Peter Who? (2)
"Peter Parker."
The two looked at one another.
"I guess I like photography," Peter said as they both began to laugh.
"Let's go find you," Shuri spoke when she caught her breath from laughing. So they began their journey to Midtown. They decided not to swing there since it would bring up questions why there were two Spidermans in town. They walked through New York, not getting too much attention. They got to Midtown ten minutes before school got out, and decided to wait on the steps. The bell rang and students ran out, but one was ahead of the crowd. Peter ran after that kid with Shuri running behind. He kept an eye on the suspect, but tried to stay back with Shuri.
"Catch him, I'll find you," she huffed. Peter sprinted after himself. He looked different in this world. He was taller and leaner. His hair was longer. Peter followed him into an alley, not sure how to approach himself. He was nervous, in all honesty. So he walked into the alley, leaned against a wall, and coughed.
His alternate self spun around, shirt half off, and suit poking out of the bag. "What are you doing," Peter 2.0 asked, pulling his shirt on fully and stuffing the rest of his suit into the bag.
"I am Tony Stark," the world hopping Peter said sarcasticlly.
Peter 2.0 nodded. Peter looked at him ridiculously. He then broke out into laugher. He manages to wheeze out, "You actually think I am Tony Stark. Oh my hot pockets, I thought I'd be smarter." His wheezing came to a stop when he noticed Peter 2.0 staring at him ridiculously. He then thought for a bit. "Do you know who Tony Stark is?" The smaller Peter was pushed against the wall.
"What do you want?" Peter 2 asked.
"Hm, so you have no idea who the Avengers are."
"Who are you!" The Peter who had the other Peter against the wall asked, pressing him against the stone harder.
"Take a chill pill man, your chocking me!"
"That's the point," Mr. Angry responded in a low growl.
"Drop him or I shoot," a female African voice spoke.
"It's about time Shuri."
"Shut up or I won't let you back into my lab."
He gasped sarcasticlly. "You wouldn't dare."
"Oh I would."
Peter 2.0 looked between the two. Shuri had one of her panther sound guns pointed at him. He then smirked, and shot a web at the gun.
The duo gasped. Peter was angry. He shoved his counterpart off him and slammed him into the opposing wall. He grabbed his wrists and smashed the shooters. "You just cross a line buddy," he said.
"Peter its ok, I have more stuff home."
"But now your defense is down."
"I have another."
"I know but what if-"
"Hold on, you aren't Tony Stark." Peter 2 asked.
Shuri began laughing, having her sound canon disappear into a bead as she laughed.
"Avengers don't exist here Shuri," the Avenger Peter spoke.
"You are a mini Stark though," she laughed, whipping genuine tears from her eyes. He rolled his eyes, letting go of himself that he had pinned against the alley wall.
When Shuri calmed down, Peter 2 asked again, "What's your name?"
"Not Tony Stark." His alternate self responded.
"That doesn't help."
He looked at Shuri for help when he saw someone getting slammed against a trash can in an alley across the street.
He murmured, "I have to go," before running across the street. He was then in the alley, protecting the red head teen from the mugger. "Well that wasn't very nice." He replied, standing infront of the student that was covering in a corner.
"Stay out of this kid."
"Your not my dad!" He yelled before punching him.
The man then produced a gun and shot it. Peter dodged, before yelling, "This is why mom doesn't f*¢k|ng love you!" Just when the man was about to shoot again, Peter 2 appeared behind the man and punched him.
"Mary Jane?" The taller Peter asked, rushing over to the teen that was in the corner. Shuri was there too, and walked over to her friend.
"Those were some nice references. Very smooth." They did their hand shake, getting some stares from the two teens behind them.
"Who are you?"
Peter and Shuri exchanged glances before screaming on a kid's voice, "Who ARE you?"
"John Cena!" Shuri then took out two recorders and shoves them in her nose playing the John Cena theme.
"John Stamos!" The meme Lord Peter exclaimed. The two then proceeded to laugh.
The other people in the alley just stared. When they regained their composure, Shuri spoke, "I am princess Shuri of Wakanda."
She looked over at Peter with a worried look on her face. He stepped forward. "I am Peter." He said.
"How coincidental, so is he!" The girl Mary Jane spoke, pointing to the teen next to her who's hand she was holding.
"I know," muttered Peter, putting his Stark Industries hood back up. The other Peter gave him a confused look. Peter forgot he wasn't the only one with super hearing.
"Can we call you PP or something?" A new masculine voice said. Peter groaned.
"For the love of oovoo javaa Wade, why are you here?"
"The author needed a convenient character to pop up that could break the fourth wall and establish that Peter Parker as PP, and leave you Peter. She was getting tired of writing Peter 2 and it this will be way better for the readers." The hooded figure spoke quickly, facing a direction. He was staring straight at something no one could see but him.
"Whatever, your PP. Now please leave Wade."
"Of course." With that, the hooded figure left. Peter rubbed his temples as everyone else had looks of confusion on their faces.
"I am Confusious. Of this is Kansas and, this one is Arkansas. Why is it here? America explain!" Shuri spoke this loudly, throwing her hands in the air.
"He is annoying, let us continue." Peter replied, turning back to PP and Mary Jane. Something then clicked in his head. "Wait, does anyone call you MJ?" Peter looked at the red head.
"Some people do, why?"
"No reason."
A/N: don't ask me how Peter knows Wade, I just needed something convenient to come in that will help me. Separate the mcu Peter Parker from Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker. This is probably really confusing, I know, but it gets better don't worry. Me, being the lazy potatoe I am, didn't feel like writing anymore. I am (when writing this) in the car on my way back from bavaria. Exciting I know. This probably won't come out until later, since I am stock piling stories. I will be attempting to get myself publishing once a week, and not randomly. Yee. I don't know how many people actually read these, so. I AM A NUGGET. I am not fluent in memes/vines, so sorry if I miss quote something. Remember, I don't have internet. Yee. Well. I hope you like it. Is am taking suggestions too. They just need to have both Peter and Shuri in them. Coolz. Byez.
Edit: I give up on posting slowly. I get bored and want to post stuff. So whatever. If you want me to post on a schedule, just lemme know. I'll work on it if you guys like it better, but for now just expect a ton of chapters at once, then nothing for a while.
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