A Day on the Town
October 12, 1913
Oh, dear God, what have I done?
I have gone out of my way to put myself in danger this time. At first, it was a mere touch of the hand, but this time it was much more. Dancing. I actually danced with Mr. Richtofen.
Maxis ordered me specifically not to touch Edward, unless he needs medical attention and he asks for it. Now, here I am, taking his hands and putting them on my own body!
I stared at that sentence for a minute, and then quickly scribbled it out, knowing that was a very odd choice of words, and replaced it with a new revision.
Now, here I am, grabbing his hands an putting them places they shouldn't be!
That sounded even worse. I shrugged and continued my writing, remembering that no one but I would ever read this book at any rate.
I took one of his hands and locked our fingers together, and his other, I rested on my waist. My heart was pounding out of my chest. What was I thinking? Oh, I regret it all!
But the way he held me...
His hands were soft and gentle, delicate even, as if he were afraid of breaking me, or as if I were a fragile flower. No man has ever held me like that before. My own father, has never lay a comforting hand on me, only strikes and pains, the kind that cause bruises. This kindness, the sea of emotions behind his hazel eyes as we twirled around the room... unheard of.
And at the end of the dance... when my force whirled back into his broad chest... his body was so warm, unlike the cold temperatures of the attic I stay in. His strong arms wrapped around me like a blanket... euphoria.
Oh listen at me, babbling on like some love-struck teenage girl! I have to control these dumb juvenile feelings. If I allow the inner tigress to overflow, she could turn things bad really fast. I must listen to the real Eliza, the one who's going to get herself out of this place, the one that's going to suppress the idiotic whispers and fantasies of something that will never occur.
Oh, but I bet those arms could keep a girl from shivering at night.
My eyes widened at what I had just written. I shook my head in disbelief, my face turning red. I slammed the book shut and chucked it against the wall, grunting loudly in anger.
"Stupid juvenile feelings, curse my mind! Curse myself!" I hopped up from the bed I was sitting on, and paced the small attic for a minute or so, before glancing at a small clock that set on a crate next to the window.
My eyes widened in horror. Mr. Richtofen always got up around six thirty or seven to go to work. I gasped and looked down at my clothes, and to my dismay, I was still wrapped in my nightgown.
"Dammit!" I cursed violently, shredding my nightgown and leaving me in my underwear. I snatched up my dress and slid into it, securing the band around my waist. I looked in the mirror at my entire body and sighed. My hair looked mangled from the night's rest, as I was always a rough sleeper. Snagging my brush from the nightstand, I pulled its bristles through my tangles and bolted out the door of the attic, without fashioning my hair in any way.
"Mr. Richtofen!" I shrieked, stumbling down the stairs, and into the kitchen.
He turned around, startled by my sudden arrival. He was at the stove, cooking what looked to be eggs and some sort of meat. In his hands was a bowl of some kind of batter, and in his hand a wooden spoon to stir. "E-Eliza!" He smiled, even though he was taken aback by my bursting into the room. He stirred the batter swiftly. "Good morning." He seemed to take a long look at me, as if noticing something was different. I couldn't read what he was thinking, but I could only hope that he wasn't angry.
"Mr. Richtofen, I'm so sorry!" I scurried to his side, taking the bowl and spoon from his hands and beginning to stir it myself. By the smell and consistency of this mixture, I concluded that it was meant for pancakes. "Oh, Jesus, you'll be late, it's all may fault!" I panicked, pouring a little of the concoction into the already heated pan, taking notice that there was much more batter than was meant for one person. He must have been starving!
"Eliza, Eliza! Keep calm, it's quite alright!" He chuckled and took back the bowl and spoon.
"Edward, you'll be late! It's already seven forty-five, you have to be there by eight!" I exclaimed, snatching the bowl from his arms again, and setting it aside to flip the pancake with a spatula.
"No, no, no, I don't have to work today! Maxis has given those who attended the party today off!" He moved to my other side, and once again picked up the batter. He laughed.
I was relieved that he didn't have to go to work, but it was still my duty to cook for him!
"Oh. Well... good. Then go sit at the table, Mr. Richtofen, I can take care of this!" I reached for the bowl again, but he shook his head and pulled it out of my grasp.
"No, no. I can take care of this. You go sit at the table." He stirred.
I gasped and took the pancake from the heat, placing it on a plate to cool. "Nonsense, Edward! This is my job, and I will not let you do it!" I grunted, pulling a few eggs from the carton and cracking them into a pan.
He could not keep himself from laughing as I dashed around the kitchen, very frazzled.
"Fine. If you won't let me cook for you, then I'll cook with you." He proceeded to dump a bit of the batter into the pan beside the eggs.
I stood there, dumfounded. How stubborn he is! I crossed my arms and watched as he simply smiled, grabbing the spatula from the counter and flipping the pancake.
I didn't know what to say, it was obvious that he wasn't going to back down. I had noticed that Richtofen was a shy man when it came to anything but kindness, and this was something I appreciated even though I felt bad for letting him work.
Sighing and giving in, I scrambled some eggs and cooked some bacon, as he flipped pancakes and warmed some maple syrup. Before long, we had two piping hot plates of homemade pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs.
"Marvelous," he grinned and said. He took the two plates and set them on the table, then returned to the refrigerator near me. Opening it, he took out the carton of milk as I got two glasses to pour it in. Richtofen poured the liquid into the glasses and I followed him to the table.
"Do you... want me to sit here?" I asked shyly, unsure.
He sat down. "Of course."
I smiled sheepishly, my face heating slightly. I took the seat to his right and began to eat. This position did not feel as foreign as it once had, in that it seemed natural to associate with him like this.
"Delicious, as always." He grinned, tipping his fork my way.
"Thank you sir, but it was you who cooked the main even." I took a large bite of the pancakes that Edward had fixed. "And they taste wonderful."
He humbly disagreed, insisting that my cooking was the best.
Richtofen's POV
Eliza's hair was down flat today, and it looked more beautiful than ever. Her bangs framed her face, a perfect picture to my eyes. She and I chatted idly as we ate, and I was just thankful for the company.
"Sir, if you don't mind my asking, how do you plan on spending your day off?" the questioning lady asked once.
I reflected upon this. I hadn't really thought about it, I was just glad to finally have some time free from stress. "Perhaps I'll finish reading that book, or take a walk outside." I scratched my chin and took the last nibble of food from my now vacant plate.
Eliza nodded and finished her breakfast as well.
"Hm, say, Eliza? Do you know what this town has to offer?" I asked, watching her as she sipped her glass of milk.
"What this town has to offer? Hmm..." She looked away, thinking. "I know there's a general store down he street, and a park further down. I don't really know what else it holds, but I think there's a shopping complex a few miles away." Eliza stood up and took my plate, along with hers.
"Let me get the dishes," I offered.
She looked over her shoulder and smirked slightly. "No way. I beat you to it." She took the dishes and washed them at the sink, and I swiftly made it to her side, reaching for the cloth to help her dry the dishes.
It seemed as though she were thinking the same thing, because as I touched the cloth, so did she, and my warm hand overlapped hers.
No matter how many times I touched her, there was always that igniting spark from her skin that sent me reeling on the inside.
She glanced up at me, and my eyes met hers, both of us jerking our hands away. My face heated up like fire, and she looked away.
"F-Fine," she spoke, "You can dry the dishes..." Eliza walked toward the exit of the room, but I caught a glimpse of her reddened face before she was out of my view, and I could have sworn I saw a smile creeping there.
I smiled, feeling as though her hand was still on mine. Each time was more magical than the last.
After completing the dishes, I headed back to my room to change into some more suitable clothes for going out. I decided that it was time for me to see what the town had to offer. I trotted down the stairs and grabbed my hat and coat, preparing for the journey.
"Going out, sir?" Eliza peeked her head from around the living room wall.
"I believe I'll take to the town and see what I can find." For an odd reason, I felt a pang of guilt enter my stomach, for I knew that Eliza could not so much as step one foot out the door. I thought about staying here with her, but realized that it would be futile. "Is... that alright with you?"
"Ha! Since when do you need my permission to do something?" The servant laughed a little. "Right... well... have fun and take care, then." She sighed, but then put on a smile and came toward the door to see me off.
I smiled warmly. "Goodbye for now, Ms. Washington." I turned the doorknob and exited the house, beginning my journey around town.
As I walked, I began to think back to my attendant. Things between she and I had softened tremendously. I could recall when she wouldn't even speak to me without being spoken to, when we first met. However, many months later, she was comfortable joking with me.
I smiled widely at the thought of her laugh, playing over in my head. It tickled my ears every time she giggled. To my delight, it seemed to be happening more and more often, almost each time we talked. Well, come to think of it, any time I was graced with her voice, giggle or no, I was nearly close to heaven.
"Do you need a ride, sir?"
I was snapped away from my thoughts by a light male voice in my right ear. I looked over at a man perched atop a tall white horse, looking down upon me. Attached to the horse was a carriage, much smaller than the one Sophia and I had ridden in the previous night. On the side of this vessel, I read Pferde Taxi, German for Horse Taxi.
I stepped closer to the man, who smiled at me. "Hmm, how much do you charge?" I inquired nicely.
"Only five euros per mile! You'll not find a lower rate on this side of France!" He chuckled, motioning for my to get in the back.
Eliza had mentioned that this shopping center was a few miles away, and I must admit that the breakfast had taken a toll on my physical abilities, so I happily agreed. I sat in the back and asked the man to take me to the shopping area in the heart of town.
Fifteen minutes later, I had arrived in the heart of Verdun, the city of Group 935's base. I tipped the man who had driven me here, and was on my way through the town.
To my surprise, the town was bustling at this hour. There were men on horses, on foot, and even a few were driving their own cars. I had never owned a car, myself, but I recalled my father buying one shortly before his tragic death.
To my knowledge, there were no other industries in this town for men to work, other than Group 935. Most of the faces I saw walking around were recognizable from the lab. I assumed that the shops around here were run by ladies, as most men were scientists or guards. Although the population of this town was considerably lower that any other I had seen, due to its seclusion from the outside world, it did not look that way this morning.
The first shop I came to was a bakery with lots of pastries stacked in the window. The smell wafted to my nose, and I smiled at the wonderful scent. A particular blueberry frosted donut caught my eye, and I made it a point to stop by here on my way out of the town. I continued along the sidewalk, greeting the people I passed. It actually seemed as though this place may not be so bad to live in. Children in hefty coats were hopping around the street while their mothers chatted on benches, something that made me smile. I allowed my mind to drift into the wind, the sun's rays warming my slightly chapped cheeks, although it was very chilly out. I suppose the temperatures never bothered these people.
I looked around to see who had shouted my name. It was a voice I had heard before, but not so familiar with. Then I saw him, Niklas Groph.
"Good morning, Doctor Groph!" I walked to greet him, smiling and shaking his hand.
"Hallo, Edward. A fine morning it is. Did you enjoy yourself last night?" He asked.
"I had a blast." I nodded. We chatted for a few moments, until a little girl came running up to Niklas.
"Daddy! I want the big bunny!" She grabbed his hand and began to pull him toward a toy shop on the other side of the street. In the window, there was a large blue bunny.
"Just a second, Veronica." He looked at me, bringing the light-haired girl to his side. "Allow me to introduce you to my daughter, Veronica. Veronica, say hi to Mr. Richtofen."
She looked at me with her big brown eyes, and soon grinned from ear to ear. "Hi, Mr. Richtofen!" She waved.
"Hello, Veronica." I smiled, waving at her politely. This little girl brought back memories of my younger sister. She had always put her hair in two braids, much like the girl before me.
"Well, I must be going. Veronica, take me to this bunny. Good day, Richtofen."
I nodded as he went away, and I turned to keep heading down the sidewalk. Seeing Veronica, I hoped my sister was doing okay. I hadn't seen her since before I left for college, and that was more than five years ago. I didn't know of her whereabouts, and I assumed she had no idea where I had run off to.
The next store I came to was a jewelry and watch shop. I gazed in the window at its selection, and decided to have a gander at their prices. I opened the door of the shop, a little bell ringing above my head.
"Good Morning, sir!" The lady behind the counter waved to me happily, and I nodded, smiling. I looked at the pocket watches around the shop, stopping to specifically examine a golden one with intricate inscriptions. On the inside, it had large numbers and an impressive clockwork design. I thought I might like to buy it, until I turned over the price tag. It wasn't as if I couldn't buy it, but as a conservative person, I wasn't about to spend six thousand euros in one place.
On my way out of the store, though, I did notice a necklace. It was a terrarium necklace with a tiny white rose on the inside, embellished with golden supports.
It reminded me of Eliza. The white rose was so innocent, and so delicate and beautiful, a representation of my house servant. The glass walls were like the walls of my house, a cage, that trapped the rose inside. Sighing, I turned over the price tag, and to my surprise, it wasn't that expensive.
"Interested in buying that necklace, sir?" The lady who ran the shop came to my side and peered over my shoulder.
I looked carefully, very intently at the necklace. A perfect capture of beauty, it was, but what ever would I do with it? I couldn't give it to her... that would be strange.
But all of a sudden, my head bounced up and down, and words flowed freely from my mouth. "I'll take it."
The lady smiled and took the necklace from my hands, bringing it to the cash register. "Fantastic, sir. She will love it." She seemed to know what I was thinking about.
"Hmm? Will she? How do you know?" I curiously asked, preparing my wallet, a light redness taking place on my cheeks.
"Well, it's a beautiful necklace, and I'm sure she's a beautiful lady. She will love it. Any woman would appreciate her partner giving her a gift!" The brunette wrapped the necklace in a baggie and handed it to me.
I didn't deny that term, partner, for some reason. I hadn't really even noticed it.
I gave the clerk my money and headed off. Could I truly have the courage to give this gift to her? My heart was pounding at just the thought.
This is a terrible idea Edward! This will ruin it all!
But if I never try... I will never know.
With my bag in hand, I trotted down the lane. There was no returning it at this point. I would just have to wait... and hope for Eliza's happiness.
Oh boy, Edward. What have you done now?
Hello, everyone. Unfortunately, I had to rush this chapter a little. It's a whole lot of nothing... I really wanted to get it out before I went back to school (which actually didn't happen either). This also means that I will not be able to update near as often, maybe not at all. It pains me to know that I have to wait so long to work on my story, but I promise I will try my best to publish as much as possible. This chapter was redundant and boring, I know, but I promise I have plenty of ideas (as long as I don't forget them)! Also, please ignore any grammatical mistakes, I will have to proofread later! :) Thanks for all your support guys, as always! :)
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