When Worlds Collide (5)
A/N: Wow this is long. I will be wrapping this story up either in this chapter or the next. I am still recovering from jet lag, so I am up at 5 in the morning. Anyways, enjoy! Plus this is shorter. I didn't have much time, but it will be finished in the next chapter. this section also might get another part added so look out for that.
She couldn't see anything. She knew she was moving, from the bumpy ground the vehicle drove on, but she had no idea where she was going. Or why she was kidnapped. It couldn't be as a ransom, since she wasn't a princess here. So why was she here? Her hands were tied around her back, as were her legs. She wasn't in a seat, and had nothing to keep her down, so she flew a little in the air whenever they came across a bump, which was quite often. She also realized she didn't have her sound canons. Or her Kimoyo beads were also gone. So she had no choice but to wait.
So she did just that. She sat as comfortably as she could as the car seemed to hit every bump. The long journey gave her plenty of time to think however. Peter was probably freaking out. That wouldn't be good. And what about the sandwiches. She was hungry since she hadn't eaten dinner. She was tired, despite the tranq-dart still popping out of her neck. The chemicals in it were awful for people with a slow metabolism. So she was exhausted but couldn't sleep. The bumps left bruises well on her chest and legs where she was for the most part, but she was certain the worst bruise was on her tail bone, where one bump flipped her off her chest, and in a desperate attempt to not push the dart into her neck, she landed harshly on her butt. Ow.
So to recap, we had a sleep deprived, hungry and bruised, short tempered princess sitting in the back of a white van (she guessed it was a white van since it is always a white can that kidnaps people and a fleet of black cars from some kind of organization). Oh, we can't forget she is a genius.
The doors soon opened, revealing a faint orange light that spilled out from the trees she could see. She was in a trunk, something she had already determined. She saw two burned and scar men stand in the front, with a tall girl in the back. Shockingly enough, she looked identical to Shuri.
Though the other one's hair was different, longer and curled, the clothes both girls wore had a similar style.
"Ah, so you're the world traveler. We have been informed of."
"Yes, and you are me. Let me guess, you are going to get me to tell you where my device is that I used to travel through to this world, and you will pretend to be me to gain political power or something else."
"Wow, she really is a genius."
"I know. But you could never impersonate me."
"Well, we'll see about that," Shuri found it weird to hear herself with no Wakandan accent, "since you aren't the only genius. Sure, you may have vibranium, but we have tech you don't."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
Her alternate self growled, and opened her mouth when the red and black vigilante from earlier fell from the sky and spoke.
"Hi, me again. I am here for the author's convenience. We shall refer to you," the man pointed at the restrained princess, "Shuri and you," he nodded to the one standing above her, "S dawg. Ok? Ok. Bye?"
"Who was that?" The girl asked the tied up princess, nodding in the direction where you could still see the masked man running off and into the setting sun.
"Why should I know?"
"What every princess. Take her in."
Shuri was lifted from the ground after having the needle pulled from her back. The bruises ached as the muggers held her tightly. They pulled her around the white van (she was pleased with her guess), and into a warehouse. They were on top of a hill, she determined. Not far from the city, since she could still see the city off in the distance, but close enough that her location signal would still reach Peter. That was all she needed. Time.
Peter slept in his alternate self's house that night. Apparently his aunt was out of town doing something, so he could sleep on the couch. The lay out of their apartment was different than his own, but it was on the same block. He didn't get much sleep, since he was worried about his friend. One of his best friends was missing and he was doing nothing about it. He eventually fell asleep, not remembering any of his dreams when he woke early the next morning.
PP was had just awoken, and his near silent footsteps were enough to wake the anxious teen.
"How'd you sleep?"
"As well as I could. I am going out to look for her."
"First off, you need food. Second, I had an idea. But first, you eat. If your metabolism is anything like mine, then you need to eat a lot. Come, I'll get you some eggs."
So they sat at a small round table with a dish of eggs in front of each of them. They were piled high with food, but both plates were empty in minutes. The two separated to change, and sat on the roof of the apartment building to discuss their plan.
"So you said your friend is a genius right?" PP was sitting in his suit at the edge of the building, swinging his legs.
"She is incredibly smart. She should have been able to fight her way out. She is probably dead. Or worse. She could be being tortured. Maybe brain washed. Maybe her death was slow and painful. It could have been like mine. An empty feeling in your gut as you just saw everyone else die. Feel more alone than ever as you stumble around. You see yourself disappearing. You can feel numbness consume your entire body. You feel empty. You-"
"Dude, she is fine." PP decided not to ask, since Peter was shaking. He patted the spot to his right, and Peter came over from the edge he had been pacing along and sat down. "Just take deep breaths. So, she is smart. She probably set up a wife hot spot or something for you to find."
"But she probably got her Kimoyo beads taken from her. How would she-"
"She is a genius. Geniuses always have back up."
"Ok. Ok." The other teen took shaking breaths and tried to still his shaking hands. The two, simultaneously, slipped their masks over their heads. "Karen, search all local networks. Look for Shuri's. Start small, and slowly expand."
Of course Peter. A pause before, One found hill in south west Manhattan. Database failing. Loosing connection with Avengers Network. Silence followed.
"Great, Karen just lost connection."
"Who is Karen?"
"My AI."
"That is so cool dude."
"Right? She said it was on a hill in South West Manhattan."
"I guess that's where we are going."
"No way, I already-"
"Nope. I am going with you whether you like it or not."
The duo swung through town, headed for his friend.
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