mortified. I imagine him finding out from an external source, not from Richtofen or Eliza themselves, which would upset him even more. Richtofen, being a German, is Dempsey's (and Eliza's) mortal enemy, especially in the events leading up to America's involvement in WW1. Needless to say, learning that his childhood best friend had been this close to a man who was helping the German army would make him question their friendship entirely. In many ways, he might see her as a traitor, but he'd probably hate Edward even more for failing to save Eliza in her time of need. He'd eventually come around, I think... maybe after some time, but the scars of what's transpired between all of them might not heal so easily...
With all that said, sounds like we should hope that Tank never finds out about that!
1. With the ending to TSTS, did you leave it up to the readers to decide if Eliza was dreaming or if it actually happened? Whether this was a happy or tragic end? -Dressiestsphinx (all eight of them!)You know, actually, before I read your interpretation of the ending, I hadn't thought of it this way. I actually like the interpretation of it being up to the readers much better than what I had in mind! In my mind, I wanted to leave the ending on a cliffhanger, for uhm... reasons, but I was pretty sure in my mind that the ending events (ie. Eliza being sent back to America and meeting Tank at the docks) did in fact occur. But now I like the 'readers decide' thing better! So that said... I suppose it's however YOU interpret it! :D
2. How have you been? It's been so long!
I've been great, thanks so much for asking! For the most part, my summer has been super boring, but that's okay, I was just thankful to have a break from college. My freshman year was probably the hardest year of my life... apart from having extremely hard classes, I lost my loving grandpa around the new year to cancer. But! I know he's in a much better place now, and that he's still with me all the time. I got a little depressed a few weeks ago after I finished my book, because it felt like I was finalizing the end of an era. But I'm trying to come to terms with it! Other than that, things have just been rather slow. I took a vacation to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, which was really nice and relaxing. I'm planning to go to Myrtle Beach, SC soon for another little trip, and I hope that goes well. Trips always kind of stress me out because I don't want to get in a horrible car wreck and die or anything. Am I the only paranoid one? XD I hope you're doing great too. All of you!
3. Any thoughts on the Aether story so far, especially after Alpha Omega?
Overcomplicated? Okay, I don't know about ya'll, but I feel like I had a pretty decent grip on the storyline up until ZnS of Bo3. Then I started getting really confused and fell off of the story a bit due to having to focus on school. I understood it really well in Bo2. But now? Jeez, I didn't even know all of this Dimension 63 and 100 and 2893 stuff existed. I guess diversity is good for fanfictions (since now I don't have to be super storyline-correct on The Scientist and the Servant (Suck on that, haters :D ). But a was sorely disappointed in Alpha Omega. I mean, what really did that have to do with the storyline?
I get the significance, but I was annoyed that we'd be returning to Nuketown AGAIN. I didn't really like it the first time we went there in zombies, and it just felt so lazy to me to remake it AGAIN. Also, I heard they just re-skinned the bunker from Blackout mode, so that is just disheartening.
Feels to me like the Aether story isn't getting the love it deserves from its creators... I dunno, probably just me. I'm a pretty hardcore fangirl, could you tell? :D
All in all, I'm still excited to see what DLC 4 has to bring... just not as excited as I was for like, ORigins or Revelations, I guess. Treyarch you better NOT mess this up!
4. Your opinion on the Chaos story if you've followed along and how do you feel about them taking the mantle once Aether wraps up in DLC 4?
In short... NO.
I could rant about this for a while. I'll begin with a blanket statement on BO4 as a whole (and I hope I don't offend anyone with my opinions!) I just personally think that B04 is the worst installment of the series. Beginning with, the whole thing to me just feels really low budget. Down to the graphics and the Alpha Omega cutscenes (I understand that drawing it comic style was a call-back to the roots of ZOmbies, but it also felt really... cheap. I hope DLC 4 has animation, kind of, although I did really like the art style).
Another thing I dislike is the perk system. I'm sorry, but the system we had before with all perks being already on the map (even including Wunderfizz) was PERFECT. There was no reason to change that. I dislike the idea of having to decide how the game is going to go by choosing your perks before even leaving the lobby! And the perks just feel so useless. I read that there's one that fortifies your shield when holding it upfront or something like that (Stone Cold Stronghold?) WHat real purpose does that serve? This whole new system just feels so cheap, and it does NOT remind me of Zombies in any way. They could have at least kept the original style in the Aether story and tried something new in Chaos, but instead, they've robbed the nostalgia of Nazi Zombies, the perk jingles, the quotes, all of that, and now the game just feels... EMPTY. I could go on about the actual gameplay for ages but onto the story for now.
Chaos sucks. It's boring. I don't care about Scarlett and Diego and Shaw and Bruno. Their stories do not interest me. Couldn't they have tried this new stuff in the next game and focus on wrapping up Aether? Our characters, the Zombies community, deserves that. They shouldn't have tried to force in another storyline on top of all that- they've just wasted space. I apologize to all those who love the new stores or whatever, but honestly, I haven't even really followed along that much aside from watching the cutscenes. But that doesn't change the fact that I am not emotionally attached to these Chaos characters. Maybe in another 10 years, I will be (unlikely), but Primis and Ultimis have had time to attach themselves to me and develop their own personalities. I just don't see that in Chaos. They're mildly interesting at best, but I think Treyarch missed the mark from everything down to gameplay, to storyline. Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, I know you all probably like it... But it's not my cup of tea.
That being said, I enjoyed playing Ancient Evil- I actually think that's the most enjoyable DLC so far, including AO. AO lacked character, and come on, I get it... Nuketown is nostalgic and all, but it's been done. BORING! If DLC 4 is a remake of another already done map... I will quit all this. XD
5. How do you feel to know Aether will end after 10 years once DLC 4 drops? Anything you'd like to see before it ends?
I'm sad that it's ending in such a sub-par game as Bo4. Yuck.
I have to know WHY Richtofen has gone to these lengths to save the universe. At this point, I'm not even sure the Man's human. I mean, in my mind we all know why (to save Eliza OF COURSE ;D) but I'm so wanting them to develop his character in the canon. I severely hope they don't screw this all up by doing something like "oh, just kidding, He tricked you, he's always been evil", or "The real Richtofen was killed and replaced with the Shadow Man after SoE!"
BLEH. Boring! I was all of our characters to have a culmination, an explanation. I don't really want a cliffhanger. Well, I want enough leeway so that more stories could be imagined (as was said in a recent Treyarch interview) but I hope they wrap it up nicely. I don't however, think they are going to be able to pull that off. One map for 10 freaking years of dedication? As if! Looks to me like they just want to end it so they can get on with their1 little Chaos storyline. I'll go ahead and promise you now... if this IS the true end of the Aether Storyline, this will be the last Call of Duty I ever purchase. Primis is the only reason I preorder every Treyarch game and follow every video about it. Once that ends, (I don't even play Blackout or multiplayer) then so will my dedication to the game.
6. What's your ending of the Aether story if you had to decide it?
You know, I bet I'll want to write my own ending after all this. Kind of similar to my last answer, I just want to know what happens... if it's the TRUE ending this time, I gotta know! Nothing like Origins with that huge ending which I thought was going to be the true end, then freaking Revelations, which I thought was the end. This better be the biggest, most jam-packed animated, best damn zombies map Jason Blundell ever even THOUGHT about creating or I swear I will write them! I don't think they can pull it off with the way Bo4 is currently heading. I honestly think that the Aether storyline just got away from them a little bit, and now they're just ending it to make way for new things.
I don't even think that a happy ending is necessary... I just want CLOSURE. No questions man! If you gonna end it Treyarch, end it with a BANG!
7. There's rumors of a supposed reboot of Aether, how would you react if that turns out true?
Yes. :D
...I'd scream?!
As long as there's Aether, I will be a customer... but I doubt there's anymore Aether to come. If there is, though, ya girl is ON IT. Even though I don't care as much about Victis (sorry Misty, I still love you), if they are in it, I'll probably still follow along since it's the story we all love so much!
8. With future works, which game will they revolve around if you're willing to give that info out?
I'm not sure, but I think you are referring to like my future books and stuff here? I'm sorry if I misunderstood!
I'm actually still planning to update my Back to Reality book, which revolves around Origins. If I ever get around to doing that, of course. I am excited about it, but I kind of just write it for myself to relive memories from older times... I might publish, not sure. XD Other works might revolve around Overwatch, I love me some Overwatch! I like lots of stuff... possibly Borderlands, since the third is coming out soon, and I love that game too. Though I really can't see myself writing for much else other than Zombies to be honest. But only time will tell. You have any ideas?
Oh yeah, my one super work that I'm planning is actually not a book. It's a Webtoon series about this book, actually! I have always wanted to try my hand at comics, and now that TSTS is finished, I thought now might be a good time just to practice. Even if no one else really reads my stuff anymore, I like to do it for myself a lot too, kind of as something for me to look back on when I'm older and something to keep me from going mad in my free time!
SO stay tuned for that!
I reckon this concludes the Question and Answer chapter, feel free to drop more in the comments and I'd be happy to add them. I'm sorry for ranting! I hope I didn't offend anyone. I hope this was at least helpful in getting to know me a little better, if not just for a quick time-killing read. Until next time, you all!
-Love, Mac <3
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