Time To Dance
A/n: None of these chapters link to one another unless said so. For example, it might say part one and part two, but if a second part is not expected, look at the A/Ns at the beginning of the chapters to get clarification. Also, this book is mostly about Tom Holland's Spiderman since it takes place in the mcu, but an upcoming chapter may be other wise. Just fyi. I also don't read the comics and barely watch the TV shows so no hate. Not that there is any since when I am publishing this no one has read this, but I WANT TO FEEL SPECIAL OK?
Mr. Stark had convinced Peter to do a gala in a convention center to introduce the kid to the public as his intern. Peter was reluctant, because he didn't want to be harassed by the press, but since the reveal was scheduled after his senior year was over, he agreed. Mr. Stark had agreeded to let Peter invite who ever he wanted to the gala, so Peter decided to invite some of his friends, just to make things less awkward for him. He asked Ned and the friend didn't even think about it twice. Unfortunately, his Mom said no for what ever reason and Peter had no other friends. He asked MJ just because, and her response was a middle finger, and he took that as a no. He was going to be friendless, great.
That day, when Peter went to the compound for his half internship with Mr. Stark, he told his boss about his lack of friends. Peter did do work with Mr. Stark every Wednesday. When the billionaire asked Peter what day he would work, his reaction was Wednesday. Tony Stark agreed. The teen then proceeded to yell, "IT'S WEDNESDAY MEH DUDES." Mr. Stark looked at the usually quiet intern and opened his mouth to say something when the kid began to scream.
The confused adult just rolled with it.
Back to present day, Tony smiled sadly at the kid who would be friendless during the announcement. He thought about if he knew anyone who might interest Peter, when F.R.I.D.A.Y said, "You have a call from King T'Challa regarding his invitation. Would you like me to put him through?"
The man sighed, "Do I have a choice?" He addressed this to no one, and no one answered. He told the kids to go into their lab and he would catch up.
A projection of the Wakandan leader appeared infront of him. He took off his orange tinted glasses and blinked a bit as he adjusted to a non-orange world.
"What's up?" Tony was the only one who didn't talk to the king like a king.
"The sky. Now regarding the gala, how should I arrive? Is there a place for me to get my plane landed, or should I arrive in a car?"
"We can leave a spot in the parking lot open for you. Any other questions?"
Just as the hologram was about to respond, Peter came back in.
" Mr. Stark? Wouldn't looping the wires in your suit to the arc reactor here conserve more space? That way we could add the..." The young boy stopped talking and his face immediately flushed after he notice the man he was adressing was on a call. His voice came out as a whisper. "Real sorry Mr. Stark. I can wait." The boy then left the room with his head down and face red.
"Who was that?" The African voice came in from over the speaker.
"My intern."
"Ah," realization crossed the King's face. " The one the party was for?"
"How nice of you. Though I have been meaning to ask, won't this be a bit, boring for him?"
Tony went into a rant about how Peter wanted him friends to come but they couldn't and he was searching for friends for him when he suddenly asked, "Does your sister want to come?"
The man being asked this seemed to go through many facial expressions ranging from, "Please no," to, "She will destroy everything" before settling on, "No." And he said exactly that, "No."
"Why not? It would be fun she would-"
"Brother, who are you talking to?" A female voice asked out of Tony's limited view.
"Oh no, she is coming now Stark."
"Now that she is here, she will absolutely be there since she wants to prove me wrong. I will see you then. Just make sure you have plenty of fire extinguishers."
With that, the call ended.
It was the night of the gala, and Peter was a pot of boiling emotions. His stress was the main emotion, nerves were added later, with a pinch of excitement and anxiety. He later added in some self-consciousness, and when mixed all together, he was a ball of sweating nerves.
He paced around in a suit Mr. Star had given him earlier that day, and was a complete nervouse reck when Molly, his handler, came in to guide him out to the car. Well, it was more of a limo than a car.
The inside was completely red leather. Anything that wasn't red was black, and it made the entire seating area feel sad. At least to Peter.
There was a TV screen in a similar location to the car happy always drives Peter in. The driver left the divider window up the entire time. The TV played the news which was showing the gala he was going to, which only led to him sweating more.
Molly noticed this, and turned on the AC, thinking Peter was just hot. He tried to push the thoughts of every going wrong out of his head, but that only made more surface. He was about to start hyperventilating when Molly pulled him out of his thoughts.
"We are here Mr. Parker."
He nodded, his lips tight and a pale look on his face. Molly finally figured out what was wrong and looked at him.
"You will be fine. I will walk with you and help you out whenever you need help. No need to worry. Even if you day something stupid, your a kid. Everyone will just laugh and you should too."
This eased the poor kid, and the door opened. Mr. Stark had already arrived of course, so many reporters we're trying to get him to talk. That didn't stop all of them from noticing the new arrival however, and many cameras were already flashing in his direction. He looked to Molly who smiled and made a hand gesture for him to exit. He did so and almost immediately was bombarded with questions.
"How old are you?'
"How long have you worker for Tony Stark?"
"Are you really an intern?"
"What's your name?"
Peter, who's senses were diaoed up to 11 whenever he had adrenaline pumping through his blood (which he coniside tally did), was visibly shaking. Molly emerged behind him with a clip board in hand. No one questioned the handler or took anything the wrong way, since Tony Stark had threatened anyone who posted anything related to Peter's person life would have their career ruined. So he was stuck with a flood of questions about his intership.
Molly guided him to a channel 13 news reporter.
"Is it true you are an intern for Tony Stark?"
"That is true," he replied. Some colour had returned to his face. Molly stood behind him, and checked something off her list.
"What can you tell us about the job?"
"It is very fun and keeps surprising me. I wasn't sure what to think of at first, but now it is just super." Peter mentally face palmed for saying superb. "What was wrong with me?" He thought.
This process of getting questions and saying ridiculous answers continued for what seemed to be hours, but was only thirty minutes. Finally, Molly told Peter o could go into the gala. He was relieved when he entered, he thought it was going to be a nice break from outside. That was half true. The beginning was fine, with Molly guiding him through the crowd and keeping him company, but Molly soon thought it would be safe to leave the socially awkward teenager alone to fend for himself.
When she left him, he almost immediately got nervous. He was fine for the first part, and thought about getting a drink. He then stopped himself, thinking of everything he could accidentally do. He could spill the water. He might not be able to find the water. Many different scenarios played through his head before he determined to skip the beverage. He was lost, wandering through the room packed with people. His mind was already a bit haywire from stress, so when some rich person walked up to him to start talking, it just made him worse.
He smiled and nodded kindly to the man, trying to make it seem he was engaged in the conversation. He was trying to slow his breathing that had rapidly sped up, and was failing miserably. He made some excuse to leave, and wandered out of the main room. People were still filling into the gala, so he was against the current. He didn't care. The lights were too bright, and the people too loud. Too many people were bumping into him, he needed out.
It felt like he bumped into every person trying to get in, and that wasn't an exaggeration. He finally got to a hall that led to God knows where, and took off running into it.
The princess walked out of the royal plane after putting the traditional makeup on. She wore a modern style dress that hugged her body and ended at her calves, but white African symbols danced across the black fabric. She had white dots applied to her face along with a small bit of eyeshadow and lipgloss. Her brother wore a suit. They both exited the plane with the the (A/N I am so sorry I don't have wifi or data so I have no idea how to spell the guards name so I am sorry) dor'la maji (?) Following behind. They wore more American clothes, but kept the warrior vibe going.
The band of Wakandans entered the walkway and denied all questions. They were here for the announcement. That was it.
They entered the flood of people and walked slowly into the gala. A short teenager around Shuri's age bumped into them, causing their guards to get defensive. The young teenager didn't even look up or say sorry, just continued bumping into people. Shuri looked up at her brother who nodded. She took off into his direction, with Okoye ( I can't spell ok) following close behind. She followed not the teenager, he was too far gone, but the path he left behind him. This led her to a dark hall. Even over the voices, she could hear soft feet running against the floor. She rushed after the sound, determinated not to loose the kid.
Peter was determined to find somewhere dark and quiet. *The sound of chatter and laugher fills him with determination*. He was sure he was on the other end of the building by the time the noises were a mear whisper. He was breathing hard, but not from the running. He looked around and found a small closet filled with chairs. He sat down in it and shut the door. He was trying to focus on slowing down his breathing, when he heard footsteps. They grew louder until they sounded as if a drum set was next to his ears. He groaned and covered his aching ears with trembling hands.
He went back to trying to slow his heart beat. He could actually hear the two people's heart beats, and tried to Pace his to theirs, it was working. His breathing and heart beat were soon in sync with theirs. He smiled, the first genuine this night. He opened the door to come face to face with two beautiful African girls.
He saw the one in a black dress and white symbols, immediately recognising their origins. She was stunning, but he wasn't attracted to her. He really wasn't into anyone. Her head had corn rows running along them, getting tied into an intricate bun in the back.
The other wan there just radiated a dominant feel. She wore a red jumper that had a v-neck. Gold string was woven into the v-neck, resting on slighty above the woman's neck. The rest of the dress had gold and some dark gray patterns around it. She held a spear though, and it was currently pointed at him.
"Woah, no need for weapons," he spoke. His voice wavered a bit. He wasn't fully recovered.
"Okoye please," the one in the black dress spoke. The person who had the spear pointed at Peter immediatly put it down. The sound of the spear against the ground was loud for a normal person, so it didn't help out Peter. He winced at the sound.
"Well, thanks," he spoke. He was awful at words.
"For what? We just met. I am Shuri by the way." She reached her hand out to shake his.
"Peter. Parker," he replied, shaking her hand. He suddenly remembered her question and nervously responded. "Also for coming after me. I haven't met you so I don't expect anyone to come after me. That made no sense. Sorry. I suck at talking." He rubbed the back of my neck. God, how he wished he was with Aunt May.
"Mmmh," the other teen looked him over, "well it was a pleasure meeting you Peter. Parker. Should we go back to the festivities?"
He nodded. His day just couldn't get anyworse.
A/N: two a/n? Whaaaaat? Crazy I know. I just recently learned gala is pronounced gae-la. Did you know that? I didn't. Anyways, that was all this is for. I am thinking about making this a two parter, but I am not sure. Also I might add Cassie (Ant-Man's daughter) into one. Idk. I might. Ok. This is getting long. And wierd. Long live the king.
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