Chapter 26
Draco's POV
It's been amazing having Harry's vision back. He hasn't told anyone about us yet. The only people that know are our dorm mates. Makes sense since Harry and I are sharing the same bed now.
It helps stop the nightmares for him, but also, after the break, I first found it difficult to sleep without him next to me.
I guess it became habit since we shared the same room at his God father's. Which, Sirius doesn't know about, of course, and even before then.
Harry and I are walking towards the Great Hall, hand in hand.
Most people were already there for breakfast and so we had no worries of people seeing us. After all, we did do this on most days.
Today, was different, though.
As we approached the Great Hall, Umbridge stood at the entrance in the middle of a conversation with McGonagall.
Her gaze fell upon our intertwined hands before we had the chance to pull them away.
A sickly sweet smile plastered her face before turning back to McGonagall. "If you have a problem with my teaching, Minerva, then take it to the ministry. I am here to fix the issues of your school and I advise you to stay out of it, if you still want a job." She turned on her heels and entered the Great Hall.
McGonagall was fuming. You literally could see smoke rising from her head.
I turned to Harry. "This isn't good." I said.
He nodded his head in agreement as we walked into the Great Hall after McGonagall.
Dumbledore was nowhere in sight. So nothing could stop Umbridge from standing at the podium and quieting all the students.
"I would like to remind everyone. Including Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy that dating and intimate relationships of any kind are prohibited from this school. No matter the gender of the person you are dating. If you do not concede to these rules given to you, then you'll receive a detention. I will see the both of you later. You all may continue eating."
Uproar filled the room as Umbridge went to sit down in Dumbledore's seat. Almost like she owned the school.
Students whispered, gossiped and talked about what they just heard. Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle seemed startled as to how the secret got out. Their faces turning pale as people got louder.
I can't believe she outed us to the entire school. Everyone knows and what's worse is that Harry hasn't told his friends yet. Not to mention my dad would kill us both if he catches wind of this.
"Harry?" I heard a voice behind us.
Harry, who was already almost on the verge of tears, turned and came face to face with Granger and Weasley.
"Is it true?" Weasley asked, his face going red.
This is not good, not good at all.
"I-" Harry stopped. The room quieted down to listen into the conversation.
He looked down to the ground for several long seconds. Deciding his move.
I won't interrupt. Harry needs to make the decision of whether or not he tells them the truth.
Suddenly and abruptly, Harry's head snapped up with a determined look on his face.
He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Yes, it's true. I'm gay and I'm dating Draco Malfoy." He made the statement loud and clear.
I couldn't help to smile a little bit at his determination and courage to tell everyone so straight forward.
"I know, Harry. I kinda figured it out after Christmas, but why didn't you tell us? We're your friends." Granger asked gently, but a little disappointed.
"I'm sorry 'Mione. I was afraid to tell you guys. I wanted to work things out before I told anyone."
Granger nodded her head in understanding and gave Harry a light smile. "I'm ok with it. I don't care, Harry. You're still my best friend."
"Don't have a problem with it?!" Weasley shouted. His face bright red. "He's gay! That's disgusting! He's also dating Malfoy?! Of all people? That's so gross. That's so, unnatural, wrong! Not to mention you're dating the one guy that has made our school life hell! What the hell is wrong with you Harry?! How could you stoop so low? It's disgusting, you're supposed to be better than this! Your supposed to be normal!"
Harry sunk into himself as Weasley yelled at him. A tear slipped as the words of his best friend drove Harry to panic.
"Ron! Calm down. Malfoy has changed." Granger tried to calm him.
"He doesn't know how to change! He's evil! I can't believe you, Harry!" He came up to Harry and pushed him and he tumbled to the floor. "You're supposed to be dating my sister! Not our enemy! And now look at what you've done!"
"That was uncalled for Weasley. I suggest you back off before I turn you into a Flobberworm and crush you like the bug you are." I replied coldly, stepping in between him and Harry.
He has no right talking to Harry like that.
"Shut it Malfoy! No one wants to listen to a heartless, manipulative death eater like you!" He screamed back at me.
How dare he. He doesn't know anything about me and yet he's accusing me of being a death eater.
I'm not! I don't want to be and I don't plan on being one! Especially if it means I would have to fight Harry. I don't want that. I don't want to betray him. I care about him too much.
"Don't talk about him like that. You don't know him like I do!" Harry yelled, standing up and getting into Weasley's space. Anger rolling off his tensed up and trembling body.
"He's brainwashed you! Do you even understand what you're saying?"
"He did not brainwash me. I'm fine! If you don't like the idea of Draco and I dating, then just leave."
"Fine! I will. And don't ever think you can come crawling back my place. You're no longer welcomed." Weasley burst out of the room.
The room was silent. Still.
Harry slumped to the floor and covered his face with his hands. His body shaking as silent sobs escaped his lips.
I kneeled down to the floor in front of Harry. "Are you ok?"
He looked up at me with tear stained cheeks and glossy red eyes filled go the brim with tears as they slid down past his glasses. "I just lost my best friend.... I'm not ok." He whispered.
I helped him stand back up, allowing him to put as much weight on me as he may need. Which wasn't a lot considering he's still incredibly light.
"I'm so sorry, Harry! I don't know what's gotten into him, but I'll figure it out. He'll come around." Granger hugged Harry. He gripped her tight and embraced the friendly hug he was given.
"It's ok. I should've told you both sooner." He told her. The two pulled away and Harry looked at me. "Can we just go? I'm not hungry anymore." I only nodded my head.
The three of us left, and eventually Blaise caught up with us.
"I'm taking Harry back to our room, it's Saturday, so I think some rest will do him well." I explained to Granger.
She nodded her head. "Alright. I'm gonna go see if I can find Ron. Take care of him for me, will you?"
"Of course." She smiled before she left towards the Gryffindor common room and the rest of us went down to the Slytherin.
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter came out late, I was gone all weekend for camp and just got back a couple of hours ago.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Things are gonna get a little intense from here so be prepared and I'll see you all next week!!!
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