Chapter 34
Draco's POV
Harry turned and walked towards the other side of the room, attempting to grab the floo powder.
I grabbed his wrist in a hurry. "Hold on. We can't be jumping to conclusions."
"I have to go. You said it yourself. If he's not there then we'll go to the ministry I'm not wasting another second." He said, a look a determination set as his facial expression.
He's right. I did tell him that.
"You can't be serious!" Weasley hissed.
"Dead serious, now let me go, Draco. I won't ask any of you to come with me, it's probably best if I do this on my own anyways."
"Don't be ridiculous. We're coming with you." I said.
Harry's eyes softened, his expression turned worried and unsure. "Draco....Your dad is probably going to be there." He said.
My breath hitched.
He's right. If Voldemort is there, then so is my dad.
I'm not going to let Harry fight this on his own.
"I stand by what I said. The next time I see my father, then I'll tell him. I'm not letting you do this without me. I will never forgive myself if something happens to you." I said confidently and honestly.
He smiled up at me before wrapping me in a hug. "Thank you." He whispered.
"Uh, guys. I hear clicking coming down the hallway." Weasley said, his ear pressed against the door.
Umbridge must be coming this way. I pulled away from Harry and Harry grabbed a handful of floo powder.
"If we're going to do this, we need to do it now!" Granger said.
We all looked at each other before nodding our heads.
We did the same as Harry and grabbed some floo. One after the other, Harry, Weasley, and Granger all stepped into the fireplace, threw the floo powder down and yelled-"ministry!" They disappeared in a flash of green.
Soon enough it was my turn.
Can I do this? Can I really go against my father?
I have to. For Harry, for myself, and for the future that I hope occurs.
I jumped into the fireplace and threw down the floo powder following Harry, Granger, and Weasley just as Umbridge had entered the room.
"Where are we?" I heard Weasley's voice.
"The entrance to the ministry. We need to get to the ninth floor. There we'll find a room full of what looks like orbs." Harry explains.
"The Hall of Prophecy." I whispered.
Harry turned toward me. "You've been there?"
"No, but my father mentioned it over the summer. He said that it's a huge room full of prophecies. No one can touch them except for the keeper of the prophecies or the person of the individual prophecy."
"So we're looking for a prophecy then? But why would Voldemort want that?" Granger asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Father never told me much. Just a few things, and I never asked questions."
"Something he didn't have before." Harry mumbled.
"What?" I asked.
He looked up at me. "Sorry, it's just. Someone said something to me earlier this year. That Voldemort was looking for something that he didn't have before. I asked Dumbledore about it, he seemed to confirm, but he never said anything further about it. What if Voldemort is after a prophecy that could help him win the war?" He asked.
"Then we need to make sure he doesn't get it." Granger said.
"Agreed." Weasley said.
The four of us left and headed towards the ninth floor.
"The department of Mysteries is huge. Does anyone know how to get to the Hall of Prophecy?" Weasley asked as we approached the ninth floor.
"I do." I said. "I've been on this floor before, I've just never been in the Hall of Prophecy."
"Why have you been here before?" Weasley asked.
"Ronald! That's none of our business." Granger replied.
I shook my head. "No, it's fine. My father has some secret vault up here. What's in it, I have no clue, but I've come here a few times with him. He always said that I need to familiarize myself with everything within the ministry, but I was only showed things that he seemed as unimportant. I always wondered why though."
"So how do we get there?" Harry asked.
"We have to go through the time room. It's just over there." I pointed behind them.
We all went through the time room and eventually we made it to the Hall of Prophecy. The room was stacked high with glowing white orbs that reached farther than we can see. Everything was in rows with numbers on them.
"Where did you say Sirius was?" Granger asked.
"Uhm. Down row 97 if I remember correctly." Harry said.
We went down the long lines of orbs and eventually found the one we needed.
"Where is he? He's not here!" Harry shouted as we looked around and found no sign of Sirius.
"So, you came after all." The meticulous voice sent a shiver down my spine. The man I feared more than Voldemort stood only a few feet away from us.
His hood was up, but just the sound of his voice told me who it was.
"And with my son, nonetheless." He said, his hood slipping down to reveal his cold pointed face and long blonde hair that I hated how it resembles mine so much.
"Where's Sirius?" Harry asked.
"Not here, you petulant boy. Now, hand me that prophecy and I'll let you live."
We looked at the orb he pointed to. Harry went towards it and noticed his name on it.
"Why do you want it?" I asked.
"For the dark lord of course. Who else? Give me the prophecy, Potter."
Harry stared for a long while at the prophecy, almost in a trance.
Eventually he picked it up and held it in front of him.
"Never!" He shouted, clutching the prophecy close to him.
My father's face darkened.
"You have just made a grave mistake."
Soon we were surrounded by other death eaters. They pinned us from all around and we had no where to run.
"Give us the prophecy." He held out his hand.
"No!" Harry shouted.
Draco, grab the prophecy and come with me. After we have the prophecy, the dark lord will reward us accordingly."
My body grew cold and my breathing hitched. He's gonna kill us. My father is not a man to mess with. I should know better than anyone. He may seem weak and cowardly, but no one knows what he does to his inferiors, what he does to me.
He'll kill us, he'll kill my mother.
I took one step forward.
Hey guys! I am so sorry this chapter is late! I had a very long week and I had no time to write. I literally wasn't home at all last weekend and most of this week I spent staying up till midnight doing homework so I am sorry that this is late. From now on if a chapter is going to come out late I will let you all know.
So I couldn't remember exactly what happened at the ministry. I know they went through a lot of things to find the Hall of Prophecy, but I didn't really know how to put all of those details into this book so I skipped it and obviously what happens at the ministry is going to be entirely different because Draco is there. Sorry about that as well.
I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all later!!
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