Chapter 32
Draco's POV
The room was silent. Only the sound of quills scratching against parchment sounded in the room. Desk were alined in perfect lines in order to separate students during the exams.
Umbridge stood at the front of the Great Hall, watching us.
I thought the exam would be harder than this, but it turns out it's a lot easier than first anticipated. Ok, maybe defense is a bit difficult for me, but everything else was easy. Anyways, we all know that Harry's the master at defense, I'm not. He actually helped me in preparation for this exam in defense since I'm not as terrific as him.
And yes, I did just admit that Harry is better at something than me.
Anyways, we're not even working on defense anymore. We're currently focusing on charms. Again, easy subject.
I glanced at Harry to see how he was doing and so far he hasn't looked like he doesn't know anything. So I take that as a good sign.
There was a noise. I turned my head slightly to the doors behind me, but just shrugged it off and focused back on my test.
The bang came again.
This time it caught more attention from the students and Umbridge. She began to walk towards the doors as the banging got louder.
What is that? Who would be making so much noise during exams?
She opened up the doors and went out into the hallway. A flicker of light passed her and blew up in the room.
Then it went quiet.
The students all looked at the door, waiting for something to happen and sure enough, something did.
Two red headed twins burst through the room on brooms laughing and cheering. Papers flew up from the wind created by their flying.
Colors danced up in the air, everyone got up and started cheering at the Weasley antics. This is probably the greatest thing that's happened all term, I'll have to admit.
"Both of you come down here right now!" Umbridge screamed, but no one was listening to her. "I will have order!" She shouts to them.
The two boys blew off another firework that turned into a giant dragon that went right after Umbridge.
Fear crossed her eyes immediately when she realized it was coming for her.
She ran out into to the hallway where the firework dragon blew up every last rule that Umbridge had stacked on the walls. Her hair got burned slightly from the explosion.
The Weasley twins raced out of the Great Hall, all of us following her.
Harry came to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. A bright smile flashed across his face. It's been awhile since I've seen him smile so widely.
We all made it outside where they threw even more fireworks that crackled, banged, and whistled above us.
All the students from all different years and houses came out and started cheering for the first piece of excitement in a long time.
A big W appeared in the sky, probably meaning Weasley.
The twins were definitely proud of themselves for this achievement and will most certainly get expelled for this later. This didn't seem to bother them though. They were having the time of their lives, pulling pranks and making everyone laugh to really care about what will happen to them afterwards.
Harry gripped my hand tightly all of a sudden. His body pulled mine to the floor.
"Harry? What's wrong?" I kneeled down on the ground beside him, never letting him go.
Weasley and Granger ran over to us the minute they saw him fall.
He seemed to be in an entirely different world. His eyes were distance and focused on something that wasn't happening here. His eyes grew fearful and pained. His face grew pale and colorless and his breathing hitched.
"Harry!" Granger called.
Harry seemed to snap out of his daze. He looked up at the person that called his name.
"Sirius." He let go of my hand abruptly and stood up.
He didn't say anything as he turned and ran back inside.
We followed him inside, our minds running a mile a minute trying to understand what he meant.
"Harry, stop!" I called out suddenly and grabbed his wrist to force him to look at me.
"Draco, now's not the time, Sirius needs me." He tried to break away from me, but I only tightened my grip.
"No, you're going to slow down for five seconds and explain what happened." I told him.
"Voldemort, he's got Sirius back at the ministry. He's torturing him! I have to go help him!"
He pulled free from me and started sprinting again.
"Harry! How do you know? It could be a trick, you should know this. Voldemort is gonna go for your weak spots and he knows Sirius is one of them." Granger stated. She's right, this could be a trick.
"But what if it isn't a trick? What if Sirius really is in trouble? I can't just sit here and watch the last family member I have die!"
"You're not going to lose Sirius and he's not the last family member you have. Who are we to you then?" Weasley said.
Harry stopped and turned towards us. He seemed to ponder this.
"I know he's not. You and Hermione and the rest of the Weasley family are my family. Draco, well I hope we spend the rest of our life together, but I can't lose Sirius! Him and Remus are the last two connections I have with my parents and Sirius is my God father. He's more than a God father. I can't let him die for me! Too many people have already died for me."
"If you're talking about Cedric then you need to understand that it's not your fault." He stated.
"I know it's not my fault, but enough people have already died because of Voldemort!"
"And so you think that killing yourself is gonna make anything better?!" I shouted at him.
Harry froze. His gaze casted downward. "No, I just-"
"He could be lying, faking it. Let's just sit down and come up with a plan instead of jumping into danger. Harry, we need you, ok? So please, we'll figure something out and we'll make sure Sirius is safe, just don't go out there without a plan. We can't lose you either." Tears spilled down his face as he looked up at me and nodded his head.
Weasley, Granger, and I sighed a breath of relief.
I walked up to him and wrapped myself around him. He just sobbed harder in my arms. "I can't lose him, Draco! He's like a father to me!"
"You won't. We'll figure this out, together."
He smiled a small smile at me before the four of us walked off somewhere private to discuss our next steps.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I'm sorry that it was a bit rushed and late on posting. My weekend was crazy and I didn't get as much time to write this one out. Next chapter will be exciting and more thought out. I hope you all enjoy and I'll see you all soon!
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