Just Another Guy
Kyra: how did u get my number?
Unknown Number: remember when u dropped ur phone? Right before I slammed into u? I quickly punched my num into your phone cause it was unlocked.
Kyra: why tho? That's weird! And creepy! I don't even know u.
Unknown Number: the whole reason I put my num into ur phone is because I want to know u more.
Kyra: dude, do you have any idea how creepy you sound right now?
Unknown Number: I wanted to break the ice with some people.
Kyra: well lemme tell u something. Putting my num into ur phone without asking for MY permission isn't really gonna cut it 4 ya
Unknown Number: im sorry, I truly am.
Kyra: whatever. Just don't text me.
Unknown Number: at least gimme a chance.
Kyra: Fine. Btw, I never caught ur name?
Unknown Number: oh, it's Denis. Urs is Kyra, right?
Kyra: lemme change the contact info then. Oh, and yes
Denis: gr8. Ttyl
Kyra: bye
Well, that was weird. I decided to just ignore Denis, and focus on my Algebra homework. It's not like I'm ever gonna see him ever again anyways.
Boy, was I wrong...
A few days later, I got a few texts from Denis again. Man, I should really just block him. I think to myself. I sigh, and check what the texts were about.
Denis: hey, I was just wondering if u wanted to go grab a bite at the Snack Shack?
Kyra: are u seriously asking me on a date? Idek u
Kyra: I'm taken
Technically, Elijah never asked me out. But I'm guessing he probably will in the future.
Denis: good 4 u
Denis: so is it a yes?
Kyra: Fine
Kyra: I'll meet u there in 20 minutes
Denis: ok
Denis: and thank you, for giving me a chance
I smile a little, even though I regret agreeing to going to Snack Shack with him. I should really start making friends around the community other than school. I get ready and drive over to the Snack Shack.
Once I'm there, I see a tall man sitting alone at a two-person table. I studied him for a second. Nutmeg eyes, check. Brown hair, check. Ever so slightly cute, check.
What am I saying?
I walk over, and place my handbag on the table. The sudden thump must have startled him, because he looks up from his phone incredibly fast.
"Oh, you must be Kyra," he says, "glad to finally meet you after what happened at Starbucks," I give him a fake smile.
"Nice to meet you to," I murmur. I take a seat and ask, "what are we getting?"
"Oh, I'm just getting French fries. What about you?" Denis questions.
"I guess I'll just have the same thing as you..," I say. I look up at him, and we suddenly make eye contact; my tree-green eyes meeting up with his brown eyes.
I don't get why you got so mad at him. I would never get mad at such a cute guy.
Jazzy's words suddenly popped up in my mind. She was right. Why did I get mad at such a ridiculously attractive guy?
After we get our food and eat and talk for a while, I stand up, ready to leave.
"Wait, where are you going?" Denis asks. I give look at him, confused.
"Umm... I'm leaving. You know, to go home?" I say, as if Denis's question was the stupidest thing ever asked.
"But, it's only 3? Don't you wanna hang out some more?"
"No because...," I stop myself before I could finish my sentence. Two different parts of me were talking at the same time. One part said: You just met this guy. Who knows if he could be a dangerous person?
The other part said: who cares if you just met him? He's cute! Don't pass up the chance to hang out with him! You can guess what part won.
"Fine, but only for a couple of hours," I tell him. He beams at me, grabs my hand, and drags me outside.
Woah. Holding hands already?
Denis probably felt the discomfort in me, because he let go of my hand.
"Sorry, I forgot you were taken," he awkwardly says. It's probably the time to tell him the truth.
"Actually, I'm not taken," I blush.
"But you told me over text?"
"That was an excuse. I was just scared to hang out with you, considering we barely know each other."
"Oh, so is this-," Denis grabs my hand again, "ok with you?"
I blush. I nod my head.
But what about Elijah?
We stroll around a farmers market, through a park, and then stop by an outdoor movie, which was premiering The Lion King. The whole day has actually been really fun. I got to know Denis a bit more, and finally confirmed he wasn't a creep. Denis and I took a seat near the front and watch the movie, chatting about stupid things now and then. About halfway though the movie, my phone started to buzz a lot in my pocket.
Elijah: hey
Elijah: whatcha doing
Elijah: I'm bored
Elijah: wanna hang
Kyra: sry lije. I'm watching a movie with Denis
Elijah: who's denis
Kyra: just a guy
Elijah: ur hanging out with another dude?
Kyra: oh, chill, Elijah. We're just friends.
Elijah: ok, but do you wanna hey dinner after?
Kyra: im getting dinner with Denis
Elijah: ok, what about tomorrow?
Kyra: Yeah, sure, Whatever. Bye.
I roll my eyes and shove my phone quickly into my pocket. But, then again, I did feel really bad about leaving Elijah.
"Who were you texting?" Denis asks. I glance at him.
"It's none of your business," I reply.
"Wow, feisty." Denis says, and he gives me a goofy grin. Of course, the comment and the smile made me blush a light cherry red, and I'm 98.76097483% sure he notices. He stands up, and grabs his wallet from his back pocket.
"Wanna get dinner?" He ponders.
I check my phone. I nod my head. He grabs my hand for like, the 9th time today, and we walk over to the nearest Taco Bell. I have to admit, I really liked hanging out with Denis, but I felt so bad for ditching Elijah.
It's not like you were technically dating him in the first place.
While we were walking, I started to get dizzy, but only a little. Stupid Pelopsia. I tighten the grip on Denis's hand. He holds my hand back. He gives me a confused look, but I didn't care. Soon, the dizziness stopped, so I loosen the grip.
As we enter, Denis and I quickly order our food, and sat down to eat. I spark up a conversation.
"So, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I ask him.
He chews his food up quickly and responds, "a YouTuber."
"Oh cool. You know, I have a friend who wants to be a YouTuber when he grows up to," I tell him.
"Oh, that's cool," He says.
"Well, how old are you? You never told me," I question.
"I'm 18," Denis responds.
Woah, 2 years older than me.
We keep talking until we finish our dinner.
We walk out to the parking lot, and Denis says, "well, that was fun. We should hang out more," I nod my head. I turn to face him. I made eye-contact with him again, and for some reason found myself leaning toward him. He does the same.
No. You have Elijah.
Our lips were about 3 centimeters away, and I could feel his breath hit my skin.
No! You have Elijah!
Our lips were about to make contact.
NO! YOU HAVE ELIJAH! You can't be in love with TWO guys! What is wrong with you?
Just about when our lips were about to make contact, he pulls away. Denis starts walking towards the parking lot, as if nothing even happened. I was shocked. How dare he just.... leave me?!
"Wait, what? What was that all about?" I yell at him.
Denis turns around with a huge smile and says, "it was said in your own words that you didn't even know me. How was I gonna let you kiss me when we don't know each other that well?" He giggles. My facial expression was still shocked. One part of me was glad I wasn't kissed. I didn't want to deal with two guys. But another part of me actually wanted to be kissed. That part of me was mentally insane.
"Text you later," Denis finally says, and left me in the Taco Bell parking lot.
I'm so going to block him....
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