Chapter 23
Harry's POV
Sirius has some doubts about Draco.
I can tell by the way he acts around him. Sirius doesn't usually say anything to him and if he does then he replies shortly and simply. He acts the exact opposite of what he does around his friends and family when it comes to Draco.
I gotta get him to trust Draco, but how? I mean, it did take me awhile, but I thought that with my help it wouldn't take Sirius so long.
Anyways. I need to talk to Sirius about that nightmare I had. I didn't tell Dumbledore everything because the Weasley family was in the room. I don't want them to hate me.
Draco and I sat in the living room. Mostly just talking about random stuff like upcoming O.W.L.S. and so on.
Eventually, our conversation got to Voldemort. "What are you gonna do? I heard the ministry is really on Dumbledore for claiming Voldemort's back. On top of that, Umbridge is trying to take over the school. I wouldn't put it past her if she somehow got Dumbledore fired."
I sighed. Draco's right. I'm starting to fear the worse. Umbridge has taken entire control of the school almost. Her and her stupid rules. God they make me sick.
"I don't know. Voldemort can't hide in the shadows for long. He'll come out eventually and when he does the ministry will be made into a joke. Especially the minister and Umbridge." I replied.
"What are you two up to?" Sirius walked into the room. I could feel the couch move as he sat down next me. Putting me in between Draco and him.
"Oh, just Umbridge and how much we hate her." I told him.
"Ah. Yes, well that's understandable."
"Sirius? Do you think I can talk to you for a second?"
"Sure." The room went silent.
How am I supposed to start this? Will he be mad at me?
"Do you want me to go, Harry?" Draco asked. The couch moved meaning he stood up.
I only reached out my hand in his direction. "No. Please. Stay with me." I pleaded.
Draco grabbed my reached out hand and intertwined our fingers. "I'm not going anywhere as long as that's what you wish."
I smiled brightly as he sat down again, not letting go of my hand.
"Sirius. Maybe Dumbledore told you, but I didn't tell him everything about that dream I had. The one where Mr. Weasley got attacked."
The room stayed quiet. I took that as my cue to continue. "I didn't see Mr. Weasley get attacked by the snake. I..... was the snake." I hesitated. "Sirius. What if- What if I'm turning out to be just like him? Just like Voldemort?" I looked down. Even though I can't see the look of disappointment or disgust in their eyes, it was just a natural habit.
"Harry." He laid his hand on my knee. "Voldemort and you are connected in ways that we'll never fully understand, but that doesn't mean you are like him or turning into him. Harry, the fact that you're questioning yourself just proves how good of heart you are. I see so much of your father in you. Sometimes I look at you and see him. Your father was a great man and your mother had the kindest heart and I know you're just like them, inside and out."
He explained. I smiled lightly at the mention of my parents. "However, these dreams are a little concerning. You're seeing into Voldemort and when he figures that out it could be dangerous. He could use it to his advantage and we can't have that. I'll talk to Albus and we'll figure something out, Harry. I promise."
I nodded and smiled at him. "Ok." I said.
Draco squeezed my hand to give me comfort. I relaxed at the simple gesture.
Sirius got up and I heard footsteps leave the room. Probably to go owl Dumbledore.
"Harry? I don't think you need to worry about that dream. One, Mr. Weasley is safe and two, you're nothing like Voldemort. You need to trust yourself more. You're your own person. Not Voldemort or whatever everyone wants you to be. Just being you is enough to convince me that your good." Draco explained.
I smiled at his explanation. It's nice to feel like someone trusts me. I feel like I'm constantly fighting others to trust me and see me as good. With Draco I don't have to fight. He knows and he's even been proving it to me since I can't seem to do it for myself
"Thanks Draco. That means a lot to me. Really." I reached my free hand up to find his cheek. Once I did I planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
I immediately felt his face grow hot against my hand. I'm glad I can have this type of reaction from him. It's cute and very different from how Draco usually is. You know, more dominant and sometimes aggressive, but I guess everything he's been through explains that.
I chuckled lightly as he seemed to not know how to respond.
He caught me off guard, however, when I felt warm lips press to mine. I moaned slightly as he sealed the kiss and filled it with everlasting passion.
Our lips moved in sync before he used his to pull my lips apart so he could have further access.
I let him.
We fought for Dominance untill he won and he explored my open mouth as I moaned slightly.
Neither of us were ready to go any further. I could just tell.
And so, after a moment he pulled away. We sat there for a while trying catch our breath again. Eventually, Draco spoke. "Harry? Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." My breathy reply came.
He began to tremble slightly against me and I took that as a sign of him being nervous.
I squeezed his hand to encourage him and he seemed to take that courage when he inhaled, ready to ask me his question.
"Well I was wondering, and this may be a bit soon. I don't really know. Maybe I shouldn't ask you, I mean we only became friends recently and I don't want t-"
"Draco, you're rambling." I interrupted his rant. He paused for a second.
"Right..... Sorry. Harry, I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to be my boyfriend?"
It was my turn to freeze before finally smiling. " I thought you'd never ask."
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