Homecoming (Uno)
This story was adopted from @JediFlashDemigod 's adoption book! Check it out this was inspired by it with a few tweaks! Adding Shuri being one of them! Enjoy!
Tony felt really bad for the kid after when he found out where he spent his homecoming. He was stuck under a warehouse, on the outside of his invisible jet, and in a fire. If you thought that was bad, he was fighting his girlfriend's dad who thought (and still thinks) that Peter is a jerk for ditching her! Tony wanted to make up for the all the awful stuff that happened, because it was kind of his fault.
He was the one who took away the kid's suit. He was the one who ignored his warnings about crazy guns. He was the one who nearly got the kid killed! He just wanted Peter to forgive him. No, that wasn't the right word. He wanted Peter to... He couldn't think of the right word. It would come to him.
Peter was surprised when Happy called him. The driver never called him, and rarely picked up the phone when the he called, so this was very out of place for Peter. Of course, the head of security decided to call in the middle of Peter's decathlon practice, so everyone was slightly annoyed when he left. That didn't stop Peter from getting excited however. He was hoping it was another mission. He loved those. He walked to the back of the auditorium where practice was being held while band invaded their old room, and picked up the phone. He could still hear his teammates practicing, and the faint ringing of bells.
"Hey kid?"
"Hi Happy!" Peter sat down in one of the chair near the main entrance of the auditorium.
"Gimme a list of friends."
Peter was confused. He looked lifted his head towards the two tables at near the front of the stage. All his friends were sitting up there. Could he call them that though? I mean all of them had gotten closer ever since he stopped being Spiderman so often, but were they friends?
"Hello? Earth to Peter?"
"Sorry, hi Happy."
"Whatever kid. Come on."
"Um. Ned. MJ? Er... Abraham?"
"Why are all of these questions? Is your only friend Ned?" If Peter thought Happy was capable of talking with humor, that this voice he was using, was the definition of laughing.
"No! I have... acquaintances."
"This is stupid, never mind. Bye." Their was a beep and then no more Happy. Peter was just confused. He stood up to join his team again, when his phone started buzzing again. "I am picking you up Thursday." And he was gone again.
Peter muttered to himself, and made his way back to the front of the auditorium and practiced for a few hours before heading to his team.
Thursday rolled around and Peter was just utterly exhausted. He had stayed up all night yesterday, since New York never rests. Now, most people think of robberies happening all the time in New York, but those are rare. Even a stolen car is scarce. He usually just did small things. One time, he just went to a local skate park, and scared some little kids. He went onto Instagram that night and saw those photos trending for his area (IDK how instagram works my dad doesn't let me have it so *whip*).
That didn't stop him from getting excited though. Happy was picking him up today, something that never happened. He was going to take advantage of this, and not just run out of school as quickly as possible, but instead walk with his friends.
He brought attention. Everyone knew about Peter Parker. The kid who ran away during the decathlon. The kid who left the most popular senior girl on homecoming. Flash's nerd. People knew the kid with the "Stark Internship". Everyone knew him. And everyone knew he was gone the second the bell rang. That is why many people stared at him when he walked with the crowd. An excited buzz could be felt just by looking at the crowd of students, however. Peter was not sure why, but didn't think much of it.
He talked to Ned with MJ tagging along and reading. They sat on the front steps of the school and talked about their lego sets, new installments in the Star Wars universe, and how they took all of the fan made Star Wars lore, and said that is was irreverent. Happy walked up to the three kids. "Hey kids, get in the car." He pointed to the black Audi A8 parked on the curb. Some students had stopped to admire it, but soon left. It was probably all their excitement.
"All of us are getting in? What are we doing?" Peter questioned the driver who led them to the car.
"Boss wanted me to do some stuff as a whole apology thing. I don't know why, but he gave me a list of things I have to buy all of you."
Peter looked at his friends, and Ned was beaming. Even MJ seemed happier. The three teens slid into the slick car. Ned and Peter soon continued their conversation, and talked the entire car ride. MJ kept reading her book Neuromancer. The car came to a stop in a shopping complex. It was the local indoor mall. Peter went there with May once a month, to get some special stuff or maybe some new clothes. He had no idea what they were doing here.
"Ok, let's go." Happy got out of the car, opening Ned's door. Peter had sat between his two friends. Ned slid out, followed by Peter. MJ got out her side, closing the door.
"What are we getting Happy?" The two boys jogged slightly to catch up with the man who had already started walking towards the mall. MJ just kept walking, nose in her book.
"So we have to go to the lego store and get all of you something there. Go to the suit store, since Tony said we have to get you all nice suits, and the girl a dress," he motioned back to MJ for this, "and what ever you guys want. He said that you are all required to spend at least $100 ." Peter stopped shortly at the word. He knew that Mr. Stark was a billionaire, but when that word was thrown around like that, he couldn't help but still get a little shocked.
"He doesn't have to do any of this Happy. Really," Ned literally had a bounce in his step as he pranced next to Happy.
"Boss' orders. Lets go."
That's how Peter found himself buying two massive lego sets and six custom figures. That's how Peter found himself trying on $500 suits.
He was nervous to even touch the expensive clothing. After an hour trying on suits, he bought a simple two-piece black suit. Happy said to not bother with the tie. Ned bought a similar one with a maroon tie and, of course, a hat. They looked dapper, and MJ even gave them a thumbs up. They then also bought dress shoes. Peter relatively large feet. He had a size 11 in men's. The shoes alone cost $200. That was the amount of money May and him used in four weeks, and he was using it for shoes. He was blown away
Next up was MJ, and she bought a simple dark blue sun dress with clear lace over it. On the lace were small dark blue ovals. It ran just a little below the hem of the skirt which reached her mid thighs. The deep blue silk went to an inch or two below her color bone, without showing too much skin. The same lace as the skirt formed a kind of rectangle above that, no passing her shoulders. To finish it off, a piece of white silk was wrapped around her stomach. She bought some blue heels to match the outfit. Since there shopping had come to a close, Happy just said to keep the clothes on.
Peter was confused. It wasn't just because he was wearing a suit that cost more than May's salary, but because his best friend just seemed to be more excited. Ned wasn't one to get excited over clothes, and he decided it could be about the lego sets. That didn't explain MJ's behavior. She had tied her hair back a little nicer, putting it into a bun. She didn't even read. He was especially confused when they parked outside a random warehouse. That was weird alone, but what was even stranger was how many cars there were. And how much noise there was.
"Go in, I'm going to drop off your stuff at your houses." Happy ushered them out of the car and sped away.
No one would answer any of his questions, so he decided to just walk. The three of them just walked up to the warehouse, and when they rounded the corner to get to the front door, Ned put his hands over his friend's eyes. MJ put the middle finger in front of Peter's eyes just to make sure that he couldn't see before nodding.
The three rounded the corner.
The noise was really loud now. Peter was thoroughly confused, even when they let him look again. He was looking at an arch of red and blue balloons, with red and blue confetti littered on the red carpet. Drink and food tables had kids from his school crowded around it. Peter looked at his friend, who's smile was wide. MJ even had a smirk on her face.
He walked through and saw spiders symbols everywhere. Small spiders could be seen in clear baloons bouncing around. Tables were littered with the symbols. The cups had spiders on them, and some foods were kept in spider shaped serving dishes.
Peter was in awe to say the least. He had stopped where he stood and just stared. The spider themed party wasn't what blew him away, but rather the large cases that stood at the fork of the red carpet. After a few meters, there was a turn in the carpet to go into the building, but if you kept walking straight forward, there was Shuri.
His friend. His partner in crime. His lab partner. His buddy. His sister from another mister. She stood infront of the cases that held replicas of Spiderman suits and tech. She seemed to be reading the small passages on how the gear was made.
When the teen recovered from shock, he ran towards the girl. He left Ned and MJ in the dust, and shoved past the thin cloud of teens that stood in his way. People gave him stink eyes, before returnign to their conversation. Peter didn't notice.
"Shuri!" He called to his friend as he almost nocked some one off their feet.
"Peter!" The girl turned around. She wore a black dress that was covered in white beads of intricate symbols. The dress went to her mid calf, and underneath were black leggings that hugged her left. Her hair was in rows of tight braids, drapping down across her back. Similar to the dress, white beads were woven into the intricate braids that merged and seperated as they ran to jsut below her shoulder. She had a white panther jaw on that covered her chin. It had two teeth that poked up on either corner of her mouth, without hiding her smile. White beads hugged her throat.
The two hugged.
"What do they mean?" Peter asked after pulling apart from the hug. He gestured to the patterns on her dress. He knew a few of the symbols, b ut not enough to understand the Wakandan language.
She smiled at him. "We haven't seen each other in two years, and that is the first thing you ask?" The two laughed. "Well, this is a traditional dress worn when looking for forgivness. Of course, we have tweaked it to match the modern era. These-" she gestured to the swirl of white on ehr stomache- "is meant to resemble the act of forgivness. Here," she paused as she ran her hand over the thin black skirt, "here are different words. This one, is my favorite." She pointed to the cirle with a line running down the middle. At the edges of where the cirle hit the outside part of the line, were small little white lines coming out. "This one means-"
"Purpose," Peter interuppted. "I remember you teaching me this one first. You said, 'This is my symbol. I always wanted purpose, and now I have a meaning.'" He looked at his friend as a small smile grew on her lips. Just then, Peter felt a shove. He stumbled forward, nearly bumping into Shuri.
"Hey Puny Parker (Once again, my morals still stand). I heard this whole thing was for you." Peter turned to see Flash smirking at him, wearing the same suit he wore to homecoming.
"What are you talking about Flash?"
"Don't play stupid Parker. You are always lieing about knowing super heroes, well guess what? Your just a fraud! Tony Stark proboly felt bad for the poor kid with no family left. He wanted to make you feel better!"
"Excuse me? I don't appreciate you talking to my friend like that." Shuri spoke from behind Peter. She walked to his side, crossing her arms.
"Really hot shot? What's the stupid thing around your face? Trying to hide your awful deformity?"
"This is a panther jaw, ment to symbolize strength and courage. That is somethiny you clearly lack," Shuri sassed, moving her hands to her hips.
"Oh really? Did her pay you to be his body gaurd? Oh wait, he's poor, and can't afford to eat."
This ticked off Shuri. "You know what? Why do you pick on him?"
Flash paused. Some emotion shimmered in his eyes for a few seconds before dissapearing. (If you wanna read about me giving Flash's character depth, check out A Bully's Bully from The Amazing Life Of Peter Paker!)
"Why do you try to defend this dweeb? Your just a girl. He probably is just toying with you. Your probably some stupid air head with no guts to do anything!" Flash yelled this at Shuri, his face reddening from anger. Peter had never seen his eyes hold so much anger. He looked to Shuri, to see her thuroughly ticked off.
"Why would you defend him? Some liar who pretends about knowing superheroes, when in reality, he is just pretending to be a smart kid!" Flash's face was really read now, his eyes looking a little glossy. Was he going to cry?
A/N: CLIFF HANGERS I am sorry for lack of updates!!!!! I AM SO SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU ON two CLIFF HANFERS! I will finish the world travel series in the next chapter! I created a book called updates thats just about when I will get time to update, and some random stuff about me and my life. If you want to know more about me, check it out! ALSO SO MANY VIEWS AND FOLLOWS THANKS! Most of my thankyous will be in that book, since you guys probably get annoyed by me just posting thank yous and no actual chapters, but I will always do small thankyous in the Author Notes!
I just feel like my life is insane! I have met so many of you amazing people online, and I feel so, happy? I guess that works. I just can't express how happy I am! So thanks! And sorry again for the lack of posts. School sucks and I have homework and my brother's basketball games to go to. So ya. But thanks and I will try to get the next chapters out ASAP!
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