It's Official
^Picture proof that Dethan is real lol^
Denis P.O.V:
Denis: alright, you guys have fun
After I text the group chat, I realize Ethan was free, so I decide to call him over to hang out or whatever.
"Yo, Ethan, sup." I say. He's still pretty paranoid about this 'secret relationship' thing we have going on.
"Oh, hi Denis," He says.
"Wanna hang?"
"Uh, sure I guess," he tells me, "I have homework though."
"Wouldn't you rather be spending this lovely, Wednesday afternoon with me instead of doing homework?" I ask him.
"W-well I guess," Ethan stutters.
"Great! Come over to my house in 5 minutes,"
"Uh ok," he nervously says.
I hang up, brush off my clothes a little so I could look presentable, and tidy up the house a bit. Suddenly, I hear the doorbell ring. I open the door and pull Ethan inside the house.
"Hello," He says, as he takes off his jacket and hat. He then takes a seat on one of the steps on my staircase. "So, what do you wanna do?"
"I don't know. Wanna take a walk?" I ask him. He nods his head, puts his jacket and hat back on, and we head outside. I grab his hand, and we walk around the block a few times. There is a faint layer of snow covering the grass, so it kinda makes the grass look crystallized.
Soon, Ethan and I decide to head back, mainly because Ethan was complaining that it was to cold, and how his precious toes were gonna freeze off. We stop at my driveway.
"Want to get some hot cocoa?" I ask him, "I heard that there's a new cocoa shop."
"S-sure," Ethan says, while shivering. I hug him to give him warmth, and then hop into my Ford and drive towards a place called Toasty Cocoa.
Man, there is a lotta people here today.
It takes a while to find parking. When we finally find a spot, the both of us jump out and quickly head towards the shop.
I order the cocoas and sit back down at the table Ethan and I were sharing. I go on my phone for a while. I look up at Ethan, who was playing with his fingers.
"Ethan?" I ask him. He instantly looks up at me.
"Yeah?" He responds.
"Why are you so quiet? Usually your obnoxiously loud," I say. He gives me a hesitant look.
"Well, um, I just kinda feel like I'm betraying Kyra because..... well, you know," Ethan blushes, "like, she's your girlfriend. Why didn't you just break-up with her? Why should we keep a secret relationship?" I ponder this question. I actually have no idea why I didn't let go of Kyra.
"Well, I guess I didn't break up with her because I was afraid of what she might think about you and I dating," I explain. Ethan blushes as I say 'dating' but quickly shakes it off.
"I didn't even tell my brother about us, and I tell him everything," Ethan mumbles.
"Denis? Order for Denis!" The worker lady says.
"Must be our drinks," I tell Ethan. I get up, receive our cocoas, and hand one to Ethan, who still is hesitant.
"Well, now that we got our drinks, wanna head back?" I ask him. He nods his head.
We exit the shop, and start heading towards our car. I feel someone tugging my jacket sleeve.
"Denis? Listen, I'm sorry if I seemed to have ignored you today. I just felt really bad about not telling her," Ethan tells me. I give him a gentle grin.
"We will tell Kyra soon, ok?" He gives me a smile and I kiss him, softly. It was going great until I hear someone gasp not to far away. Blushing like crazy, I pull away from Ethan. I look up and see a teen with blonde hair. It was Kyra. Well, I guess now she knows.
Kyra's P.O.V:
I couldn't believe my eyes. Denis and Ethan, kissing. I guess Elijah didn't know about their connection, because he was just as bug-eyed as me. And Jazzy, don't make me even start about her. She is so shocked and angry, I can literally see steam pouring out her ears. I gasp, loud enough for Denis to pull away from Ethan immediately.
"Wait, why-," Ethan starts, but when he sees the three of us, his face turns the color of deep red.
"WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?" Both Jazzy and Elijah yell. Denis and Ethan both back away a few steps.
"Listen, guys we can explain," Denis says. I don't say anything. I just look at them. I was clutching my purse tightly in my right hand.
Act normal, don't break down..... act normal don't break down.
I felt tear forming in the rims of my eyes, but I bat them away as quickly as I could. I plaster a fake smile.
"Um, well, I don't want to be part of whatever the heck is going on right now. Im gonna head back," I say, trying to act casual. But on the inside, my heart was shattered into a million pieces. Everyone is silent as I walk away, but 30 seconds later, I hear yelling and arguing and fighting. And I hated fighting. I hated every bit of it.
It was a long walk, but I manage to make it home just a little before 5:00 p.m. I check my phone.
22 missed texts from 'Elijah'
17 missed texts from 'Jazzy'
1 missed text from 'Denis❤️'
I ignore all the texts, and take a relaxing, warm bath. I head downstairs. The house was very quiet, because my dad was still at that business trip. I make myself a quick dinner, and watch a movie.
Knock, knock.
I hear loud knocks on my plywood door. I sigh. It was probably just my friends, coming to comfort me or something. I open up the door.
"Ethan?" I say. Outside, standing on my porch, was one of the Best Twins. He gives me a small wave, and looks down. I had such an urge to slam the door shut, but the nicer part of me offers to let him in. He probably wants to explain about what happened earlier. Ethan enters my home, and slips off his brown boots.
We both sit on my soft, leather couch.
"So, you have anything you want to tell me?" I ask him rather harshly. He glances down at his fingers.
"Um, yes," Ethan says, "I'm so sorry about what happened. I know you and Denis are a thing. It's my fault for swooping in and ruining everything; Elijah and Jazzy are both ignoring me, and I damaged our friendship. Denis told me to lay off until I get your permission on this whole dating thing. Elijah probably won't even let me in the house after what I did. He really cares about you and your feelings. I never wanted to keep this a secret, but it ended up being so. I was just so scared of telling you guys, because I didn't know what you would say. Denis was just as nervous as me. We wanted to tell you soon, but you found out anyways. I kept trying to convince Denis to let me tell you, but I guess we were both scared of the outcome. I'm also really sorry for kissing him. I kissed him even though I KNEW you guys were a couple. I'm so sorry."
Ethan looks down at his hands. A part of me is angry and filled with so much rage. But another part of me realizes how sorry Ethan really is.
He meant it. His apology came from his heart.
I hug Ethan, and he hugs me back.
"I forgive you. I may not forgot the mistake you made, but I forgive you." I say. He hugs me again, harder this time.
"Thank God you aren't peeved. I know we don't really talk a lot, but your one of my brothers best friends. I can't bear to hurt you." He says into my shoulder. He lets me go, and sits straight up. I decide to pop a question.
"Sooo how long have you guys been secretly dating?" I ask him. He blushes.
"Like, a month or so." He answer.
"So, for a whole month, I was oblivious at the fact that you were dating my now, ex-boyfriend?" I giggle. He shrugs his shoulders.
"It's not my fault your so stupid," Ethan says. I gasp.
"Oh, you better take that back right now!" I yell, but then laugh afterwards.
"So, do I have your permission on dating Denis?" He asks me. I slap his shoulder playfully.
"You don't need my permission! Do whatever your heart tells you to do," I say. He mouths thank you.
Ethan ends up staying over for the night. The whole time, we were giggling and joking around. We watched scary movies, ate candy until both of us went into a sugar rush, and had multiple pillow fights. I would have to say, it was probably one of the best sleepovers I have ever had.
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