Chapter 14
Draco's POV
Where did he go?
I don't know where to find him.
"Hey Draco! You missed it!" I stopped in my tracks and whirled around to see a sixth year Slytherin.
"What?" I asked. I don't have time for this.
"Potter just ran through here crying like a baby! A bunch of us had a few laughs and hexed him." He smirked, pleased at what he had done.
My blood boiled from the inside. I ran up to him and whipped my wand out and pointed it at him. "You hexed him?! When is it enough for you people to let him be?! He's done nothing to you and yet you think it's funny to go around hexing the one person who needs help the most!"
The Slytherin stepped back and pulled his wand out. "Why do you care? The two of you are sworn enemies! Since when did you have a soft spot for the traitor?" He sneered at me.
"Traitor? How is he a traitor? If any thing, he's the only one trying to do the right thing and save everyone's arses! And what do you all do? You hex him! Make him feel weak! When in reality he's the best damn thing this world has to offer!" I was getting upset and I'm losing time.
"You like him, don't you? That's why you're defending him."
"It's none of your business. Where did he go?"
"Like I'm gonna tell you!"
I growled. "Stupefy!" I shouted the spell and it hit him faster then he could react. His body went rigid and fell to the ground.
"Now. Tell me where he went or I'll do worse."
His eyes glanced behind him and I knew he meant that Harry had gone down the hallway.
I bolted down the hallway. Someone can find him and unbind him. I'm not gonna do it.
Where would he have gone where no one else was? This hallway is filled with nothing but classrooms and it's in the opposite direction of the commons room.
The bathroom! That's the only place. Moaning Myrtle's bathroom is down this hall and no one goes into it. It's the perfect place.
I ran down the hallway until I came to the girls bathroom.
When I got inside, my heart dropped.
There, on the floor laid an unconscious Harry Potter. His body was pale and in an awkward position on the floor.
His glasses were only half way on his face. His arm laid stretched out, blood seeped out from deep fresh cuts that lingered on his wrist.
There was blood smeared all over the floor and a pool surrounded his arm. A blade sat on the ground next to his other hand, the one not seeping out masses amount of blood.
"No, no, no! You can't do this!" I ran towards him and grabbed him in my arms. "Wake up now! Harry I swear, I'll never forgive you if you die on me!" He groaned slightly so I knew he wasn't dead.
I whipped my wand out and casted some healing spells on his wrist. Only problem was that they were way too deep for me to do anything.
Merlin! What do I do?! He's gonna die if I don't act now!
Tears began running down my face. "Damnit Potter!" I ripped a part of my jumper off and wrapped it around his wrist. He grunted in his unconsciousness.
I picked him up and cradled him in my arms before standing up and running down the halls.
He was way too light.
Don't you dare die on me!
By now classes were over and kids were walking in the halls heading towards their first class.
"Move!" I shouted at a bunch of first years who were crowding the hallway.
They bolted out of the way and looked at me shocked.
Some other students stopped as well to see what the commotion was about.
People gasped as they realized who was in arms and the fact they weren't moving.
Severus was in the hallway, probably looking for Harry too when he saw me running down the halls. I watched as his face went sheet white as he tailed behind me on our way to the infirmary.
I burst through the doors.
"Madam Pomfrey!" I shouted. Madam Pomfrey came out of her office and gasped when she saw me carrying Harry over to one of the beds.
She started to accio potions towards her as she unraveled the cloth that hung loose around his left wrist.
I was still crying. He can't die. No! He doesn't deserve this! "Draco come here." Snape called.
I walked over to him. "It's my fault. If I had listened to him and not dive into his memories, then he wouldn't have bursted out of the room and taken a blade to his skin." I cried harder. Snape wrapped his arms around me to comfort me.
"It's not you fault. He'll be alright. Tell me. What did you see?" I sniffled before looking up at him and telling the story.
Snape stayed silent the whole time, probably processing everything I was saying to him.
When my story was finished he said, "I see. So all this time? He had been suffering in the hands of his muggle family and not to mention the students at this school." Snape's lip curled. I could see guilt on his face as he realized that he too had tortured the poor boy.
We all have. One way or another and not once did he complain or even tell anyone. He truly believes he's utterly alone and that everyone hates him.
"I've done everything I can for him." Madam Pomfrey walked over to us. I looked back to see Harry sleeping peacefully, his wrist bound with bandages.
"Is he gonna be ok?" I asked. My voice breaking slightly.
Madam Pomfrey frowned slightly. "I don't know. By the looks of his wrists and the rest of his body, he's been through hell. Something tells me he's been suffering for years. Now it's just a debate on whether or not he wants to fight and wake up on his own, or give up."
"So it's all up to him? Whether or not he wants to live?" I asked looking over at him.
"Yes. He'll only recover if he wants to, if he doesn't then he surely will die. Whoever threw all those hexes at him weren't any help. It's left him too weak. He has to find his strength to come out of this one." She said curtly.
I just gave her a nod.
"I have to get back to classes, but if you want to stay here with him, you can." Snape told me.
"Ok." Is all I could say. The weight of the situation was bringing me down and I didn't know how to respond.
He nodded his head before leaving.
I sat on a chair next to Harry's bed and wrapped his hand in mine. "Please wake up." I whispered.
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